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CRA Reports & Reviews (127)

States that they are agent Kay (or Ryan) from the Canada Revenue Agency and they are following up on fraud on your account and that you will be pursued for. (Phone 343-887-9598 states Agent Ryan, Phone 343-887-9626 states Agent Kay).

Heavily accented caller left message on home phone saying he was inspector so-and-so and I must phone him back because an arrest warrant is issued for non-payment of taxes and my home will be seized. (HA!)

An automated voice says something to the effect of "This is the police Sargent calling, with regards to your taxes", and asks you to call this number immediately, 613-699-6513.

Gentleman called to yell at me that the cops were coming to take me to the courthouse because I was being charged with Federal Tax Laws. His name was Mike Henry and his "badge" was He told me I wasn't allowed to speak with anyone else that this would be admitting my guilt. He screamed and yelled (I do not believe this is how our government officials behave) and said I could make this stop if I just paid him $9785.00. Please be aware... he is very threatening and extremely aggresive. He certainly gets your heart beating. It is tax time and I believe this scam is only the start of the tax scams.

A lady called claiming to be from the CRA but was asking too many questions so i asked to call her back. She gave me the number listed above and asked me to refer to Payroll Account #XXXX (and they actually knew my correct CRA Payroll Account number which is frightening).

When I call the 1-800 number it said it'd been changed and put me through to a message stating "the number you are being put through to and which will show up on your bill is 1-807 ..." and I hung up immediately.

Have a call that hit my answering machine from a lady with an East Indian accent saying she is from CRA. There is a lawsuit registered under my name. I need to call 855 550 1255 before an arrest warrant will be issued in my name.

I received a call this morning from someone claiming to be from the C.R.A.( Canada Revenue Service) claiming that there was an issue of some sort.....the recording was very grainy.

The recording said I had 24 hours to call back to this number 1-855-550-1255 and if I failed to do so a warrant for my arrest would be issued.

I know this is a scam and they are using scare tactics, would be interested to see it followed up on.

Several calls and voice mails. I hung up on him twice, not sure how many times others did too. Over last part of August and through out September. Sounded like the same guy was escalating each time he left a message,. Early morning, late evening, weekends. I was to call as they had a warrant for me. I was to be arrested right away. Different toll free numbers some originating from area code 305, but sounded over seas. Here's the thing, pepple need to know the CRA is a 9 to 5 federal job, most times if you really do need to contact them its central or eastern time. They will send a letter first with their alleged dispute. * *** *** *** *** * *** ** *** * ** *** *** ** *** *** *** When you call the number you have been given (I could go on a lot here, and write a book) hopefully that person is still employed at that number. It is a very high stress collection job and turn over is intense. You will be lucky to have the agents first name it could be an employee number, people threaten them A LOT. To prove yourself they will ask you several questions and you should have your tax return on you. Many times they will ask random line numbers on your return. They will harass you but not weekends, 4am or 11:30 pm. If you are wanted for real, they know where you live and work IF YOU ArE LEGIT. * *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** ** * *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** * *** ** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** ** * *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** * *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** *** *** * *** *** ** *** *** Has anyone even noticed when you get that call they don't ask for you or other parties in your house by name. Well that's a red flag, even telemarketers wil Ask for a name in your house, they might butcher your name or ask for some who passed away 10 years ago but The CRA knows they're looking for.

A robot sounding female voice called my home phone and said it was the Canada Revenu Agency calling and that I had to urgently call them back otherwise serious criminal consequences would ensue. The voice ask to call this number immediately: 613 656 6330.

Told charges were being filed against me for tax fraud or evasion and to call the above number asap. When called they were not willing to give any information and continually kept hanging up the phone

Multiple messages left on home phone stating to contact the office of Officer Ryan Smith for a possible Tax Fraud associated with my CRA Acct. CRA does not and will not leave a pre-recorded message to contact them regarding such issues. The # to call them back at is 855-979-6484 and a person with a heavy Asian or Middle Eastern accent will answer the phone as Alan Rogers & or another alias....don't buy into this scam. They are phishing for lots of information and will ask for your phone number of where the message was left as well as a SIN#..DO NOT GIVE THE SIN# out!! They will then proceed to collect other information and if they detect that you are trying to locate them or question them on anything they will hang up. Better so as these individuals are just trying to get information or your CC# and looking to rip you off. Just keep reporting and hopefully the proper authorities can locate arrest and prosecute!!

The caller identified himself as calling from the CRA saying his name was Nathan Brook, that it was a matter of immediate urgency and asking me or my attorney to call immediately or there would be great consequences.

I hung up and a few minutes later the call was repeated. At that time I had a paper and pencil and wrote down the information. Name: Nathan Brooks, phone: 613 209 0933

First question is: What is your SIN? Thought CRA would have that already so didn't go any farther.


Deleted email before thought of contacting you.


Several times a day a voice mail is left saying that it is the CRA and either myself or my lawyer has to get in touch immedieatly concerning our tax evasion. If i dont call then the CRA will be taking me to court to prosecute for tax evasion. I called the number several times and spoke to Benjamin (who gave me some CRA number to prove he was legit but when i asked him to slow down so i could write it down he got angry and told me not to call the number again and hung up. I called back and said i knew it wasnt CRA and he again got very angry and yelled at me for calling him back, i proeeded to tell him to stop leaving messages on the phone and he hung up again. Since then we are still getting messages left on teh phone saying we will be prosecuted.

Machine created voice message has been calling through the day for several months now. Says its Revenue Canada and unpaid debt. These calls showed up as Bell Canada on the call display. This last recorded message says if we don't call their will be an issue arrest warrant. To avoid this call 613-704-4498. Needless to say our taxes are current and not believing a word of this but none the same - its an annoyance and would like it stopped.

Message left on voicemail claiming to be CRA.

Stating a Bill collection officer would be visiting me unless I or my attorney contacted the phone #.

I did not return the call.

CRA saying I had a tax refund that they wanted to put into my bank account. Asked for name, address, SIN, mothers maiden name, bank card info, phone #

A person with a strong India accent claiming to be Brian Smith left a message claiming to be a CRA Officer, and there was a major problem with my taxes. he left the number 1-855-979-6557 to call back or have my lawyer call back. Had scam hints from the beginning, CRA would never contact anyone this way.

I received an automated phone message on my answering machine stating that within 24 hours the CRA would be seizing my bank accounts and garnishing my wages for unpaid taxes. The message urged me to call 844 210 4888 for help. I have no tax arrears.

A message was left on our voice mail today advising that we owed the CRA money.An amount was not stated.We

were told that we had 24 hours to call 613 366 5316 to arrange payments or bank acct would be frozen and

assets seized and an arrest warrant would be issued and this warrant was already drawn up.The caller did not get

to speak to anyone as we were out at the time.Note that we are seniors.They did not mention any name on the

message of the person who supposedly owed the money.

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