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CRA Reports & Reviews (127)

Recorded phone message stated that it was the Canada Revenue Agency calling and there was a case against me, a lawsuit of serious consequence and they was a warrant for my arrest. Said i must call back immediately to settle the issue or they would send the police.

Received an automated call saying there is an arrest warrant for me in regards to taxes due. As if it was from the Cananadian Revenue Agency.

Recived email. Ignored email

They called telling me I owed money and if I didn't respond I would be put in jail. I called them back to tell them I knew it was a scam and the hung up and blocked my number from calling back.

Automatic call - Robotic voice:

"There is a case a lawsuit the is setting filed under your name. The moment you receive this message I need you to get back to me on my department division number that is 519-8052834. I repeat 519-8052834 now if I don't hear a call from you we will have to issue an arrest warrant under your name and get you arrested. So get back to me as soon as possible"

I received a automated phone call telling me there has been a law suit filed by revenue Canada against me for tax evasion. I called the number back and they answered, when I asked them why I was not sent registered mail regarding the law suit they hung up, I recalled the number to have some fun and waste their time but it wrung unanswered and then cut off.

Phone with a robotic message saying i need to pay the government or ill be arrested.

I received a phone call from this number (705) 481 2780. When I pick up, there is a machine record telling me to call back since there is an incident reported by me. If I don't call back, the police will arrest me. I just hang up.

i did not answer this call but they left a message stating tax fraud and phone them back as soon as possible

Call from a person with a South Asian accent who called himself "Bill Watson" who claimed to be from the CRA with badge #417 727 41

claimed my mother in law had an warrant out for her arrest for tax payments in arrears. The base amount was $4000 + $97,000 in penalties.

Claim continued that the RCMP could be "at your front door at anytime to arrest you..."

He also provided case #63318

It's a bunch of nonsense

Caller posting as a member of Canada Revenue Agency

Called and left voice mail and text message to my work cell number "that there is a case filed under you name. The moment you receive this message I need you to get back to my department division number that is 780 816 0417. If I don't hear a call from you We will have to issue an arrest warrant under your name and get you arrested. So get back to me as soon as possible. Thank you".

I called back and the person receive the call told me he is calling from the Canada Revenue Agency. I told him that he is lying and I am going to report him to the proper authority. He was swearing. Anyway this is a similar scammer which was broadcasted by CBC at marketplace. Beware, these scammers are still out there.

Scammers. Please do not provide your personal information and any kind of financial information. IRS or CRA won't call you if they have a problem with your tax filing.

Call came into my cell phone from Kingston, Ontario Message said it was the CRA and that there was a fraud committed on Income Tax said that it was necessary to call back to 1-613-777-2664

I Googled phone number and I see there have been other calls made with same Circumstances.

CRA would never call to inform such information.

Received an automated message saying it was C.R.A. and to call back.

I called back, the male person said he was the C.R.A., i responded back with sure you are... and also told him that I have reported the phone # to the proper authorities. He quickly hung up!

These jerks called and pretended to be from Canada Revenue Agency. When I called back, it turned out to be a marketing company. What a scam!

I received a voice mail on my Phone on August 3, 2018 @ around 12:00 stating that i owe back taxes and if i had not paid it will result in an issue of my arrest, where i will be held in custody for 7 days and would have to pay lawyers fees etc. I called back that number. I was frightened, anxious, nervous and felt a ton of other emotions while going through this evil scenario. Following his exact instructions, i paid the scammer $3,820.00 cash through a bitcoin machine. Had my bank adviser not question my suspicious activity i would of forked over another $8,000.00. The phone call was dark, scary and they made me feel as though this is the end of the line and i would be going to jail. As my better judgment and questions had not kicked in earlier and in the mindset of full chaos and panic i made the dumbest mistake of my life and followed through with payment instructions. The scammer kept me on the phone, told me that as this was a highly sensitive and confidential case i am not to share any information with anyone around me, not even the professionals at the bank - i did not in any shape or form share any of my personal information - they did ask for the postal code of the bank once i had gotten cash. They had asked me for my personal information including my SIN number WHICH IS NOT CRA PRACTICE! and i did question that, and did not give them that information, and the scammer got aggressive again not in the right state of mind due to overwhelming emotions, the scammer worded his next phrase & moved on to the instructions of rectifying the situation of my unpaid taxes - the only reason i fell into this plot so badly was because i am not very well educated on tax procedures and i have had issues in the past where i had minor errors on my tax forms. After realizing how badly i messed up , i cancelled my Credit Card and informed the Credit card security department, filed a police report, reported it to the fraud the department to Government of Canada website. At this point i dont know what else i can possibly do, i will not get that money back but I've gained more than enough torture to know what i WILL NOT DO NEXT TIME.

Received call by male portraying himself as a rep. demanding that we contact him or face legal and criminal charges.

I received a phone call today (a recording) that the CRA was coming to arrest me for non-payment of taxes and that I should call the number back to avoid arrest. I did not.


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