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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

- Bothell, WA, USA

I received a call from 202-241-2421, claiming to be with the IRS, wanting the last four digits of my SSN, when I wouldn't provide that information the person on the line starting using profanity. I asked him where are you calling from, he said "I do not need to tell you that." I ended the call, called the number back and they answered "IRS."

I received a call and voicemail from 773-269-3251 claiming to be IRS Criminal Investigations.

It was someone in a call center named “James” (if that is a real name) that answered the phone.


- Columbus, OH, USA

I received multiple calls since Saturday, October 1, 2016. Not all the calls were from the same number. They just say this is the IRS. I then hang up. These calls were from both male and female. Today, October 3, 2016, I received six telephone calls from the IRS. I have not provided any personal information.

When I answered the call it was a recorded message supposedly from the IRS saying they had been trying to reach me and would be filing a lawsuit against me and to please call back at the number listed above. I decided to call back - a man answered and said he was Officer Jason Wright of the Investigations Department. He asked for my first and last name and number. I told him I felt sure he had that in front of him, which he denied. I never gave him my name or number. I told him I was worried about the call I had received and wanted to know what I needed to do. (this was not the first time I have gotten these calls but I decided this time I would just pull someone's chain for a little bit!). "Officer Wright" said that I needed to quit trying to run away from the situation and just give him my name and number - I then asked him if he had a badge number and he gave me IRM11005. I managed to keep him on the phone for over 18 minutes and then he began to get frustrated and agitated...told me that someone would coming to my location to take me into custody and would keep me in custody for 72 hours! And then he finally hung up on me! I called back, got another "officer", asked him to pass on to Officer Jason that I was not a stupid woman and that I would be turning the call over to authorities, this guy actually apologized for "bothering" me. Well, today, I get the same recorded call from the same number - I called back and get the same Officer Jason Wright....when he realized it was me again...he tried to turn the call in to a porno call...I said a few choice things and then hung up! I am so tired of getting these calls - I recognize these as scams, but I know there are so many that don' do we get rid of this stuff???

The phone call was from 844-238 5878 Said that tax was due and a warrant was issued for my arrest. I can stop this if I call them back at 208 607 5071. He gave his name as Matthew Logan.

This was on a voicemail because we did not answer the call on my wife's cell phone xxx xxx xxxx.

I got a call from the provide number and they said I was being charged with tax fraud. They had my name and asked for the last four of my social and my DOB. When I asked how I knew if the call was real, he said I am not here to prove myself and gave me what he said his name is Officer Alexavier, badge #IRM0931. He gave me a case number too. He said I was being charged from the years between 2013-2015 and I committed wilful misrepresentation. When I hung up because I started to disbelieve the call, they called me back with a different number but I did not answer. That number was 18008291040.

Leaving a voicemail, stating I'm being investigated for tax fraud.

The caller claimed that my bank accounts will be frozen because I owe money to the IRS. An automated voice mail was left when I didn't answer (caller showed up as a Washington DC number on my cell phone). When I called back, the person who answered was foreign, and I could tell did not work for the IRS based off the type of questions he was asking. When I told him if this was truly a legitimate claim then someone could send me paperwork int eh mail, he hurried to get off the phone.

I was called, left a robo voicemail told in that voicemail that the IRS is suing me after attempting to get into contact with me several times. I immediately called someone back, they told me that they have been attempted to get into contact with me that there was a mistake on the taxes I filed and that I owed them 2,259 dollars. That if I didn't pay now that I would be taken to court. I was utterly confused. I asked him to explain over and over again what had happened. He stated that they have been trying to contact me by certified mail and that someone has signed for all five pieces of certified mail. He called me a criminal and finally when I was over the call stated that I could be arrested. I hung up.

IRS scam call, they left a message and I knew if was phony.

This started in 2015. I started receiving messages left on my cell phone that I needed to call the IRS back immediately. I owed a debt and they were trying to collect it. If I did not respond immediately, they would file a lawsuit against me. The calls continued with a total of 12. I received two within the last two days. The calls started out as a man talking in a extremely mad tone. The calls have become more sophisticated utilizing a recording that actually sound like they could be coming from the IRS. I know this is a scam, have heard that, but also know that the IRS does not have my cell phone number and would contact me via US mail anyway.

Received the following text message:

"Your unwillingness to settle your tax issue is causing your liability to grow due to interest incurred. You are subject to wage garnishment. (866-928-4781)"

- Meridian, ID, USA

Received a call from 402-500-2840 stating that this was the IRS and an arrest warrant was being issued. I hung up after that point and knew that this was scam call. Please go get this jerks, there are a lot of folks who are to ignorant to realize that this is a scam. It is a shame that these people are doing this type of thing. Good luck.

Caller stated a legal petition filed for tax evasion and tax fraud and possible arrest, etc.; "extremely time sensitive;" you or your criminal attorney must call." This call had been preceded by 2 calls from a different # 8646242607 both on 9/16 at 7:44 and 10:44 a.m. which stated "lawsuit against you." All 3 calls left voice mail messages. We did not take any of the calls and did not speak with anyone. The first two calls were recordings by a female. The third caller was a male and was greatly escalated in tone and verbiage.

There is no possibility of any truth to these claims.

Saying irs has issued a warrant and that my address is under investigation

I got a voice message regarding a outstanding law suit against me and that I needed to call to get the issue resolved, I called the number and they started asking me personal questions and when I told them I had talked to the IRS and there wasn't any issues and that I wanted their names they started to use profanity and yelling at me, so I hung up.

Received a call from the above number. Not recognizing the number calling, I did not answer the phone. The message left on my phone indicated that unless I returned a call to that stated number, I would be persecuted for tax evasion. Knowing that all taxes have been paid to date, no letters stating a problem have been received from the IRS, and being aware of various warnings of this particular scam, and alerted to the fact that the IRS does not contact a person by telephone, apparently, I am just one of many potential victims of this scam.

Using the phone #7178569361 a recorded voice told me this was a final attempt from the IRS to reach me regarding debt and I need to pay instantly.

Calls saying that I owed back taxes & that they tried to send it and I was unavailable, so now there is a lawsuit. I asked what my address was and they could not give it to me. When I asked when the suit was filed they said Sept. 2014 to which I said, that is odd as I got my return this year. They wanted my dob & last 4 of my social security number. I would not give it so they told me I would have to face the legal consequences.

They called and said they are filing a lawsuit for tax fraud and to call them back i did and they wanted all kinds of personal information I refused to give it to them and they threatened with a lawsuit. About a week later I got another call stating the same thing from 2022411960

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