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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

Received a call from a Dan Weissman. Stated I owed back taxes in the amount of $5746. Report # CF93271.. Demanding the debt be settled out of court. When called number back there was no answer.

10 min later spoke with a Kevin Martin and after that a Kelly martin. Very demanding talking over you on the phone. Threatening to issue a,warrant and have you arrested.

I got a call from a man who said his name was Peter Henry he told me he was from the IRS he said the their were done discrepancies in my taxes and gave me the years and how much I owed. He told me that if I didn't pay the amount he gave me that they would seize my drivers license and my personal properties and that I would be imprisioned. He asked me how I was gonna handle this situation that it has to be paid are charges would be filed against me. I did call a number which was on my messages several in the last few days and this is what happened to me. For some reason they have my date of birth and my social security number.

- San Angelo, TX, USA

the person has called and harassed ME FOR THE LAST MONTH they have called at least 25 times and I saved the message. that says now they are threatening me with a lawsuit and a warrant for my arrest. the person on the phone is a Arabic sounding male.

- Woodridge, IL, USA

Received 3 phone messages in regards to the IRS filing a law suite against us for not filing correct taxes between 2010 and 2014 and that all our property, money, cars and assets will be taken away. We needed to choose if we wanted to settle this in court or out of court. He stated that if I choose to settle this in court he would have the police here in 45 minutes to arrest me and he recited my correct address. I told him I wanted my day in court in front of a judge with my lawyer and my accountant. He became very adjitated and kept insisting he was going to have me arrested and cease all my assets. Male was of a foreign country with a heavy accent. You can hear many voices like many telemarketers where in a room.

- Dundee, IL, USA

I received an automated call saying I was being sued by the IRS and to call back this number

972-467-1886. I did not.

3 months earlier I was called and was told I owed money to the IRS. They were threatening to take my car and house. I replied by saying, " if this was the IRS they would not call but would notify me by mail" then I hung up.

I never heard back until today.

- Charleston, WV, USA

I keep getting calls from this 757-216-9833 stating that I owe the IRS and they gave me a name and told me if I hung up the phone I would be arrested with 24 hours if I did not comply with him. I did a reverse phone lookup and it said it was located in Virginia Beach Va. He advised me I needed legal representation. said his name was Erick Edwards and provided a badge number. he was very persistent and scared me to the point I was in tears at work. proceeded to tell me that if I didn't comply I would have liens against me and my license would be revoked and local law enforcement would be at my home address within 24 hours to arrest me.

I received 2 calls today about the IRS scam. One came through with a name on the caller id. It was listed as David Muller. The other call didn't have a name. Just wanted to report the information.

Received a call from a "Lee Chandler" (heavy middle-eastern accent) said he was with the IRS, turn myself in for Tax Fraud. Instructed me to go the the police department and turn myself in. Caller Id Shows the number as The Rockingham County Sheriff's office 603-679-2241.  

I have been receiving daily calls and voicemails from this phone number: 202.558.7035.

I cannot say for certain the nature of this scam, but they are indicating that they are calling from the IRS and that they are filing a lawsuit against me. While 202 area code is for D.C., where the Internal Revenue Service is located, I cannot imagine their business would be conducted in such a fashion. I know for a fact that the IRS would have no reason to contact me, and a refuse to provide any personal information on this phone call. Each time I have called back, I reach a very loud call center.

I cannot say for certain this is a scam, or a wrong number, but today I received no less than five phone calls of this nature, from this number.

Left message on Phone. Name Dave Modem with US Treas. Dept. Call back immediately or I could face charges or it could lead to jail time 844-551-0557. Did not return call.

Automated voice says the IRS is filing lawsuit against me and that I should call them back at the given number. Also says this is my final notice.

Received a phone call from 301-329-5590 saying they were the IRS and I would need to appear before a grand jury for tax fraud and tax evasion. This was the second call I recieved, but last week the phone number was different; 516-734-0880. We need to stand up to evil and pray for these people, that they will find Jesus and change their ways.

Recorded message said it was the warning about a debt owed to the IRS.

Gave the phone number, said to call and hung up.

I did not call, because the IRS does not call, they send letters.

They called and said I owe the irs money and that I could settle with paying a whole payment of $5000 or take it to court. They said if I take it to court I could get a lawyer and fight the case if i win I don't owe them nothing if I loose I owe them $48,0000 to $50,0000!! Scammers for sure

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I received a phone call saying they were the IRS and that I owed them money. I told them this was a scam and I have seen this on TV saying it was a scam. The IRS does not call consumers. When I told them this they started to yell at me and saying there were not a scam. It was a foreign speaking person and hard to understand. They called me from 888-275-2153.

- Davidson, NC, USA

C. Wackernman is calling regarding owing money to IRS.

Received phone call saying there was a mistake in my taxes for year 2009 and 2013. I have not done taxes since 2000. I am on disability and do not make enough to file.

My granddaughter also received the same phone call and so did my son. That's 3 people out of one family.

I really think this is a scam and people should be aware of this. One other thing when I said I had not filled since

2000 they hung up. They say they are the Internal Revenue Service

Mr. A.J. Parker ID# 1986989 Contacted me by phone regarding a tax Audit from 2007 - 2014

I am charged with criminal and civil charges and have to appear in from of a magistrate for taxes not paid.

I have never been notified in writing of such a situation. When I started asking questions he quickly hung up the phone.

The person on the phone was asking for $3640.80. to be paid immediately to avoid any court proceedings.

Receives an automated message to call the IRS back at 206-483-0100 because I was being monitored and soon to be arrested. I returned the call to request to be removed from their calling list. I asked the phone representative to remove my number, and he hung up on me. I called back and made the same request, and the representative said he was unable to remove me from the list. When I mentioned that it was not OK, and asked again to please remove me from the list, he said " How about I *** you tonight."

I had three calls yesterday on my answering machine from the IRS saying they were going to file a lawsuit against me.

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