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Social Security

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Social Security Reports & Reviews (976)

- Wichita, KS, USA

The call says there will be legal enforcement action because of fraudulent activity connected to my SS#. Wants me to contact their "hot line" number at 855-248-4564. The voice sounds like it's automated or something. Did not call it back.

- Golden, IL, USA

Saying my social security number has been suspended and I need to call them.

Fake Social Security agent calling to say that a warrant has been issued because of fraudulent and suspicious activity on my SS #. Urges you to call the "agency" to stop legal action from being taken. Then leaves a # to talk to an "agent".

Consumer received a call claiming that his social security number has been tampered with and that his benefits would be cut off if he did not call the number back. The number they told him to call was 800-989-5704. Consumer said the voicemail was so scrambled, that he couldn't hear what the caller said their name was.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I got a message from Social Security saying to call back because my social security number is involved in illegal activities. I called back, 855-925-5664, and talked to a foreign guy and I could hardly understand him. He said he was a social security officer. He asked for my name and number, and I said you should have it, and he hung up.

- Shreveport, LA, USA

They called me saying they were from the social security office saying my social security number had been canceled and to press 1 or 2 for more details but I hung up. These are all the numbers I was called from Washington DC, Lubbock TX, Columbus OH, and Santa Fe NM.

- Sunset, LA, USA

Received phone call with the guy saying he was with social security, and my social security number was used in Texas! Had I lost or had my purse stolen. Then he said my name and address and wanted me to verify last four digits of my social security number! I was quick enough to lie about my last four numbers! He then proceeded to get aggressive and wanted to call police in Texas to let them know that it was identity theft! I hung up and called social security waiting for a return call. I know that if they were social security they wouldn’t call from a 1-800 number

- Hahnville, LA, USA

I thought they were Social Security calling me. I had been dealing with my local SS office, so thought the caller was legitimate. They asked for my Social Security number and birthdate, which I gave to them, not thinking. When they asked for my name, something clicked, and I didn't give it to them and told them they should already have my name. They hung up.

I received a call on my home phone. the caller stated they were with Social Security. He asked for my Social Security number and I gave it out. They are withholding my social security. It was a recording. I pressed 1 to speak with a representative. Christopher Alston. They would have to stop my income. A case was pending because I was in jail. . He gave me my case number and badge number. He hung up on me when I questioned him. 800-818-0012. That phone number was in my caller ID.

I answer my phone and there is a mechanical sounding message saying: "This is our second call to you dealing with your Social Security number, and if you do not call us back at 410-600-1128 your Social Security number will be suspended". So I called and a woman answered. She was foreign and there was a lot of noise in the background, and when I said that to her, she hung up.

Received an automated call from someone claiming to be with the Social Security Administration indicating there was fraudulent activity on either my card or my moms card as we reside in the same household & left a call back number of 970-661-6039. When I called back it was a foreign lady indicating she was with Social Security. I knew it was a scam & told her that the caller ID said the call was coming from a Gene Graff and continued to tell her off.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

 Consumer received phone calls from a person that the consumer couldn't understand. The caller said that consumer's social security number has been used fraudulently. She said that the caller stated that someone used her social security number and information to rent a car, where it was found in Texas with guns, drugs, and blood in it. The car was found on the side of the road. When consumer questioned caller about why she needed consumer's last for of her social security number, the caller couldn't answer the question as to why she did not already have the information.

- Sauk Rapids, MN, USA

Robo Call claiming to be Social Security Admin stated my account was being audited and that it was going to be reduced unless I call them back

Recording says my ss# has been comprised and to click 1 to hear more information

- Mansfield, OH, USA

Received call from 254-672-4818 stating legal action would be taken and social security number would be blocked. Had to laugh at the ignorance of theses scammers.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I got a message saying my social security number something or other. Called from 207-462-9610, wants me to call back 773-657-5071.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

 Consumer was going on different websites online, and then she noticed she started getting strange calls shortly after going on these websites. One of which was to be from Social Security. She didn't give them enough time to explain what they really wanted, they were trying to get her information, and she hung up on them.

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

Rec'd a call from "Social Security" saying they will be charging us for something..(can't remember the exact message) telling us to call 1-800-821-2629 immediately.

I did not answer the phone. They left the message to call the 800 number.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

 Consumer received a call today from the number above claiming that someone have used her social security number to open a number of different bank accounts. They were threatening consumer that the police were going to come to her house and get the rest of the information, if she did not give the person on the phone the information. Consumer started asking questions and, and the person on the phone got upset and then kept calling her back and calling her names.

- Goleta, CA, USA

I received a voicemail saying to call back because my social security number and assets are going to be frozen

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