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Say Yes Phone Call Phishing Scam

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Say Yes Phone Call Phishing Scam Reports & Reviews (243)

- Ft Mitchell, KY, USA

It was a “say yes” scam. They called from a local number and it sounded like my mom. They said my name like a question and I responded “yeah”.

- Lawrenceburg, IN, USA

I was asked if I was (my name) and I responded yes. They hung up. Later the same day (9/7/2023) Facebook notified me I had requested a password change - I had not. I’m concerned about the use of my “yes” answer for illegitimate purchases. They may have used a phony telephone number and aren’t necessarily located where the number appeared to have originated from.

Asked me a questions and I answered yes

I believe I fell victim to the beginning of a known "Say Yes" scam. I was expecting a call from a loan company, which is why I answered an unknown number, when I usually do not. After I answered with "Hello", caller said "Can you hear me?" (Adult male, American accent voice), to which I replied "Yeah". After, the caller immediately hung up. Following a quick google search of the phone number, I found information linking the number to the newest "Say Yes" phone scam, where scammers can use your recorded voice saying "yes", to authorize transactions, purchases, etc. Lesson learned, but I will need to keep a close eye on my personal accounts.

“Can you hear me” Scam. I said Yup before realizing the situation. I then hung up immediately

Unknown caller with phishing name on call id asking me to say”yes”. When i refused they insisted ignoring me my resistance and continued to try to get me to say yes on the phone. Before call began they did tell me i was being recorded.

I replied yes to the question

It was a heavily mid eastern accent

I hung up but after I said yes. Happened today 8-18-23 at 4:28 pm to my cell number

the person called and asked about a properties I own in Georgia. the person acted as if they were interested in purchasing the property. after I answered several questions regarding the property I started to feel the call was a bit strange. I asked for the name of the company and address and the person abruptly hung up. After Googling the number, I was alerted to a scam that records you saying various key words like "yes", then signs you up to some type of service, then after you refuse to pay, they use the recording of you saying yes to 'prove' that youve agreed to the terms of the service. I feel very certain they were just trying to get me to say certain words. Im not sure how it will be used.

I called a number thinking it was TECO Tampa Bay Electric Company but dialed 800-223-0800 instead of 888-223-0800. Automated system asked the question if you are older than 50 press 1 if you are not press 2. After that a live voice answered and asked if I could hear her ok, I said yes and then lady said I was going to recieve a free hearing aid. I then realized it was a scam and hung up before giving any information.

They are sending out emails advising we must call for the loan forgiveness program in order to record us saying “yes”

They called and asked me if i can hear them. I said, Yep. Then I remembered that you’re not supposed to answer the phone and say yes if someone asks you that because they could use your yes as an authorization for false charges.

the woman asked me ‘is this (my name)?’

i responded yes.

she then asked me if i spoke chinese, to which i replied no.

then she said she would call me back with an english ATT representative and hung up.

Within the last few days I had been receiving ~4 phone calls per day from an unknown caller with different phone numbers; every time I didn't answer and then blocked the calls. Yesterday I decided to answer my phone and the first thing caller asked was "Can you hear me?" to which I replied 'Yes'. Said she was from Auto Healthcare and started talking about my vehicle warranty. Interrupted her and told her I wasn't interested and I was on the Do Not Call registry and she hung up on me. Since then I haven't received any phone calls and I think she was trying to get me to say Yes for phishing scams. Will watch my bank/credit cards for any suspicious transactions...

The caller asked questions to get me to say Yes. 

The person called and asked if they reached my name. I was groggy and they mentioned a job offer and I had recently posted my resume on job sites so I accidentally said yes. I said yes several times and I think it’s one of those credit card scams now.

- Phoenix, AZ, USA

Called and asked if i coukd hear them and I said, "yes"

- Dubois, ID, USA

A man called, said hello and asked if I could hear him. I automatically said yes. He immediately hung up.

- San Diego, CA, USA

When I answered the phone, the caller asked “can you hear me”. I responded “yes“ and the caller immediately hung up.

- Chandler, AZ, USA

The person who called me is named Jake and told me to call him back at 855-740-5561. Knew my name. Calls over and over in a short time frame. Will not give me 'company name'. Will only discuss the information he is calling about if I say "yes" to confirming my identity.

- Golden, CO, USA

The collar stated “I am calling for Brian on a recorded line line regarding purchasing habits in 2023. Is this Brian?” To which I replied “yes” but when I said I am busy they immediately hung up. I’m afraid they got my voice recording and will use it against me. When I try calling back there is no an answer.

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