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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Abilene, TX, USA

Received a call from this number, stating they were the IRS.

Received a text message claiming the IRS has held my stimulus payment pending further verification. Verify identity here:

I did not reply

- Shreveport, LA, USA

Call pretending to be IRS and suspending Social Security # if they do not pay..

- Dayton, OH, USA

Received a phone call from 646-993-1064 stating that I would be arrested for drug trafficking and money laundering. Scam artist indicated that they have papers indicating that I was guilty. They knew my address, old last name...

My husband received three strange calls today on his cell phone. The caller stated this is the IRS. They also called yesterday. The message stated someone has stolen or taken over your Social Security number. Someone will come to your front door and arrest you if you do not call this number back. 281-363-5694. We did not call the number back.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

My husband answered a call today on our home phone from the IRS. The caller asked if we would be available today at 2:00 P.M. to take a picture with a number of people that won a check and a car. Did not give the mount of the check. My husband replied yes. I asked if I had to give money down. He said no. Just have your state ID. We do not have the phone number that called. We know if they want money it is a scam. All they wanted was our State ID. We do enter a number of contests.

Two calls from 938-201-1086 to my 15 year daughter's cell phone stating "Hi this is Megan with the IRS debt resource center it looks like your tax debt has been flagged eligible for the recent stimulus forgiveness and release legislation; however, your application does need to be completed. If you would like to know more about the IRS back tax settlement program that my affect any text that you may have please give me a call so I can help. My number is 509-204-8319. Again, my name is Megan and my number is 509-204-8319."

I just called this number to get information about my stimulus check. The guy pretended to be a its agent and he asked me to verify all of my information. And so I did. I provided him with card info, email, and address information. Throughout the call my card was charged for 4.95 with something called phi body shapers and the guy gave me a number that didn't work to call about it. He rushed me off the phone as I told him about the card charge. And now every time I call they hand up the phone.

- Columbus, OH, USA

Got a call from this number with a recording stating the call was from irs and my irs account (ssdi) had been breached and to press one for further instructions. i did not press anything other than end, but this is clearly a scam to get personal information to steal money. The irs does not and would not contact anyone this way.

- Colorado Springs, CO, USA

They had called me multiple times the first couple days didn't tell them anything just hung up they kept calling 12 different phone numbers and wanted me to press one acting like a officer saying that the US Marshal would get a hold of me and that my social security number was used in gang activity in another state

- Saint Paul, MN, USA

robocall, hung up after hearing IRS

Call was answered and a recording claimed that fraud was perpetrated with my Social Security Number, and to avoid "federal prosecution originating in the state of Texas by local Court or Magistrate" that I should act immediately. Then it asked if I wanted to find out more about this to push #1 on my phone. I did that and a person answered. There were sounds of a call center in the back ground and the person answered Internal Revenue Service". This is clearly a scam because it take hours on the phone to talk to anyone at the IRS office. I told him that I knew he was a scam and to never call me again. I then hung up on them.

I received in the mail a request for additional information regarding my 2017 tax returns. They wanted me to fax it to them. They said they were backlogged, but all my taxes were filed on time.

- Durham, NC, USA

Getting multiple calls every day from different 919-XXX-XXXX numbers (all my local area) claiming my social security number has been compromised. I have blocked every number after receiving, and yet calls from new numbers keep coming.

- Knoxville, TN, USA

This was via phone --- requested confirmation of SSN, address, in regard to a $5000 check. He said he was from the IRS..could not understand the name he used. The last part of the voicemail mentioned a business where I was the day before.

The phone number is in my phone log and I still have the message.

- Rogers, MN, USA

Automated message when I answered the phone claiming that there was an arrest warrant with my social security number out there. I chose to speak with a representative. When he came on the line, I asked for a name and he hung up on me.

- Lexington, KY, USA

Scammer told the victim that there was a lot of strange activity in the bank account and ask for a 1000 dollars if not it will get arrested in less than 45 minutes ask to put that amount of money in gift cards and then the scammer started purchasing a lot of items to spend all the money

- Avon, IN, USA

Received a Legit looking email from "Invoice from 2020 Coronavirus Tax rebates (38031)"

- Lake Charles, LA, USA

Called stating IRS, hold for representative . When someone answered the line all he said was, "IRS". No name or representative ID. I hung up and called back and the recording said that there wasn't a voicemail set up.

- San Antonio, TX, USA

person claimed to be social security administration and tried to get my personal details saying if I don't call them they will suspend my social security funds. I don't receive any funds. They tried to get my social again and I told them to remove me from their list. The guy was with a foreign accent and laughed and just quickly hung up. It was clearly someone trying to steal my identity and funds.

Check fields!

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