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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

- Spokane, WA, USA

A recording saying they were calling from Amazon about a $400 order that was going to be shipped right away and if it wasn’t our order to call them right away. We have received this call several times the last couple weeks. We haven’t ordered from Amazon for a couple years.

They sent me an email regarding an Amazon order that I didn’t order and to an address in another state with my name. I called and they wanted to know my server information to take care of this matter. No thanks cause Amazon doesn’t ask that information or send from Amazon Inc

- Ithaca, NY, USA

Caller said they were calling from amazon regarding a potential fraudulent charge on my account. They had my name and phone number and wanted me to open a page on my phone to help them remove the charge. i hung up

I received THREE calls in close proximity, from these different phone numbers. An electronic (female) voice ("Molly from Amazon") warned of a large ($729) charge on my Amazon account. "To dispute this charge," and be connected to an Amazon representative, press 1...

I read about these. Just hang up; don't press anything, even 1, or apparently we risk scammers getting at least some access to more of our info.

Received an email from what appears to be from Amazon but it was not, stating that 2

Laptops were purchased through my Amazon account. Gave me a number to call if I did not order them. I went on Amazon website to get a number to call which was different from the phone number in the email. I checked my Amazon account and there were no purchases so it proved to be a scam.

The phone number of the scam is 1818 963 9202 . Had a fake ID # as well.

The order was to be sent to Roy Guerrero at 113 Stonegate Cir, Shelbyville Tn


I received a robocall claiming that my $400 Amazon order had been confirmed. However, I do not use credit cards and do not have an Amazon account. The message asked that I all back and ask for "Cyber Security". (I do not have caller ID and do not have the phone number of the robocall)

- Wenatchee, WA, USA

Got call from this number the man claimed to be security for and said over 50 million people are watching for me to place an order so they can get my bank info. He told me to put him on speaker and I had to download a security app to get rid of all the bad people as he claimed.

I received a scam phone call claiming to be from Amazon. It said I made an $800 purchase. I never bought anything from Amazon. I don't even own a computer. They gave a phone number to call if I feel this is fraud from Amazon. 800-457-5175. I called the phone number. Nobody answered or it is not in service. The phone number they called from was 315-322-9025.

I just received a call stating my amazon account was hacked and activity in Florida and Texas have been verified on my account. I live in Connecticut and have not left the state or used any store WiFi’s so the tech I do not believe is from Amazon and is trying to get into my phone by downloading an app onto my phone

The person did not speak English well and I do not fell this call was from Amazon

- Bronx, NY, USA

This number called me and said they work with Amazon and that one of my purchases of iPhone 11 wasn’t fulfilled. Which I know was a scam. They used the name Micheal George.

- Graham, WA, USA

I was told someone purchased an iphone11 for 500 on my amazon card.

I did not give them any information and hung up when they asked me to download an app to remedy the issue

- Clovis, CA, USA

Received an order confirmation from Amazon which I had not placed. I called the number below and instead of correcting the issue, he tried to fear monger me. I asked him to cancel the transaction. He says there have been 5 other transactions for a Rolex watch, apple computer and such. In order to cancel, I must go to my local Amazon store for identity verification reasons. I hung up on him and called Amazon's customer number. They found no evidence of fraudulent on my account and I see no such activities on my account.

- Sparta, WI, USA

I received an email about a purchase at Amazon for a TV I did not make. The name was mine but for an address in Delaware. This is the second time in two months that this has happened. So far I'm not out any money, but now I have to change my credit card number again for the third time in two months.

Robo caller telling me that there was a $499 unauthorized charge to my account for an iPhone 11 Pro and that I should press 1 to decline the charge.

I recevied an email saying i order two computers which was strange. I called the number that they gave. I started talking to the guy he proceed to tell me that i order it with my social. It was weird never knew amazon to do that. So at this point im mad i say i never been ro tennesse for someone to get my credit. He tells me i have to get gift card fast before they spend if not they will charge. So i call amazon directly and they tell me its a scam

- Lafayette, LA, USA

Robo call. Let it go to phone message. Message Stated if you made order for $449.99 on, do nothing. If not, we were told to call 888-214-5653, the “Billing & Fraud Prevention Office.” Deleted message.

- Everett, WA, USA

Got a text message from 2079758851 and was redirected to a website looking to be associated with, which I had recently made a purchase from. There was no mention of any charges except $1 for PS5 the first message said I had won. Then seconds later I got a order confirmation from a company I never heard of contacted or authorized to make any charges on my account. I immediately called the customer service number was given the run around before I was told my concerns would be reviewed and someone might be back to me in 24 to 48hrs. When i demanded to speak to a supervisor was told non were available they were in a meeting. When i said I would wait till one was available I was transferred to a gentleman who told me he couldn't authorize a refund and hung up on me.

- Brooklyn, NY, USA

told me I purchased a phone then transferred me to a female employee who asked why i was calling then told me to shut my mouth and hung up.

I received unordered merchandise from Amazon, purported to be from Amazon, but this is actually the brushing scam.

I received this unordered merchandise (worthless; a dog whistle, a birdhouse, a cheap wristband) I called my daughter who told me to contact Amazon and Amazon customer service informed me this is a brushing scam and advised me legally I can keep these items (even though I don't want nor need them). Amazon referenced the press release about brushing and even offered to send it to me via email

Male caller who identified himself as Tony D’ Sousa who stated he represented himself as an employee from Amazon. He stated someone had used my Amazon account to order a I10 Apple IPhone and he proceeded to ask for more and more personal information. Like a fool I gave him the requested information. The kicker was when he asked me to withdraw $4600.00 from my bank and then when I had the money I was to proceed to Target and purchase “vouchers”—someone would come the next day to scan the vouchers. When he continually to used the word “voucher” that was an eye opener that I was being scammed. I immediately returned the money to the bank cancelled my debit card and called the real Amazon! What a fool I was! Proper Amazon Lastly he told me thre was a lot of fraudulent activity on my credit reports. He rattled off a bunch of names which were not clear to me. My money was placed in the appropriate accounts! He called the next day but I would not talk to him!!! Spoke with the real Amazon to report incident!

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