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Social Security

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Social Security Reports & Reviews (976)

- Port Arthur, TX, USA

Therer was a recording on my phone and it said that my Social Security was used in a fraud. Call them immediately to get the straighten out. When I call, the first thing they ask for is for my social security number. Which I didn't give them, they said they need the number to know who was calling them. So, I reply, if you are with the Social Security you should tell me. That's when I said ", You are a fraud and I hung up."

- Hephzibah, GA, USA

Constantly getting calls in regards to social security claiming issues with my account.

When i asked for information they gave me a name: william lee and a badge number 754-631

- Spokane, WA, USA

Social security, noticed there were problems and have stopped my social security. I knew it was a scam and didn't call them back.

Rotates numbers,says that your social security has been compromised.

- Houston, TX, USA

Received a call 7-17-19 saying that I was in trouble with the SS Department and should call the scammer phone number listed above.

- Mount Sterling, OH, USA

A man w/an Asian accent from Social Security said either my husband or I had been in trouble for a long time w/the Social Security office. Then he asked for my name and the last four digits of my social security number, which I gave him, then he hung up.

Claiming to be from social security.

Left message that SS number had been compromised. Consumer did not call back.

- Aiea, HI, USA

I was scammed by someone claiming to be a with the social security office. He had advised that my social security number was being used for money laundering, opening many bank accounts and credit card company that is being used by the drug cartel. Also renting an automobile to transfer drugs and money to and from Mexico. If I don’t comply with there request that I’m guilty of everything and a warrant for my arrest will be issued.

They also had asked for the phone number of nearest police station near me. I had given them the phone number and someone named officer marshal hamas from the same police station that I had gave a phone number to had called me stating if I didn’t comply with the social security officer then he will automatically issue a warrant for my arrest that day. The only way to stop it was that he would need to receive a fax from social security agency stating that I did what was told to do. Officer Hamas had also advised me to send them all my money to them so that when the collection agency seized my account I wouldn’t need to worry, but I needed to transfer it to them but once everything is all cleared I would get back my money including a new social security number from him. After doing so they also started that I needed an additional $2,000 for my bond to cancel the warrant for my arrest but the officer had explained that I would get it everything back from them when I receive new social security number. So I had sent my money including the $1,000 for the bond since I could not get the additional $1,000. They told me that since I was doing my best to comply with them that they would try to work with me and contact me later that day because he would need to speak with his supervisor who was not in at the time. After I didn’t hear back from them. I called them back and got in touch with them but they said that I needed to send 2 naked pictures of me for them to return my money.

- Woodville, AL, USA

Called my cell phone saying they were SSA and had deactivated my SSN. Repeated calls yesterday and today. Also called my sister’s cell phone earlier in week with same call. I believe the call from 866 0100810 which showed China mainland as the caller. 

- Beaver, OK, USA

I keep receiving phone calls from NY, CA, FL, and OH of people claiming to be Social Security officers saying to that there's been a fraud. They want my information and keep threatening to have me arrested.

- Vermillion, SD, USA

This number called my phone and left a message saying they were from the headquarters of Social security and that my SSN has been suspended. They then asked me to call a designated paralegal.

- Washington Court House, OH, USA

Social Security voice mail: We're sorry to inform you your Social Security number has been suspended, press 1 to talk to a representative about your suspension. If you don't press 1, the message repeats. They have called back within the hour.

- Chicopee, MA, USA

They keep saying that my social security number has been used fraudulently and that they locked my number.

The man that called said he was with social security he knew my full name age and address he said he was a federal agent with badge number 2839 and even asked me to repeat his badge number then he gave me a case number.

Then he wanted my birth date I told him I was not giving him any of my info he should have it if he’s real. He then got mad said he could send six officers to my door to prove it I told him to send them I asked him cops he then said no federal agents and they will be armed and arrest me. I asked him what did I do to deserve to be arrested and he said give me your information I said no I don’t think your a real agent he got mad and said he is going to put a hit on me and send a hit man. At that point I told him this is not real and don’t call me ever again and I hung up

- Euclid, OH, USA

I have been receiving several calls from someone saying they are with Social Security. It is a robocall message. Something about fraud. Warrant out for my arrest. I just hang up. The phone number they wanted me to call back was 202-742-2730. I did not call the number back. Recording wanted me to press 1 but I did not press any numbers. I called Social Security and they said it was a scam and they would never call and leave a message like that. Unavailable was in my caller ID with phone number 202-742-2730.. I also have phone number 202-748-7985 Philip Stromer in my caller ID.

Continually receive phone calls from 310 803 9003 stating that my SS number has been suspended and to call them back and to give them my name as well as last four digits of my SS number.

- Pensacola, FL, USA

Was contacted by someone I believe has posed to be with Publishers Clearing House previously when calling. The gentleman has a foreign accent. In this incident he indicated that he was with Social Security and that my SS# was used fraudulently. He asked for my date of birth & social security which at that point I advised him I was calling the Sheriffs Dept. and hung up.

- Caldwell, TX, USA

Person posing as a social security agent wanted my medicare ID number so they could send me a plastic card. Unfortunately, I gave them my medicare number off the paper card. It was advised that I call Medicare to ask for a new number. The scammed wanted to make false medical claims using my number. My personal security was not compromised.

I was told that no government agency would ever contact me personally.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I got a voicemail saying suspicious activity has been tied to my social security number and my social security check will be suspended and to call them back. All I get is a widow's pension to raise my kids.

Check fields!

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