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CRA Reports & Reviews (127)

Received voice mail from above mentioned number saying it is a call from CRA (Canada Revenue Agency)but when I called that number there is a voice message about Carribean cruise.

I turned on my cell phone and there was a voice message to call the CRA and left phone #226-401-1191. Gentlemens voice said must call the CRA and if I do not it is federal crime. I would have to appear before magistrate judge to pay any fines. I do not owe government any $$$.

Please note I do not give out my cell phone # to any government agencies or businesses that I do not deal with.

In fact I do not give to any stores that I deal with as my phone if for emergency use only.

received a email for an e transfer from the cra

Said they were calling from the CRA and that we owed money and they were going to take us to court if we did not pay I hung up at this point as we do not owe any money.

Two phone calls to my cell phone this week from the same number - momentary silence to begin - then a recorded voice says it is my last chance to pay my income tax owed to CRA before they go after me. I have hung up in the call both times and this second time I blocked it. Will see if they use a different number next time.

Called saying for me to call them back immediately but the Canada revenue agency doesn't make calls like this. The guy had a goofy accent and it almost sounded Texan mixed with East Indian...

From : 3433044179, May 11, 2018, 04:34:26 PM, 45 sec.

"My name is Dennis Gray calling you from CRA. This message is intended to inform you regarding an enforcement action executed by the Canadian Revenue Agency and pending your serious attention towards this matter. Ignoring this will be an intentional second attempt to avoid initial appearance before the imagine(?) straight judge or a grand jury for a federal criminal offence. Now this is the final attempt to reach you to know your case number and to sp..."

To listen to your Wireless voicemail message click on the attachment.

Voice was computerized male

Got a phone call saying that the CRA was going to put a lean on my assists until i paid my debt. I have no debt to the goverment and it was a recorded message.

Phone call seems like it is automated because it was a voicemail and it cuts in halfway through the message. The individual says that I need to either respond with a phone call or get an attorney to call. They say they are Officer Robert (the rest of the name is hard to hear). The individual has a British or Australian accent. They advise if I do not call back immediately they will continue with legal action.

Red Flags: Why is an officer calling me about some vague legal action, They normally give their name very clear with the department they work in. The legal action was vague, no details. Threatening that legal action would be taken if I did not respond. What kind of legal action? When I looked up the phone number online I see others with the same phone number with the same vague legal threats

This scammer called me from various numbers including 778-767-0578, 604-409-0781 and 1-800-829-8281. Beware! They call claiming that you owe the CRA taxes, state an amount, then threaten to send out an arrest warrant via the RCMP. I spoke to two people who threatened me. They directed me to a Bitcoin ATM at Saffron's Restaurant, 681 Corydon Avenue in Winnipeg. I will be suing Bitcoin for recovery of monies scammed from me.

Aggressive recording stating that an officer is calling me from the CRA ( 613-777-2674) as I have failed to pay my taxes and they are beginning legal proceedings. I'm supposed to return their call to stop legal proceedings. Funny part when I search the number, it seems to be used by some escort service good looking girl before.

left a phone message telling me i better not delete it and not to cry and contact my attorney left me his name and that he was an officer most of it was rushed and very hard to understand... not professional at all..

They called me and left a automated message telling me to call back asap. I called back and they asked my name so I gave a slight variation of my name (to protect my true idenity) He then asked me for my birthdate and i gave a made up birthday . He then asked me how long i have been in the country and I said three years( Im a canadian and have lived here all my life)He then proceeded to tel me that my taxes have been filed wrong for the last 3 years. He then paused and someone yelled something in the background then he hung up . I called back and they keep hanging up on me. Hopefully this can help save someone from these *** people.

Recived Call from a male recorded voice. Claiming CRA officer and was asking to contact 1-289-805-0334 for outstanding Tax.

Received this text last night. Did not click the link or reply to the text.

Received a call from someone claiming to be the CRA, stating that I was being charged with fraud and a warrant is out for my arrest, that my accounts will be frozen , assets will be ceased, that I would be facing 5 years and prison, then at the end of the call they ask me what will i do, am i going to fight the charges? , or pay the amount of taxes that I have defaulted on?. Reverse looked up the phone number and it is not from the CRA. Also called the CRA to confirm there is not issues on my account.

I received a phone call with the identification "Texas", March 29/18 at 12:19 PM, but since I was not home, a message was left on the answering machine. The male voice I recognized as from India telling me that there is a legal proceeding against my name because I have failed to pay my taxes to the CRA and if I didn't respond within 24 hours, they would be marking a lien on my assets and bank account. To stop this action, I was to call the number above and a tax collection agent and investigation officer will be there to help me prepare the paper work.

I know this scam, so if course I did not make the call.

Called my work line. Claimed to be CRA and that a tax fraud case had been filed against me. Encouraged me to call the phone number back or face prosecution

Here is the message I received word for word. From a female robotic automatic message.

Hello this is the final notification call from the investigation department of Canada Revenue Agency. We tried contacting you several times but you have ignored those messaged there is a legal case that has been registered under your name. I want you to get back to me under my department number 1-800-980-1449. Now this time if we don't here a call from you we will have to transfer your case to the courthouse and have you arrested. This is your final warning.

Left a voicemail to call back

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