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CRA Reports & Reviews (127)

Another number used by the CRA scam. Electronic female message said that "if you don't return this call, we will have to transfer the case to the court house and get you arrested."

LOL - who talks like that?

Automated voice message advising me that have unpaid taxes and to immediately call the number: 613-778-8461 regarding the unpaid taxes and if I do not call they will issue an arrest warrant.

They call saying there is an warrant out for your immediate arrest for taxes owing and to call them back immediately.

I ended up falling for this for about 5 hours as they have you drive to convenience stores, Walmart, Shoppers Drug Mart to find these gift cards being Steam and buy $1,000 worth, then another $1400 worth, then again another $1500 and they try to keep on going with more reasons that need to be paid now so that the cops don't show up at your door to arrest you right away.

Absolutely humiliating experience to fall for and have to deal with trying to come up with this money to pay back credit cards with.

I have emailed Valve Corporation stating my case as well as demanding restitution for monies I paid to buy these Steam gift cards. They were all scratched off and codes given to these scam CRA people. There is no way that Steam can't tell what is going on as I am now aware that this is a well known scam happening. I plan on suing them for losses and damages. As if Steam can not tell that a large purchase was just made by their cards as they are all given activation codes, and immediately within 5-10 minutes claimed online on a computer that is who knows where in the world.

Thankfully my credit card company informed me of what was happening so I was able to somewhat curtail my losses at that point. Credit cad compnaies know, there is no way a massive company such as Steam?Valve wouldn't be able to instantly tell as well.

I got a voicemail message saying they are the CRA, saying there is a lawsuit being filed under my name and if I don't call 1-613-519-9850 they will issue a arrest warrant for me.

was left a message on answering machine that I had an unpaid tax owing. They identified them selves as from CRA. I called CRA and they told me it was a scam

Received a mobile phone call from ‘CRA’ saying that there was a law suit being filed against me for back taxes. Was told that that if I failed to reply to this call that I would be arrested. This call went to voice mail so I have a recording of it.

An automated message threatening to arrest a person on behalf of CRA

Was left a VM that I or my lawyer was to call back immediately, not to disregard the VM or else consequences were on me. Spoke with a man who said he was from Revenue Canada, CRA, and that I was investigated by the Serious Crime Division and was accused of Tax Fraud for over $4000.00. He was very hard to understand and told me to not interrupt him while he was talking (I was trying to clarify what he was saying). He said that if I don't clear this up now that I will be arrested within an hour and this will go to court. I asked, what are you asking of do I clear this you want my credit number or something? He then said he needed to transfer me to his senior officer. Another man came on the phone and identified himself as a police officer, and when I asked who he worked for and where he was located he said 'I don't understand your question, I need to transfer you' and the phone then went dead......

You get a phone call or voice mail, threatening you with an arrest warrant being issued to the RCMP from the CRA for unpaid taxes. for your immediate arrest, if you don't call back and discuss the charges you will be arrested.

Phone number shows as Chatham, Ontario.

a young woman answers, then a young guy takes over and some times an older gentleman talks, they all sound east Indian, they want to talk to a female/wife.

they always answer with Hello CRA.

and ask you to provide your name and number.

They have phone twice Did not allow acxess

I answered the phone to a recording saying I was being investigated by the government and that I needed to call this number immediately to take care of what I owe.I immediately blocked the number, I never call the number, or click on the email, they try to scare you into contacting them or listening to them. Always go to the website (like Cra) or call the website number, you can't be to careful.

I had a random number call me and leave me a voicemail saying it was the CRA and there was a warrant out for my arrest because of unpaid taxes. It had a number to call back. I ignored the voicemail and then I received another call with a local area code that I thought could be a possible job interview. When I answered, the man replied "do you want to play a game?". Unsure of this call, I decided to go along with it, I replied "yes". The man on the other end then hung up the phone right after I heard a few beeps. Instantly I was panicking. I thought to my self, what "What is going on?". Within 5 minutes, I received 4 more calls!!! I checked my voice mail and there was 2 new ones; one with inaudible noise and the second was the same man who I heard speak before saying "I have all your information now" and hung up.

Frantically I got into my car and drove right to the bank to get a new debit card and called visa to get a new card as well.

I was left a message saying I was going to be arrested for Tax Fraud, to call this number 6144168355

I called the number and was answered with Canada Revenue Agency. He asked for my name and I refused saying how do I know you are legit. He then said in about an hour the RCMP will be knocking at my door to explain better than he could.

This is now the third time I have had these calls.

I have received 3 recorded messages using a female voice. It states " AN ARREST WARRANT BY HAS BEEN ISSUED UNDER YOUR NAME BY C R A. IF YOU WANT TO RESOLVE YOUR CARE GIVE US A CALL BACK AT 613-519-4446."

The call ends and I have never called this number because I know I have no problems with the C R A.

I phoned the London City Police at *** *** and was told by a Constable *** (the name may be misspelled) that this was a scam and to ignore it. I asked to have the number called by him but he refused because he knew it was an ongoing scam. I was NOT satisfied.

I called Bell Canada at *** and was connected to a *** who also said it was a fraudulent scam and just to ignore it. I also asked him to call the 613-519-4446 number but instead he gave me your phone number (***) and the link to your website at the Canadian Anti-Fraud Institute (more or less?)

I want these people contacted and have my phone number removed from their directory and them to be shut down completely.


call received stated this was a final notice for a collection of past due taxes from CRA and to notify there was an arrest warrant in place. Gave this number to call back: 226-828-9764

some guy called me with recorded message with heavy indian accent and asked me to call him back said he was police and working for canada revenue agency and that i needed to contact them asap at the # i provided seconds later when i called the same person answered the phone and asked who i was i said clearly you know who i am you just called me time was at 7:30 pm i said cra closes at 4:30 and refused to give him any info and then he hung up

We were called at 11 am. By a woman claiming to be from the CRA.

She proceeded to threaten us by saying that the RCMP will come and arrest us if we did not pay the 3,352 dollars that we had not payed in our

taxes. She then asked us if we had money in our bank account or in our credit card.

She listed of a long speech most of which was not understandable.

I received a phone called from a supposed fraud investigator calling on behalf of Revenue Canada Agency to collect $1888 immediately. This amount they said is the figure quoted to them by CRA, itself. Further, they said, "Otherwise, they will call the police to have me arrested immediately".

This person, also, asked for my address, but did not ask for my suite number. I was so in shock that I didn't connect the dots, at this point..

The voice sounded like a South Asian male in his mid twenties. He sounded so genuine and authentic and obviously familiar with the nuances of Canadian culture to some degree. He spoke with an authoritative voice. His phone manner was polite, but assertive, like he had done this sort of thing many, many times before. Reminds me of government workers to tell you the truth, following a script.

They asked for my postal code and address and social insurance number as well.

I feel embarrassed to have complied with their requests. I dread the thought that my identification has been compromised, and stolen.

Call identifying themselves as Canada Revenue Agency - tax department saying there is a case - lawsuit being filed against me. They want me to call 1-613-6690 ASAP or there will be an arrest warrant filed against me.

I received a phone message from a person identifying themselves as a CRA agent. Craig Williams.

He was very rude, scary and urgent. He stated that if I didn't return his phone immediately then he would have no choice but to contact my lawyer. If I didn't return the phone call he said he could only wish me well of what was going to fall on me.

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