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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Columbia, MO, USA

Received a phone call from ?+1 (408) 786-5124? Milpitas, CA. I answered as I have current business in CA. It was a robot voice over recording telling me IRS has filed a lawsuit against me and there is an arrest warrant. Then promptly told me to call ?+1 (408) 786-5124? to speak to someone about it.

- Biloxi, MS, USA

Said IRS & that I was one of a group selected to receive $9,000. At that point, I told them not to call again. I did not get to the point of any fees b/c I got off the phone

- Grand Coteau, LA, USA

Called saying fraud dept for IRS. When told person calling for was not in. Used foul language and said lying.

I ignored the first call as it was a number I didn't recognize. They left an automated voicemail mentioning evasion and failing to appear for a court appearance. I called back and did get a real person. He claimed his name was Ben Reed and gave me several numbers to write down. He even had me repeat them back to him. He read my address to me (which is public information). He stated a police officer tried to bring the tax paper work to my home on January 10th, but no one was home. He read me an affidavit stating there were 3 counts of criminal allegations against me from the IRS. He said I could be responsible to either pay the IRS 80 thousand dollars or go to federal prison for up to 5 years. He told me I had 2 options. 1: hire an attorney and fight the claim in court or 2: resolve the matter outside of court. He told me if I chose resolution he would forward me to his superior. I hung up at that point. I'm assuming they would have asked me for over the phone payment. They told me I owed the IRS $3,871.92. After I hung up the phone he attempted to call back once and I didn't answer.

I was twice called by robot claiming to be IRS and threatening legal action if I do not call the number back

- Toledo, OH, USA

They're calling from different numbers stating that the company has found legal action on my social security number and I need to contact them ASAP to settle this matter

- Durham, NC, USA

Automated message. Said they are calling from IRS and a warrant for arrest has already been served. Calls repeatedly.

- Madison, AL, USA

Left automated voicemail about being arrested. I suspect this was the IRS fake phone call as reported by BBB. 

- Manhattan, KS, USA

Voicemail said, this is a tax buisness you are being sent to the judge for tax fraud, and evasion. it even gives a number to give them so they can check and help you get this fixed. Do NOT call them and give them any kind of information. My entire family has received this call within last few weeks,, IRS DOES NOT CALL YOU...

Caller stated she had a voicemail someone pretending to be from the IRS to collect money. She reported to her local police department. She did not call the # back.

Stated I was audited for tax year(s) 2013 - 2018 and I would be arrested within 24 hours if debt goes unpaid. A Supervisor came on the phone and asked how much I could afford to pay, I stated well $0 and he hung up.

- Schertz, TX, USA

I got a call from 234-206-4958 and it said it was from irs to collect a dept owed. How he started talking wasnt professional so i told him it was bull[censored] he wasnt with the irs he started telling me he was gonna put his D*** in my a** and was gonna [censored] me up and a few other things. But u got the idea. I called the cops n gonna make a report but they told me to report to yall as well. So i am.

- Little Rock, AR, USA

Received call from a male with an Eastern Indian accent stating that he was from the IRS. When I inquired what this call was about he placed me on a brief hold to "check my account." I did not provide any information to this caller. He came back on the line and said that I was being investigated by the IRS for tax evasion and fraud and wanted to know if I had an attorney to represent me for these charges. I did not let this call go any further. I responded by stating that I was aware that this is a scam, and if the IRS needs to speak with me, they can send me a letter or call me directly. He then said I know your name, and stated it. He did not have my current last name (he stated my maiden name). And then he hung up on me.

- Auxvasse, MO, USA

They called and told me to call back--because the police were going to come out and arrest me for not paying taxes.

I kept getting calls from them & finally answered an automated recording saying I must call to settle a tax issue & that a warrant was out for my arrest. I called & an Indian foreign accented guy answered demanding my name. I only said they had called me & what was the details of them calling me. ( Sounded like he was in a call center with lots of operators in the background) He sounded upset & hung up the call. I had, had them call seberal months before & had already had a long drawn out conversation with them wanting $4,358. I played along & came to the point they had me in the car (at my computer in reality) asking me to go to Target or Walmart to purchase multiple debt cards in tje amount of my settlement. I finally in formed him after over an hour that I was not going to pay him anything...when he started cussing me & I said I was happy to keep him on the phone to waste his time so he wouldn't be scamming someone else. He kept pushing that the police were on the way & got even more upset when I laughed at him. He cussed a bunch more calling me horrible degrading names & hung up.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I received a call from the "IRS" , a robo call saying that if I wanted to speak to one of their investigators, to press 1. We were a suspect for back taxes and fraud. My daughter also got one yesterday.

Nathan called and said I owed taxes, wanted email address, my name, my address and was threatening arrest if I did not pay

They called and said that there was a lawsuit against me. They wanted me to call this number to find out more about it. It was robo call.

- Burke, SD, USA

the number when answered was an automated call stating that the IRS has issued an arrest warrant for me. Knowing this was untrue, i called the number and spoke to a foreign person. I asked for his name and he wouldn't give it. He then asked when the call was and wanted me to verify my name which i didn't. I proceeded to ask why i had an arrest warrant out and then proceeded to tell them i had checked myslef and there was no warrant. He hung up after telling me to F' myself.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

They left me a voicemail on my phone, saying that if I didn't call back I'd be facing serious legal action. When I called back, the guy had a pretty significant accent and said he worked for the IRS Fraud Division. There was a lot chatter in the background and everything seemed fishy, so I hung up after they started asking for anything more than my name.

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