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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

- Rochester, MI, USA

A person with a heavy accent called to inform me that I had a bill for $32 and asked if I would like to cancel my subscription to Amazon Prime.I asked why the bill was so high.He couldn't answer that but told me to install an app called AnyDesk remote control.I did and opened it and got a security warning that I was about to turn over control of my device to another person. I told him about the warning and he assured me that it was completely safe.I said good bye and hung up.

Received 2 products from Amazon that I did not order. I initially received an email saying a gift was coming from Amazon. When the package arrive, the note from Amazon said "Enjoy your gift! From: (my real name)." The items were ink for a printer and sticky bra pads.

- Kenosha, WI, USA

FRM: Customer Support

SUBJ: Amazon Gift Card waiting for you

MSG: Amazon Gift Card

- Corfu, NY, USA

Received several phone calls from Amazon saying I made large purchases of 299.99 and 349.00 and to press 1 to speak to a representative. If I didn't press 1, they would charge my card and ship the item(s). They left these phone numbers. 401-213-3902.


Thank you.

74 hackers were able to access my accounts since my ip address was public. Needed money to make my ip address secure by use if a Walmart gift card, because it was secure.

- Rock Island, IL, USA

So again I tired to call Amazon with phone number 1-888280-4331 due to the wanted me to tell them the id information that shows they took the money from my account in error due to I do not have a membership with them what so ever. The guy told me I have to give them my e-mail address and account information and I explain nope not going to happen since they already have the information on file he then was telling me again that I must have given my account information out and I explained again how can I give out my account information when I do not have a account with you in the first time. He then laughed at me and transfer me to his supervisor and she did the same thing all over to me again but this time she just laughed at me and hung up. I have been dealing with this for that last three day started on 9/8/20 until today I am so sick of the way Amazon practice their business. I also was trying to tell them to stop sending me e-mail telling me they have a package waiting for me to pick up and I just delete them right away since I know I do know have an account with them and I did not order nothing from them, Only to be told them have the right to send and do what ever they want.

- Filer, ID, USA

I was emailed that I purchase a product on amazon that I didn’t purchase. There was a customer service # I called they said it was internet scammers from 3 different countries. Told me to go to Walmart or another store for a card to help block them by growing them off. To make a long story short, things went from 3hrs to 2 days of conversations and call backs. Oh and now I know they made it look like they scanned my computer and found a trogon that infected my computer. Now I know they used my own scanner on my computer. Luck so far no money was lost.

- Electra, TX, USA

They called and said I have purchased a iPhone watch was this ok to go though if not press 1 so I did then I was thinking I don’t have a amazon account so I hung up and he call back wanting to know why I hung up I told him I think this is a scam and I will get a hold of amazon my self said the watch was 798.00

- Rockwall, TX, USA

I received a phone call this morning using my local area code and answered it thinking it could be potential job. It was a recorded message about an Amazon order for hundreds of dollars. I called customer service to check my account. Don't fall for it, Amazon will send you and email about your orders, they told me they would never call.

- Maple Valley, WA, USA

Message left on answering machine saying my “visa was charged $77.97 for purchase of a pair of Nike shoes & lipstick from If you made this purchase, just hang up and your order will be shipped to you. If you did not make this purchase, call 425-358-2746.” Received exact same message in July. Did not call the number they left either time.

- Boise, ID, USA

individual said they were from Amazon and my account had a bunch of charges made on it from Ohio. He said I needed to get on my computer and so I thought he would have me check my amazon account, which is what I did and there were no charges that I hadn't made.. He wanted me to go to, I said no, give me your number and I'll call back. He hung up immediately.

Received a call saying that there was a suspicious charge on my Amazon account, connect to representative if I did not make the charge. "Agent" was able to provide my first name and said that I had a $700+ charge for an iphone X. I told the agent that I was very concerned and asked which Amazon account had the fraud. The agent disconnected the call. I have a login with Amazon, but I do not have any credit with them. I believe this call to be fraudulent with the intent to collect personal information.

- Blythewood, SC, USA

The scammer said his name was Allen Johnson from Amazon. He was the senior supervisor and he was also calling on behalf of the BBB. He informed me that my visa account had been charged $279.00, and he wanted me to get on my laptop, so he could show all the scams that have been taking place. When I asked him to please repeat his name and where he was calling from, he got irate and said if I didn’t want to cooperate with him, by accessing certain features on my laptop, then my Visa card will be charged $279.00, then he hung up on me.

- Maple Heights, OH, USA

I received a message on my home answering machine. Beginning of the message cut off. Could not hear the entire message. Amazon. 99 cents. If you placed this order on your credit card, you do not have to call us back. If I did not place order call them back at 810-212-0143. I did not call the number back. I do not do business with Amazon. I never placed an order. I know did the right thing not to call them back. If I don't recognize the number I don't answer. My caller ID showed my own name and number. I contacted Amazon. I was told they don't call. Sounds like a phishing scam.

Got an email that was for an order that was purchased to my amazon account.

I called the number on the email.

Talked to someone that said they cancelled the order but found a bunch of hackers to this account . . . some from US and some from overseas (China and Russia)

I believed them because my daughter is on tick tock and buys a lot of stuff from websites all over.

They said I needed to purchase an Amazon purple gift cards from a list of stores so they can use it to track the hackers.

I went to Rite aid first which didn't have any of the "Purple" Amazon gift cards. They said I could get a google play one but it needed to be for at least $200 which they would automatically refund and it would show in my account with 24 to 48 hours.

I did that, and had to give them the trans action number of the receipt along with the card info.

They did that then said they closed out all of the hackers but the ones from overseas. Can't believe I didn't catch on from there.

Then I proceeded to purchase two more cards . . . one from Best buy and one from Walgreens . . . both for $500 each.

After the 2nd one, I started questioning the guy who said his name was Alan. I told him to hold on the line so I can call Amazon and confirm . . . he said OK . .. gave me his extension and name and he would hold while I called them. Stupid me believed him figuring if he was giving me his name and extension along with holding that he must be legit.

Then I got home and he said they still couldn't find the last hacking from China and wanted me to go out and buy $400 worth of Ebay cards. Then I knew it was all a scam. I freaked out on him and he got mad telling me I was insulting him. I can't believe I didn't figure it out after the first one.

Now I am out $1200. We work so hard for our money . . . and there's people like this out there that have no problems stealing from others. Now I don't have enough to pay my mortgage and/or my daughters tuition for this month. I have reported this to the FTC, my bank, the stores that I purchased the cards from. If there is anyway anyone can compensate me it would be greatly appreciated . . . and if not, at least CATCH THESE [censored]TY PEOPLE . . . it's just so upsetting . . . and worse on how stupid I feel for falling for it 3 times.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I'm calling to report a scam call I just received a my home phone. It was a recording. They were from Amazon. Going to charge my account $1200 for a phone I ordered. I have never ordered anything from Amazon. The recording stated to press a number to confirm or cancel the order. It disconnected before I could press a number. I called Amazon to make sure they don't have a record of anything. The phone number in my caller Id was 216-873-9030. I tried to call the phone number back. Of course it said the number cannot be completed as dialed.

I answered a scam call on my cell phone. The same call came in last Friday and Saturday. At first it was a recording. My Amazon account has been compromised. I pressed a number to speak with someone. A man came on the line. He said my Amazon account was compromised. He asked me if I had a laptop. I said no. Then he wanted to know if I was on a smart phone. I said yes. He said you can go to Google. I said I'm not doing that. I hung up. They called from two different phone numbers. I answered the calls because the phone numbers were similar to mine. The numbers in my caller ID were 216-324-7379 and 216-324-3951.

- Baton Rouge, LA, USA

Melissa We are trying to contact you about your gift. Please follow the link to claim it before it expires.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I just received a scam message on my cell phone. If my cell phone does not recognize the number, it will not ring through. It was a recorded message supposedly from Amazon. I could barely hear it. Something about $99 for services. Press one to speak with an Amazon Service Manager. I did not press one or call the number back. I already have Amazon Prime. The phone number in my caller ID was 567-244-0776 Norwalk, OH.

Caller said someone had made purchase. When I said It wasn’t me he said it was someone from Ohio. He wanted me to give him information. I said I was going to call bbb it was a scam. Then he hung up.

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