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CRA Reports & Reviews (127)

6 separate phone calls from 613 area code phone numbers during the last two weeks sking me to call various phone numbers in the 613 area code. The messages stated some urgency in my calling because someone was trying to get information about an income tax evasion claim against me?????

I answered 2 of the calls, just listened to the message and hung up. The other 4 calls went straight to my voice mail and I deleted them.

I felt if the CRA was trying to reach me it would be by letter, or they would at least leave a toll free number . It sounded fishy to me so I ignored the messages - but felt I should report it to someone. Since the CRA website is too confusing to find a contact # for scams, you are it.

Hope this message helps.

I received a voicemail today (8 March 2016) telling me to call someone called Shawn at 1-613-707-0545 because there is a case being filed against me by the CRA. I called the number back within 5 minutes and someone else answered the phone so I asked for Shawn. I was asked for my name then put on hold for about 30 seconds. The same woman then returned to the phone and told me my tax returns were a mess and that there were many mistakes in it and that I needed to get an attorney. When I suggested this might be a scam call she became very aggressive saying "Have I asked you for any personal information? Have I asked you for any credit card information? How dare you accuse me of being a scam caller." and so on and so on. When I said "I'm sorry" her response was "I think so!". She then asked for the name of my criminal attorney. When I said I did not have one she said I had better get one fast and call her back.

At no time did she or the other caller say "Canada Revenue Agency" - they just said "CRA" like I should know what that meant.

I called my accountant who advised me that this is a hoax and to be very careful if I am contacted again. They had received at least 5 calls today asking for advice about exactly the same kind of unsolicited call. They told me that the Canada Revenue Agency will NEVER call you by phone - they will send you a letter.

I was so frightened by this experience that I could not think straight for several hours afterwards. I'm still rather shaken.

Yesterday (March 4, 2016) while we were out, on 2 occasions on the same day, we returned to a voice message from someone (last name "Foster") claiming to be a CRA officer and warning us not to try to ignore the call but to call CRA at 613 707 0072. We had heard reports of this on the news and so just deleted the messages.

Upon answering my phone, I became aware of a recorded message. A male speaking with an accent identified himself as " SHawn White " , from the CRA informing me that I am facing legal action if I or my lawyer do not immediately call him back at 613 909 0272. End of message. My phone call display revealed originating phone number of 613 909 3270. I did not or will not respond to this .

Was threaten by an officer of CRA stating that I must call him immediately for fraud on my account.

Here the the number 613 699 4491 several time I have been called for this, I wish this person

would be caught.....I erase the call without answering it.

Thank you

Machine created voice message saying there is a threat of arrest for unpaid taxes from Canada Revenue Agency. The number to call is 613-704-4492.

An automated voice calls from number 844-385-9043 saying that you owe and that legal proceedings will ensue with liens against your assets. I don't owe anything - plus Revenue Canada doesn't operate that way. There would be a long paper trail before any legal proceedings and we've received no letters at all from the CRA. When I called the number back, I was able to confirm it was a scam because the person they mentioned who owed money has been dead for five years.

Received a call on my cell phone, the calling number was displayed, stating it was Revenue Canada and I was facing Criminal Charges and needed to call immediatley to the number given (also the phone number displayed).

I did not call the number, I called Revenue Canada and BBB - Revenue Canada would notify by written documentation any charges etc., not ever by phone. I don't know if the scammers were trying to get me to pay any funds to clear my name, but I think that was the scammers intent.

Got a call today that said:

“My name is officer Jonathan Knight from CRA, that is Canada Revenue Agency. The matter in hand is extremely time sensitive, and needs your urgent concentration for the same. The reason for the urgency is that we have found misconduct on your tax papers, because of which you are found fallacious, and under federal investigation. Don’t try to disregard the message or else it will be seen as an offense from your end. Give me a call back as soon as possible. Again, this is officer Jonathan Knight from Canada Revenue Agency.”

The phone number 613-366-3408 appears to be from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, but those numbers can be, and usually are, spoofed.

I recieved an email from someone claiming to be with the Canada Revenue Agency. 


From: CRA <[email protected]>

Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 3:02 PM

Subject: CRΑ ha? sent ?ou ?n IΝ??R?C e-Τr?n?fer 671250214 

To: ***

Dear ***95e525e245ae364 

CRA has sent you an INTERAC e-Transfer (previously INTERAC E-mail Money Transfer).095e525e245ae364 

Amount: $489.00 (CAD)095e525e245ae364 

Sender Message: A message was not provided095e525e245ae364 

Expiry Date: 20/01/2016095e525e245ae364 

Action Required:095e525e245ae364 

To deposit your money, click here:095e525e245ae364

2016 CRA) Online Support09

I received this email from someone saying they are from Revenue Canada. 


From: CRA <[email protected]>

Date: Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 11:50 AM

Subject: ?R? has sent you ?n ΙN??RΑC ?-Tr?n?f?r 189908004 

To: ***

Dear ***095e525e245ae364 

CRA has sent you an INTERAC e-Transfer (previously INTERAC E-mail Money Transfer).095e525e245ae364 

Amount: $489.00 (CAD)095e525e245ae364 

Sender Message: A message was not provided095e525e245ae364 

Expiry Date: 18/01/2016095e525e245ae364 

Action Required:095e525e245ae364 

To deposit your money, click here:095e525e245ae364

2016 CRA) Online Support0

Voice message receiveced claiming to be CRA, and for me to call 289-460-4252 to resolve. I called, and person claiming to be Mike Reid of CRA alerting me that I was about to be criminally charged for fraudulent tax filings and back taxes in the amount of $3,865 for years 2009-2014. He had my address and phone #, and said that I should get a lawyer. I said that I was confident in my taxes I filed and that I was a financial professional--he then hung up on me. He had a foreign accent (East Indian?)

I received the following email which I believe is a scam:


From: CRA <[email protected]>

Subject: CR? has sent ?ou an ?Ν?ERΑC e-?ransfer 485023382 

Date: January 18, 2016 at 8:35:57 AM MST

To: ***

Reply-To: [email protected]

Dear *** **03002f9bc610aa 

CRA has sent you an INTERAC e-Transfer (previously INTERAC E-mail Money Transfer).6803002f9bc610aa 

Amount: $489.00 (CAD)6803002f9bc610aa 

Sender Message: A message was not provided6803002f9bc610aa 

Expiry Date: 18/01/20166803002f9bc610aa 

Action Required:6803002f9bc610aa 

To deposit your money, click here:6803002f9bc610aa

2016 CRA) Online Support6803002f9bc610aa 



From Ottawa 613 *** ***, names of *** ***, *** ***, *** *** , all Pakistani accents.

They identified as CRA officers, ASK IF YOU HAVE A LAWYER, criminal tax charges pending

Re fraud on 2009 and 2013 taxes, case # 909NA7854

$4280.00 -must be cash! Via EFTPS ( a USA IRS collection only ) money gram via . Got my cell #and wanted me to go to Canada Post , stay on the line and follow instructions, tell no one what's up or charges would be immediate. I played along, had to go to a bank ( an hour away - they told me where the nearest one, Cibc, was, (I don't bank there ) and wanted me to drive there, stay on my cell . I said no and argued, I got them to call back in an hour, called the RCMP , was informed of fraud.

( i knew ) They called back - gift the pleasure of telling them what they were and where they could go.

Caller identified themselves as CRA representative with name that did not match accent. Threatened pending federal charges if no response call was placed to a number given in call.


Robocall trying to get me to respond to claim of unpaid taxes before the matter is turned over to the police who will throw me in jail. Right.

the lady who left the voice message said she is from the canada revenue agency and i owe them money, if i dont return her phone call right away she will start legal action

They said that I Own CRA money ,call them right back or get an attorney to call them.or else,

Very threatening.

Their # in Ontario 1-416-477-6894.

Please put a stop to this scamp,lot of people may for it. Thanks you Kindly. *** ***

An odd-sounding automated male with a peculiar asian accent trying to speak with an american accent left a voice male message on my home phone voice mail. Here is what the "person" said:

CRA. And this message is for you. The very second you receive this message, I need you, or your "retain" attorney "a frackered" to return the call. They "shoe" attend is extremely time sensitive. My name is officer Brian John and hotline to my "degreessan" is 647 931 5203. I repeat that 647 931 5203. Don't try to disregard this message and do return the call. Now, if you don't return the call and I don't hear from your attorney either, the only thing I can do is wish you good luck as the situation unfolds on you. Goodbye and have a great day.

Call display said CRA with a 1-800 number. The woman asked if I was *** ***, I said yes, then she claimed to be from the CRA and asked me to verify my address. Red flag: My legal name on CRA for,s is not *** ***, I would expect the CRA to use the name as it appears on the tax returns. Second, why would they not send a letter as they normally when they have something to tell me? I said I though she was a scam and she insisted she was the CRA and that I could telephone the number that was on the call display to verify. I hung up and googled that number and found others had reported the same scam call.

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