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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter

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Publishers Clearing House(PCH) - Imposter Reports & Reviews (766)

- Homer, AK, USA

"John Meyers" called me from "Publishers Clearing House", he asked if I remembered him. Supposedly I won 7 million dollars, he knew my name, address and phone number. He said he was the owner of the company personally calling me to congratulate me. When I asked for info that I could verify he went away.

Consumer received phone call from Tony Parjer pretended to be Publisher Clearing house --stating she won but first need to make some type of payment to obtain the prize.

I received a phone call and was told I won the Publisher's Clearinghouse sweepstakes.  The caller asked if I had entered the sweepstakes and I said "No." He then asked if I shopped at Wal Mart.  I said "yes" and he said I was automatically entered. He said I should have received a letter in the mail. When I told him I needed to check my mail and asked for his name and phone number so I could call him back, he hung up on me.

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

I was called by a woman and man, Andrew Goldberg from Publishers Clearing House and told that I had won 1.5 million dollars & a Mercedes. My claim number was 950770155 and it would be delivered to Walmart. I was to go to Walmart and call them back as I needed to pay $155 in taxes. I should tell no one as once you do everyone is your friend and they will be after the money. They would call be back with further instructions later.

- North Ridgeville, OH, USA

I received a call on my cell phone today. Caller stated it was Publishers Clearing House. David Sayer. Called me twice in a row. said I won $3.5 million or $10,000 month. whichever I prefer. He gave me an account # for Bank America to deposit my money into. #483-059-026-173. $2400 fee to pay for Golden Stamp Star. I would hand to TV person. Then they hand me the check. He stated he was the President of PCH. Caller was very smooth. I was given a number to call to verify this is legit. 706-432-2519. I called the number they answered this is the BBB. I said who are you and she said She is an account Executive with BBB. Something about Washington. I questioned her and she hung up. My caller ID showed 876-483-0830 and 876-488-2572. Wanted me to drive to Bank america and deposit Money. $2400. I know it is a scam. Wanted to report call.

Thick accent trying to get name, address, and a 100-300 dollar payment to win lottery.

I received a telephone call today, November 17, 2016, from Frank Miller claiming to be Publishers Clearinghouse stating that he was their truck driver and that he had a 2016 Chevy Malibu and a check that I had won from Publishers Clearinghouse. I then had to call Mr. James King, General Manager, @ 876 488 1868 ext 1 and had to give my claim number. I called James and I verified my name and he asked for my address but I said, you should have my address. At that time James became very hostile. James said that I had won but I said that I hadn't participated in Publisher's Clearinghouse for months and he said I qualified from last Spring. James said that a Betty and a U S Marshall would be present when when I received my winnings. James stated that I would need to go to Kroger and get a money order for $395.00 and he would stay on the phone with me. Over the course of several telephone calls, my mother called Kroger who did have money orders and also the State Highway Patrol who was supposed to be the escort but the Highway Patrol did not have any record of the escort. I called James King, again, number was no longer in service. I called again and the person answering wouldn't say anything.

A man named Bill James called claiming I won $25 million. They said in order to claim my winnings I had to send them money. I did not pay the amount the asked for because I know this is a scam. They also said my winnings included a 2016 Mercedes. They said I had to pay $300.

got a call and they said that they publishers clearing house calling and I had won 1.5 mil and a 2016 malibu car he argued with me on the phone for almost an hour, I was instructed to pay 450.00 for taxes to IRS they wanted me to do it at Walmart. and I said I dont live where there is a walmart and he said well go to western union and call me when you get there and I will tell you where to send it I told him I though it was a scam and he said that he was blessing me and kept using the Lord in his arguments

David Goodman from PCH. He called says we won $3.5 million and a car and would like us to open a back account so that we could receive $30K. Wanted our information (address and email). Passage code: M500.

A man named Bobby Foster called and told me I had won PCH. I was told I was a second place winner and taking a Private jet to Columbus OH. Then I needed to take $500 cash to USPS put into Express envelope to send to Donna Manis 836 Center Street Asbula OH 44004 with postage charge of $22.95. This was for a fee and taxes. They have called been calling me more time than 27 times. They now are telling me that their manager stated I needed to send another $500 because it wasn't enough to cover the taxes. I asked why he couldn;t take it out of the $500,000 I had won and he said that our government state they need their taxes first. I got suspicous and then I called the and found out I had been scammed and too embarased to tell my family but want other s to know.

The person called and I did notice that it said "No Caller ID", otherwise I would not have answered. They said his name was "Joseph Kennedy", and said they wanted to know if I would be, "home today to receive the $2.5 million from publisher's clearing house".

He very carefully had me write down his name, the company, a "Prize confirmation #" along with the prize they were going to deliver today of, "$2.5 million, and a Perl White Mercedes 2016 E class". and then asked me to repeat everything he had told me to insure I had written it down. He then said he needed to ask me some questions to verify xyz. He asked if I was married or single, I decided that was pretty easy information to obtain, so I told him married. He then asked my age, at which time, I asked why they would need that. He abruptly hung up on me. I was crushed! :-).

Incidentally, within 5 minutes of that call I received a text from [email protected] saying (Wells Fargo: Your Debit Card is restricted. (No:my cell phone number) Visit and unlock it now. Of course I have no wells fargo account so it is obviously a scam as well. I suspect the two are connected.

On October 17, 2016 I received a call from Publisher's Clearing House that I won $2.8 million in a sweepstakes drawing and I would need to fill out a form at a CVS. I was supposed to let the caller know which CVS I would be going to. I went to CVS and asked if anyone had been into the CVS looking for me. CVS said no one had been to CVS looking for me. I called the caller back and he said no one had been to CVS as their phones were down. I then received a call from Donald Johnson and I told him I called Publisher's Clearing House and Publisher's Clearing House stated it was a scam. Donald said oh no this is not a scam. He said again to go to CVS and get a form and send $989.50. I said I was calling the BBB. I hung up and have received five additional call from Donald.

I was called by J.M. Davis and told that I had won $250,000 in the PCH. They called 8 times and said that the check would be delivered by UPS. I decided I better check before anything else happened.

This evening (9/23/16) I received a call from Publishers Clearing House in Washington DC saying I had won $2.5 million which would be delivered next week by Bobby Smith ID # 5509, PCH manager Edna Wright ID#3602, FBI agents Dave Brown and David Anderson. All I had to do is send a $299 certified check from Walmart Western Union to Shion Smikle, attorney for PCH in Jamaica, Jamaica. Mark Myers from PCH in Washington DC made the call to me from phone number - 876-359-8017. Needless to say -- I did not run to Walmart. The $299 was suppose to be my portion of the taxes for the IRS ---- PCH would pay the remaining taxes. I told Mr. Myers that I would have to call my attorney and accountant which I couldn't do until Monday, and the before I sent money. He told me the number to call is: 876-512-1127......I didn't call ---- the whole thing seemed like a scam and I didn't fall for it but felt someone should know calls like this one are being made. PCH should know also.

I was contacted during class. I received the phone call, and it sounded sketchy. Eventually he convinced me to give $500.00 through Western Union. I still have the receipts. He told me because my bank was closed, tomorrow I would have to wait until he delivered the car and 2.5 million dollars. The next morning he told me I had to go to the bank and deposit $3,000. This made me even more skeptical and I began arguing with him. I couldn't believe what was going on. Through a lot of arguing he eventually convinced me with a letter that I though was from the IRS and the This was what won me over. I deposited another $990 through Western Union to Jamaica, Jamaica. Throughout the scam he was constantly telling me he is a good man who only wants to support his family through the job he is working. I truly believed he was a good man.

My elderly mother received a letter in the mail from Publishers Clearing House. The letter told her she was one of two finalists for a prize of 100 million dollars. In the envelope was a check for $50,762.00 that she was to deposit in her bank account and then call 647-219-7498 and give them the security code included in the letter. The check was to pay tax and fees on her prize. The caller said she would be informed when she called where to send the money to pay fees and tax. After they received the money her prize would be sent to her bank, they wanted her account number so it could be directly deposited. The check was drawn on Bank of America under the account of Allstate Insurance and looked very real. I contacted the and my suspicion that this was a scam was confirmed.

- Rockford, IL, USA

A local resident received a call from a PCH impostor informing the consumer was a winner of 2.5 million and is only required to make a one time payment of 250.00 to claim her winnings for tax purposes.

- Fritch, TX, USA

I was called on Saturday by John Washington (with a foreign accent I could not place) from 876-845-5203 telling me I had won 1.7 million, a new BMW and $7,000.00 for life. He said I could confirm that he was with the sweepstakes by calling 876-485-8901 and asking for him. I did not call to confirm. Today I got another call from the same number and person notifying me that i had won the sames prizes and they wanted my address so the prizes could be delivered. If I had won the sweepstakes they would know my address. I will not call them back, they are scammers.

John Bay of Publishers Clearing House called to say I had won 3.5 Million plus a Mercedes. I was told to go to Walmart with $558 in cash and do a Walmart to Walmart transfer. He said the money was a registration fee. I hung up when he asked for cash.

Check fields!

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