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US Treasury

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US Treasury Reports & Reviews (228)

This person has been calling my cell phone for months now claiming their name is Steve Martin and I need to call this number 1-310-301-4267 or I will have to appear before a judge. I know this is a scam and I want it to stop, I never answer I just let it go to voicemail, the day I answer them they are not going to like it. I am concerned that they could deceive and elderly person in to giving them money though.

Thank You Lisa May

I am in Roanoke Rapids, NC. This a.m. I got a

call ( my message machine took it-) from a recording of a foreign sounding man

(Indian i believe) said the call  was

from the US Treasury.  I needed to call

him back immediately, he said his name was "David Blair" to avoid

criminal action that could be a Federal criminal offense and would mean

appearing before a magistrate. The phone number he gave was : 562-444-6097.

Hope this helps others and alerts them that these calls are in our area.

- Bountiful, UT, USA

I received a pre-recorded message stating that there was a lawsuit being filed against me from the US Treasury. They stated that someone named 'Amber' or 'Amanda' was who I was suppose to contact. I hung up after I heard a name that I was suppose to contact. I know that the US Treasury is too large and ambiguous to assign my little case with an individual caseworker so I knew it was likely a scam.

- Imperial, MO, USA

Received a call with voicemail from a "James Casten" for appearance from the US Treasury for court action against myself (did not mention name) to appear in front of a federal magistrate. Said refusal to comply was a willful act against the US government. It was a repeating loop of a pre-recorded voice. Phone it came from and mentioned was (936)679-7059. I did not respond and am just reporting. I am sure they wanted money and PII.

My mother had a message from Brianna Scott of the US Treasury Dept saying she would be arrested for tax fraud unless we called the following phone number. 972-217-4426

- Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Twice someone has called saying that I was in trouble and that I would be taken to court, that they were from the US Treasury and that I must respond immediately! I had 5 counts against me, but never said what reason. Their number 607-233-4558

I knew it was a scam because I'm a clean living person to the hilt!!!! I never returned the #!

- New Orleans, LA, USA

Received an ominous phone message from a "Dennis Gray" saying he was from the U.S. Treasury and contacting me about a serious criminal offense and if I did not call him back, it would be viewed as intentionally avoiding appearing before a magistrate judge for a Federal Criminal Offense. I did not call him back.

- Petaluma, CA, USA

They say they are treasury dept and we owe money and there is a lawsuit against us when I ask who they r they ask who I am. I say who are YOU they say treasury dept I say no you aren't then they hang up on me. Yesterday when they called they told me I had a frustrating life and hung up. I get calls daily.

- Lebanon, PA, USA

Was contacted by John Morgan supposedly with US Treasury saying I owed money and if I didn't pay it I would go to jail for tax evasion.

- Springfield, PA, USA

Got a call from "the department of legal affairs, US treasury". They said there was legal action being brought against me and threatened jail time. I did not fall for it because I know that the IRS is not allowed to call you under any instance but thought I should report it. The phone number was 718.551.0453 from a John Davis.

Stated from US Treasury, phone # 321-328-1464

Called back 3 times each time answered but when challenged they hung up and now won't answer.

- Mountain Home, ID, USA

I recieved a voice message from a gentleman, with a strong accent, stating his name is James Caston-507-413-7485. He stated he is a representative of the US Treasury. and that I was to contact him immediately so that his company can assist me to avoid legal issues related to an infraction against me.

I am sure this is related to the scam that is announced on your phone message, yet please let me know if it is legit and I will continue forward.

thank you

This morning I received a troubling phone call A man calling himself Sean Peterson claimed to be from the US Treasury saying there was a law enforcement action against me. And they wanted the name of my attorney. I kept saying I had no idea what they were talking about. I did not receive any letters. We were disconnected.The man called again. I could hear he was with a bank of phone callers - or that was the sound effects. He instructed me to call a man by the name of john spencer at the same number as his. I did. When I asked for John spencer, the man said no, and then said my name, and asked me again for my attorney's name and contact information and said something about who prepared my taxes in 2013 and that there was an error and it made no sense at all. But they had my home city. And my telephone number area code is in another state, so they do have some information on me. When I repeated I didn't know what they were talking about and that I didn't believe who they were, they hung up. This call made me very nervous. The number was 718.873.9187. Certainly this is not the US Treasury Department.

- Colorado Springs, CO, USA

A guy by the name of David Gray was on an automated message (foreign accent), he said he was with the US treasury and wanted to help me before enforcement action was taken against me due to something being filed against me.

- Heltonville, IN, USA

Person stated they were an agent with the US Treasury and said there was a mistake with the 2013 tax statement and $5100.00 was owed. They said a warrant for tax evasion was being issued in my name. They wanted the money to stop the warrant from being issued for the tax evasion. They stated notice had been sent by the postal system. Nothing had been received.

- Cambridge, MA, USA

A robo call was made to my phone asking that I call back as this was the second attempt to reach me to discuss pending legal action against me at the US Dpt of Treasury.

I then called back to the number provided, 206-538-2578 where I was connected to an individual who claimed to be a US Treasury official and provided a badge number. The woman asked for me to provide my name and home phone number to be able to tell me more about the issue I was called on. I asked for her to tell me where online I could verify her employment at the US Department of Treasury. Rather than answer my question posed several times, she continued to reiterate her request for personal information. I then terminated the call

- Oswego, IL, USA

rec'd this 3/22/16 2 9:33a - Left on voicemail..

"Hi my name is David Gray and this message is intended to contact you regarding an enforcement action executed five United States treasury and tending your serious attention. Ignoring this will be an intentional second attempt to avoid initial appearance before a month a straight judge or Glen jewelry for a federal criminal offense. My number is 856-295-0044. I repeat it's 856-295-0044. I'd like you to cooperate with us and help us to help you. Thank you."

A message was left on my home phone answering machine by a man with an accent claiming to be "James Castin" on behalf of the US Treasury. He did not identify who specifically he was trying to contact but threatened that if we ignored the call we would be committing a federal offense and would be subject to court appearance.

- Peoria, IL, USA

Phone scam David Grey. Treasury, magistrate. Must call to get help. US Treasury. To prevent criminal action call 702-637-1500.

March 24, 2016 I received a call from a New York number 718-673-2320 on caller ID. He did not speak good English. He told me he was calling from The US Dept. of Legal Affairs with The US Treasury. He stated this was a verbal notification of an enforcement action against me and to call him or have our lawyer call him asap. When my husband called back, the same man that had called , answered the phone and said, this is the us treasury. He stated I owed back taxes that need to be collected. My husband told him we filed taxes every year and did not owe anything. He then said we would be arrested if we did not take care of it. My husband told him they would just have to arrest us, he then hung up on him. We know the IRS does not contact anyone by phone for money. This was a scam.

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