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Social Security

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Social Security? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Social Security Reports & Reviews (976)

- Richwood, OH, USA

My caller ID said 917-504-8646. A recording said my Social Security was in jeopardy, and I could be taken in front of a judge, and brought up before the grand jury.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I'm 87 years old. A woman called and said fraudulent activity was connected to my Social Security number. She rattled off a long number. No accent.

- Palm Bay, FL, USA

When I answered the phone they said this is the social security and we are following up on you application for disability benefits, can you hear me? I didn’t even think before I said yes and then they hung up. I’m afraid someone will steal my identity.

- Orange, TX, USA

Got a recording from a guy stating my id is being stolen, call him immediately.

- Beaumont, TX, USA

Got a recording from a guy stating that my Social Security that is in a fraud. They said that i rented a car for friend and the vehicle had drugs in it and they wanted me to call them back.

Resident of Senior Housing was contacted by someone impersonating a Social Security Officer in Texas. Stated she needed to change her Social Security Number because crimes have been committed in Texas (drug related). She was to send $89,000. At that point, my resident hung up. Caller had an accent and was very convincing.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I got a call yesterday evening from a man who said he was from the Social Security office. I gave him my social security number.

- Chattanooga, TN, USA

a recording saying my social number was used by me for a scam....and for me to push 1 to talk to a reprenensative or charges will be taking on me..

- Kansas City, MO, USA

Robo-call scam asking for a call-back on this phone-number. They say, "There has been a fraud reported on your Social Security Number. Call back 512-675-0346 before legal action."

- Bellevue, NE, USA

Continue to get calls from this number along with many alike asking me to call them emergently about my social security. They leave messages every time as well.

Got a recorded phone call saying had an investigation on social security and needed to call this number back. The number they called from. New it was a scam and did not call back.

- Independence, OH, USA

My home would not stop ringing. I picked the phone up and it sounded like recording. I was being investigated by Social Security. I heard part of a message and hung up. I called the phone number back that was in my caller ID. 786-708-8189. A man with a slight accent answered. I don't recall how he answered. I asked him how is everything in Miami and he hung up on me. I wanted to report the scam call.

- Dayton, OH, USA

Voice mail that my account is suspended per the federal crime and investigation department. Instructed me to call 629 230-1773.

- Chicago, IL, USA

This number +1 772-647-1874 call me several times a day stated there is a arrest warrenty from social security and if i dont call this number (888) 248-7292 and speak to an officer about the matter i will go to jail

- Lumberton, TX, USA

We got a recording that our social security number as has been compromised.  call them back at this 844 number and they will give us more information about it.

called pretending to work for social security and if i do not pay a fine they will arrest me.

- Wickliffe, OH, USA

I received a call on my cell phone. At first it came in as a recording. Caller stated this is the office of Social Security. I pressed a number to speak with someone. A person came on the line that spoke broken English. I hung up. I called the number in my caller ID. The guy that answered said this is the office of Social Security. They threatened to arrest me. Something about fraud. 866-614-0032 was the phone number in my caller ID. I hung up on him. I wanted to report the scam call.

- Huron, OH, USA

They were saying something about social security number is being used illegally and that you could face criminal action against you if you didn't contact them

- Port Arthur, TX, USA

Got call from a male stating that my social security has fraud going on...

He wanted me to call him back right way. So, I call him and he wanted my Social Security number so he could see what's going on it. I told him that he should know it already because he call me. He hung up on me. Call the number again 3 times and the hung up on me again.

This is a fraud issue. Received a phone message stating that the call was from the Social Security Adm advising me that my Social Security number has been compromised. I returned the call, spoke with John with a foreign accent that advised me the same. He also wanted to know my date of birth, home address and my social security number before he could give me any information. He also advised me that he was a Sargent with the police department, and gave me a ID number, 732. When I told him that I would not give him that info and ask to speak with his supervisor, he disconnected the call. I have already been part of the Equifax breach and have many accounts opened in my name, and I think this is a new fraud targeting senior citizens. All I have is the phone number. I don't know any city or state.

This is a fraud game and I think someone should look into it by tracing the phone number provided. Thank you

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