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US Treasury

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US Treasury Reports & Reviews (228)

- Washington, DC, USA

Male caller with a foreign accent is calling me about four times a day, always from what sounds lile a busy room, saying he is from the us treasury in Washington dc. When I object to this being true, he hangs up.

Telephone call with recorded message with woman's voice with American accent saying she was from the U.S. Treasury and there was a petition filed against me and I should call 908-615-8008 immediately so the case would not go to Federal Court or I would not be arrested.

- Richmondville, NY, USA

US Treasury 202.643.3251 called me and said I was eligible for a $8,700 grant.

A man with an Asian accent left a voicemail claiming to represent the US Treasury. He threatened me with court action due to some unstated violation I supposedly have committed.

I got a message on my cell phone stating that I owed back taxes from 2012 and they would take payment over the phone once they ask their supervisor

I received a call stating the US Treasury Dept. was seizing my IRA/pension and that there was a lawsuit pending against me. I was told to contact 940-205-4532 immediately or face arrest.

Left message that I needed to contact them immediately to address an issue immediately before a warrant for arrest is issued for my arrest. Person calling was "Office Nikki Johnson" badge #9165

A woman called my college age son in Fort Collins, CO on his cell phone. She told him he was in serious debt with the I.R.S and needed to send $5000 cash within one hour. He thankfully did not give her his social security number or any other information. She was extremely aggressive. Thank goodness he had the good sense to call me on the other line. I told him to ask her for her name and employee number. When he did, she hung up. He is now concerned that she has his cell phone # and knows the city in which where he lives. SCAM!!

I received a phone call on my cell identifying the origin of the call from Alhambra, CA and number (626) 425-9658. I did not answer as I do not know anyone from Alhambra nor did I recognize the phone number. A recorded message was left. He identified himself as Steve Martin from the US Treasury cautioning me to contact him in regard to a criminal action and my refusal would constitute the failure of a second contact. He left a phone number different from the previous number. It was (626) 425-9586. I did not respond to this call believing it was an IRS Telephone Scam.

Automated voicemail saying that there were federal criminal charges filed against me case CF79621 from the US Treasury and if I didn't call back, good luck to me.

- Wake Forest, NC, USA

Caller informed me that I had been selected to receive a free grant. All I needed to do was call A number, and give them this code to receive it.

The caller identified himself as Kevin Mason, ID #10086, from the US Treasury. He said if we didn't cooperate, we would be arrested in 45 minutes.

Received a message stating,"This is the US Treasury trying to contact you again on this serious issue. This is the second attempt and if you want to avoid appearing before a magistrate please call 301-202-3916 to speak with a treasury agent. Avoiding this call could also be a considered a Federal Criminal Offense.

I called back and it sounded like a man from India, the same one who calls us telling us they are with Windows and they want to help with my computer. I laughed when he answered and I told him he should be embarrassed for doing SCAMS and this reflects on his parents. He then said FU and hung up.

Voice mail from the US Treasury concerning my case by contacting them at 559-203-7078

Called to say it was urgent to contact them as I owe money to the treasury department

Stated there was a tax lein against me and if I did not contact them immediately I would be arrested. I needed to call Breanna Scott at 303 351 0141.

Recording. Foreign accent. Gave name of Kevin from U S Treasury. Then he said " if you don't respond....". (Sounded threatening). I hung up.

- Moodus, CT, USA

Got a robotic voice that left a message claiming to be the US Treasury and stating that I am under suspicion for tax fraud. Wanted me to call back to arrange payment at the above number within 48 hours.

Said to ask for a federal agent and your case number, you have committed a federal criminal offense. Report to the magistrate judge or grand jury.

They said it was the second warning.

- Columbus, IN, USA

Called left message claiming errors in tax filing, and unresponsive to requests from the IRS. Claimed legal action was being taken if the call was not returned. When I called, he did not know my first name, but did have an address in file with a family member of the same last name. He could not answer my questions on what he claimed the filing errors were. I asked him to mail the details of the alleged filing errors and he said I would be arrested within 45 minutes. I laughed and ended the call.

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