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US Treasury

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US Treasury Reports & Reviews (228)

- Deerfield, MI, USA

They called me and said that i was going to have legal documents delivered to my home on monday. Well they dont call u befor they deliver legal action against you. The courts just show up to your house.

- Porterville, CA, USA

A man named David Gray or David Grey called saying that he was from the US Treasury and threatened that if I did not call him back I would have to appear in front of a judge. The number to call him back is (856) 334-3112. He called at about 4 am so I did not answer and only heard the voicemail. I did not attempt to call him back.

A man called and left a message on my answering machine today stating his name was David Grey and he was calling about an enforcement action exicuted by the US Treasury. He stated if we ignored the message or didn't call back we would be subject to legal action. The number he left was 856-295-0044. He had an accent and was rather threatening.

- Chino Hills, CA, USA

Basically, we need to contact him or go to jail. We did not call him back.

- Delaware, OH, USA

received a call on my voice mail saying they were from the Us treasury dept telling me it was urgent that I contact them His name was Dennis but I couldn't understand the last name I have received this call before. I never answer unknown numbers but they leave voice mails

- Novato, CA, USA

I received a phone call from 347-4180-0580 on Wednesday, March 16. When I returned the call on Thursday, March 17, I was informed that I was speaking to US Treasury representatives Ketty Williams, Badge Number 11783, and her supervisor Robert Matthews, Badge Number 11545 regarding case KR7389. They both spoke with heavy Indian accents. Ketty Williams informed me that I had incorrectly completed my 2010 federal tax forms resulting in discrepancies and that I owed back taxes. When I asked for documentation of this, she informed me that they had sent me documentation in 2011 and 2012 and that they could not send me copies of this documentation as it was my last chance to resolve the issue. When I shared that I was in my car and would need to go home to look at my taxes and call her back, she threatened me and told me there was a warrant out for my arrest. If I broke off the call, she would be forced to alert the authorities and have me arrested. At this point, I asked to speak to her supervisor and a Robert Matthews got on the line He reiterated what Ketty Wiilliam had shared and asked for confirmation that I had not intentionally tried to get out of paying taxes and was willing to resolve this matter. He stated that I owed $6,930. When I asked how this could be resolved, he stated that they would need to receive payment today over the phone. If I could not pay the full amount at this time, they would take a down payment of $4,000. I stated that we were not able to pay this kind of money in full at this time and if this was truly the IRS, they would be willing to work out a payment plan with me as they have in the past. At this point, he reiterated that a warrant would be put out for my arrest and I could expect the authorities to be at my house within the hour with documentation and then hung up the phone.

- Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, USA

Phone call asking for call back about pension benefits, and if call not returned the Dept of Treasury will come after me. Told to call 469-424-2174

Received two phone calls today from a "James" (I couldn't make out the last name) demanding that I call the phone number given in his message and that I cooperate with the IRS and go before a magistrate etc

- Medford, NJ, USA

A non American voice said his name was Kevin Peterson. Yea right. And I'm the queen of England. He is with the US Treasury one time. Next time he was with tax department. And threatened me many times over. The number was from Middleburg FL. 904-406-1053. He made me angry since so many senior citizens fall for these scams. I would love to personally meet this non American and ope. A can of whoop A$$ on him.

- Greer, SC, USA

Caller ID: Private. "This is the US Treasury, intending to immediate attention. Ignoring this will be an intentional second attempt to avoid initial appearance before a magistrate judge or a grand jury for a federal criminal offense. Now, the final attempt to reach you, to know your case # and speak to a federal agent call back on 716-261--3684. I repeat 716-261-3684. Thank you ."

I received this on my voice mail on my home phone, on March 3, at 9:39 AM. I was able to save the message on my computer, if you need it. I did not return the call, and I notified the FTC and the IRS.

- Toledo, OH, USA

Call to my residence, male, heavy Indian accent. Said call made to me because of a US treasury or Security problem. Failure to return call will put me in front of aUS court Magistrate or Grand Jury. The name that came up on my phone was Bashir Ahmed, the number the call was made from was 1-585-786-7759, the same number was given by him for me to call. To avoid any problems and so he could hep me I should call immediately. He never mentioned my name, nor did he ask to speak to a specific person. I did not return the call. I have message recorded on my message recorder. They called, I did not answer, I have caller Id, I did not recognize name or number, I let it go to recorder.

- Alexandria, VA, USA

Someone called and left a message (not sure if it was automated or not), saying that I needed to call back and it has something to do with the Treasury department. It warned that if I did not, I could be brought before a magistrate and charged.

Foreign male left message for me stating he was from US Treasury and to call 5188008376 immediately or it would a direct attempt to avoid the magistrate, us attorneys and grand jury. Said 'Help me, help you '

- Johnston, RI, USA

I received a call from the US Treasury. The beginning of the message was cut off, they may have said the IRS, but not sure. It was automated and very hard to understand. But I did get that I needed to call the number back and ask for Ray Hawkins. Otherwise I would have to go before the Grand Jury for a Federal Offence !

- Virginia Beach, VA, USA

Left a message stating they were calling from the US treasury a day they were enforcing action and ignoring this call will be an intentional attempt to award an appearance with magistrate judge or grand jury for federal offense and left the phone number to call but did not leave a name. I did not call the number it sounded suspicious to me so instead I did a reverse look up of the phone number in the white pages and it was flagged as a scam the number is 716 442 0578

- Republic, MO, USA

I receive three + phone calls a day, for about 1.5 months, a man or a woman in a foreign language, telling me that they are from the US Treasury Department, and that I have been selected and won a grant of $9,000.00. Where do I want this transferred to?

Last week, I told the man that I was reporting them to the BBB. That I had the number. He started yelling at me. Ever since, he calls, when I answer, he yells at me.

I just received a call this morning at 10:07. I did not answer. Please catch this nut. His number is 202-754-8199. This needs to stop. He is harassing me. Please help me in this manor.

Thank you

- Seattle, WA, USA

Left robo call VM. Says they are US treasury. I called them back for fun and it's obvious they arent legit, a real live person answers on the 1st ring! No government agency does that. Says I owe money and are sending officers to my house right now.

- Mission Viejo, CA, USA

David Gray called expressing that there are charges against me and to call back immediatly or it would be a federal offense. I did not call back.

- Kathleen, GA, USA

I received a phone call from 469 424 2165, stated it was the US Treasury and I owed back taxes. If I didn't pay I would be arrested and taking to court. I call the number back and it disconnected.

- Buford, GA, USA

I received a call around noon on 29 February, 2016, from 631-318-8369 (a number in Long Island/Hamptons area, caller ID said Amaganset, NY), with a recording playing through my answering machine of a male voice, with a vaguely Indian accent, claiming to be a Dennis [Quaid?] - couldn't understand clearly - representing the US Treasury about an enforcement action.

Caller did not name any names in my household nor my address or any other personal info. Did make the claim that avoiding the call is a Federal offense for which I could be prosecuted. Fortunately, I know this is BS.

The recording ran on a continuous loop, at least 3 times through. It would just start over again as soon as it finished. I was forced to pick up and immediately hang up to stop it.

I was targeted, not victimized; there would have been an attempt to take money if I'd responded but I didn't respond.

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