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Can You Hear Me

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Can You Hear Me Reports & Reviews (304)

ask if you can hear me now

- Grove City, OH, USA

Caller asked, "can you hear me?". I instinctively responded "yes", but then quickly remembered seeing a news article about this scam...I immediately hung up and reported the number.

"Can you hear me"

- Appleton, WI, USA

Received a call that started out with "can you hear me", when you say yes, they hang up.

- Henrico, VA, USA

Called and asked can you hear me. I hung up per your site's advice.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received a call on my home phone about a month ago. When I picked up the phone the caller said "Can you hear me". I said yes. The call was disconnected. I am concerned about the call since I saw this scam on television last week and today. I remembered I had this type of call. I'm concerned about the call. I was not able to get the phone number off caller ID. Since this happened I am receiving many calls from phone number 855-256-1623 on my caller ID. It is a recording. Instructs me to call another number but I did not write it down. I did not call the 855-256-1623 back. I feel it could be related to the "Can you hear me" call.

- Colonial Heights, VA, USA

The caller asked if I could hear him clearly. Of course I said yes. Then he proceed to tell me that I had won some thing, of course i hung up knowing it was a robot call. Then my husband told me about this scam about your cell phone so I knew I needed to report it.

- Chesterfield, VA, USA

I got a phone call from a number I did not know. The person stated they were from customer service, then asked can you hear me ok.

Never said what company and the voice sounded like a robot.

I received a call that started as...can you hear me?

- King George, VA, USA

Caller said "this is Josh from the customer service department. Can you hear me? "

Hi this is John from a recorded verizon line can you hear me?

- Chester, VA, USA

Claimed that I had stayed at their resorts and that I had won a loaded vacation. Lady started off with something along the line "sorry I was having trouble with my headset". When I asked them who told them that I had stayed at one of their resorts, they then proceded to ask if I was 18 years or older. I refused to answer and continued to ask them questions at which point they hung up.

- Decatur, IN, USA

Called and asked I could hear them. I said yes. Not lost any money yes but I was distracted.

- Mechanicsville, VA, USA

Can you hear me scam. Our tv and internet were shut off a week later and we were told that we called and cancelled it that morning. We never placed a call to cancel services.

- Charlottesville, VA, USA

Caller asked if I could hear her. Then proceeded to play message about staying in a recent resort and being eligible for 75% discount on stay

- Henrico, VA, USA

Recorded caller asks "Can you hear me?" (I said "yes"), then "Hold on, I'm adjusting my headset". Then started to tell me that I am to do a survey about a resort that I stayed at recently. Well, I haven't stayed at any resort, so I then hung up. I normally don't answer unknown numbers, but did today, because my mom was in the emergency room, and I was waiting for an update. The (804) area code indicated to me that it was a local number.

- King George, VA, USA

It was the "can you hear me now" scam that is going around. Phone number and company not identified by caller ID. So many calls these days like this. THE DO NOT CALL LIST does not work anymore, due to lack of enforcement. We must try something else. Credit card companies just send cards to applicants without actual verification. Companies via phone or internet rarely ask for security codes on cards when contacted for fraudulent (or real) sales. Retail brick and mortar stores do not ask for Picture ID when credit or debit cards are used. If all sales could be made more secure, credit card theft and fraud could be reduced. If the Federal Trade commission could penalize and prosecute offenders of the "Do not call list", many of these scams would go away. Even under the "can you hear me now" scam, you should not be able to order something over the phone, mail, etc...without positive proof of the person's ID and their intent to purchase...not just a recorded "yes" Government, corporations, and even non-profit organizations could do so much to resist these scammers.

- Midlothian, VA, USA

Said headset problem - can you hear me - then BS about having won some Disney prize because we stayed at resort!

May be the 'yes' scam?

An American speaking man called and said, "hi, I'm calling from the customer service department, can you hear me ok?" My husband immediately hung up.

Woman saying "can you hear me? Hello? Oh sorry I was just adjusting my headset" I have received multiple calls from this number with the same exact voice saying the same exact statement. Then trying to tell me I was eligible for a free cruise.

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