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US Treasury

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US Treasury Reports & Reviews (228)

Consumer, lives in Stark County, received 4 phone calls today. Stated he was the US  Treasury and that she would be prosecuted if she did not return his phone call


Same phone number as announced on the news and in the newspaper this morning:


- Valrico, FL, USA

the person left a message saying to call Austin Howe at 347-535-4483 for an important leagal matter that if not resolved could end in my being detained. the person has a heavy indian accent and never used my last name. the phone number was tracked to a home in new York.

I was told i was delinquent on 2012 federal taxes and i would be arrested 45 minutes after i end the call. I ended it anyway because i knew i was not delinquent. I did not give any payment info. Tried called back to verify the name of the business and was disconnected and blocked with busy signal.

Pre-recorded call Kevin Mason 510-779-6234 (6-15-15) he has an accent. "The message is intended to contact us regarding an enforcement action executed by US Treasury---see below... avoid appearance magistrate judge or grand jury..." need to call him message. I saved the recording.

Dennis Gray calling regarding an enforcement action executed by the by US Treasury intending your serious attention. Ignoring this will be an intentional second attempt to avoid an initial appearance before a magistrate judge or a grand jury for a federal criminal offense. His number is 917-775-0019. Advises us to cooperate and help him to help us. I saved the recording.

A voicemail message was left on my home telephone line once before, and I ignored it.   I was left another voicemail message today 05/11/15 at 11:49 a.m. EST.  My caller ID noted that the call originated from Glendale, CA, and the telephone number was (818)396-1676. The caller identified himself as Alex Ferguson. He spoke with an accent (? Hispanic). I answered my telephone while the voicemail message was in progress, but it was a recording. No live person responded. The voicemail message said that there was an enforcement action against me executed by the U.S. Treasury, and that I needed to respond to mitigate this claim or else I would have to appear before a magistrate judge or a grand jury. The telephone number I was given to return the call was (818)396-1676. I returned the call at approximately 12:01 p.m. EST same-day 05/11/15 and explained that I had received the voicemail message. The man on the phone sounded like the same voice in the voicemail message. He told me that if I did not cooperate with his organization, I would be arrested. When I pressed him for information about his name and the whereabouts of this organization, he told me that his name was Robert Matthew, and that he was calling from San Francisco, CA. He knew my name. I did not provide him with any information about myself. In my attempt to get further information from him, he hung up and disconnected the call. I then immediately called the to report this call because it sounded like a scam.

Message left on my home answering machine, Monday, 3/30/15, did not address me or ask for me by name. Said it was a follow-up to two messages of an "enforcement action" issued by the Dept of the Treasury. Failure to respond could mean I appear before a magistrate, pay fines. Left name and number of Dennis G*** 1-858-707-7324

Message received on my telephone answering machine @ 8:15 am 3/30/15. Man with a slight accent, saying he was from US Treasury and I needed to call him to help with a Federal Criminal Offense .In order to avoid a second Intentional Federal Offense & an appearance before a Federal judge or jury, call him-- He reiterated that it was imperative that I respond. He never gave the name of the offender he was calling nor did he say it was me, my husband or both of us that needed to respond. We did not respond.

We have never had any notification of a Federal Offense & have no idea this is anything but an attempted scam.

two phone calls this morning from Dennis Gray, 510-681-2935

Dennis Gray or Grey left Voice Mail message stating that he was calling regarding an informant action executed by the US Treasury. He goes on to say that if I don't cooperate this will be a federal criminal offense.

I have saved the message should you need to hear it.

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