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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

I received a message on my answering machine from Amazon. Wanted me to be aware of an Amazon iPhone purchase for $349.99. They were bringing it to my attention. Asked if I made the purchase. They made it seem like they were doing me a favor. I called the number back. 775-319-4503. I spoke with Sebastian Dcrue. I said I don't do business with Amazon. He asked for my name, address, phone number and date of birth. I gave it out. He also asked for my credit card number, Social Security number and bank account number. I said I'm not doing this. I hung up.

- Taft, CA, USA

They said they were from Amazon and that there had been a problem with my account with unauthorized charges from a city and state that was obviously not associated with my own.

- Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Thinking that this was an actual email from Amazon, I called the number on the email. They sent a PIN to my cell phone and asked me to repeat it. In hindsight, I believe this was a method to get my mobile number and tie it in with the email they already had. When they started asking for more information regarding my account, I became uncomfortable that it was actually Amazon. When I started asking more questions, they ended the call.

- Port Saint Lucie, FL, USA

It was an automated call from ( Amazon) saying that there may have been unauthorized use with my account and to not sign into my account on my phone for safety. And if I wanted to speak with an Amazon representative to further assist me to wait. That's when I hung up.

- New York, NY, USA


I have been receiving Amazon packages that I did not order. These items are not listed in my Amazon order account, nor were they charged to my credit card. I understand this is part of a scam called "brushing." I’ve called Amazon's customer service, and they asked me to report to their "[email protected]" email address. They were not able to help much or track the scammer without an order number, receipt, seller info, or return address.

IN package #1, I received three items: a scarf, a 9-pc rhinestone scarf rings, and what appears to be a pack of herb/infusion bags - all made in China, if that’s relevant.

IN package #2, a scarf and a metal scarf ring holder, whatever the heck that is.

I changed my password on my Amazon account. If there is anything that can be done, please let me know.


- Verplanck, NY, USA

Called saying someone in Dayton Ohio bought a google play card with my accounts and that my amazon account is on hold because of the fraudulent charges

- Vernon, NY, USA

Call said I purchased Microsoft notebook for over thousand dollars (not sure how much they said exactly) was a recording said if I didn’t purchase press 1. And if I did purchase it would be deducted from my account.

- Morgantown, WV, USA

I was called about a fraudulent charge to my Amazon account and then was told my account was put on hold. Neither of these things were true. Pressing one took me to a representative (scammer) and I think it was a sourced call from India. The recording was an American voice im assuming to reassure people due to the stereotype of scam calls being carried out from India.

- New York, NY, USA

Restricted Call ( a red flag to me) Recorded call claimed to be from Amazon Prime fraud dept., questioning an order for an I-phone they suspect is fraudulent. Press 1 to be connected to the Amazon fraud dept .(Yeah right, I hung up.) Just to be safe I checked my Amazon and bank account online, and called Amazon to report it. I will Call screen ALL Restricted calls (unlisted Phone numbers) from now on. They will have to leave a voice mail to reach me, which I don't think they will do.

Robo call- Hello this is an automated call from amazon we have identified some suspicious activity on your amazon account so we strongly restricted doing any financial activity on your amazon account until and unless to concern will fix please press 1 to talk to amazon customer support thank you

Sent an email masked as a shipping confirmation for a laptop.

- Mentor, OH, USA

I have been receiving notifications from Dollar Bank that Amazon has been trying to access my bank accounts almost everyday since November 16, 2020. My bank suggested that I change my password and security questions which I have done a couple of times. As of

yesterday I am still receiving notifications that Amazon is still trying to access my accounts. I was finally able on Nov. 28, 2020 to send an email to Amazon ([email protected]) regarding this situation. They said that they would forwarded my complaint to their security department. IP addresses being used to access my bank accounts range from IP206.225.203.1 thru IP206.225.203.9 between 3:50 PM - 6 PM. Thank you.

- Dallas, TX, USA

Email message asking about a recent purchase. It asks if I received it. The problem is that there are misspellings & grammatical errors, which makes me suspicious.

I received a message from Amazon stating I was charged $399.00 for an Iphone and they wanted to verify the purchase and to verify my address. They wanted me to call back at 1-682-816-0659. I called them back and they wanted my home address. They said the phone would be sent to some place in California. They then asked for my credit card number.

- Hickory, NC, USA

Received a fake order confirmation supposedly from They have a phone number to contact to change or cancel order. ( 1-267-405-9052) I called order and when the guy answered, he did not immediately say Amazon, he was hispanic and hard to understand. Gave him the order # provided on invoice (#PZY-2974720-5575126), then thought about it and told him I would call right back. I googled Amazon customer service phone # and called to check. She told me it was not their invoice. And that was it. Thank God I checked or it could have been real bad. The shipping address is Lansing Street, Renton, WA 98055 for Apple Black iPad Pro 12.9 inch for $1,099.00 plus tax of $54.95 for a total of $1,153.95.

Scammer called and said they were from AMAZON and were reporting a charge of 499.00 on my VISA card and to please call back if this transaction was false. I have received quite a few of these calls lately and same thing but different amounts. This was the first time they mentioned a specific credit card. Once you call back they will know you have a VISA card and they go from there.

- Lakeside, CA, USA

I got a robo call claiming to be Amazon and that they are suspending my account due to suspicious activity.

- Twin Falls, ID, USA

I received a phone call that showed as from "Danceography" from my area code. When I answered a woman's voice claiming to be from Amazon claimed that there was a possible fraudulent order for $120 on my account from an unknown IP address in another state. If this order wasn't from me to push 1 to speak to someone in Amazon's fraudulent order dept. I pushed 1 and a male voice with an India type accent answered asking how he could help me. I responded "You tell me, apparently there's a fraudulent order on my acct" . He then asked when I last ordered from Amazon, at the same time i went to my Amazon acct. on line to check my orders as I have made several purchases this past month. There was no unknown activity on my acct so I decided that this was probably a scam phone call and hung up on it.

I immediately went to the site and looked up Amazon scams and there were several, all similar but different enough in nature that I thought I should add this to the list.

- Southgate, MI, USA

Automated call from 224-191-7915 and 224-769-9764

Said my Amazon account had a suspisious large charge for iPhone 10 and wanted me to press 1 to confirm or 2 to cancel. I pressed 2 and it repeats the message. This happened 2X today. I went online to Amazon and there is no charge.

- Montour Falls, NY, USA

Got voicemail from Amazon stated they were following up on whether I made a purchase,for a I phone 11, for $742. Left phone number I should call to verify. I did call back, wanted me to download a Google store app to track fraudulent activity. He then wanted the ID code. Then wanted me to go to Google gift me all theses reasons why I needed to do this..the I realized it was a scam. I hung up. Called Amazon to make sure of no fraudulent activity.

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