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Government grant

Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Government grant? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

Government grant Reports & Reviews (666)

- Wichita, KS, USA

The people will call you and tell you that you've been approved for a big amount of government grant they ask you you want to pick it up in cash or do you have a debit card to put it on

- Conway, SC, USA

I was called and told that the government was giving me some money as a grant. I could use it however I would like. It was from the Minister of Health and Human services.

- Bedford, IN, USA

I received a call from Steven Miller from the Government Grants from US Bank of California 2027549385 was the number for me to call back.They called and the id came up with only 2780708. He wanted me to pay $200.00 to get my $9,250 dollar federal grant.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I received a Facebook Messenger message from someone who has cloned a real friend's account. I was told about a government grant that will give me $70K for "those who need assistance paying for bills,buying a home, starting their own business, going to school, or even helping raise their children with old and retired people." My real friend has already changed his password and warned his real friends about this happening to his account.

HIm: Hello. How are you doing

Me: I'm great, stranger!! How the heck are you?

Him: Good to hear from you, I'm OK. enjoying the grant money don't know if you

have heard about the good news recently ?

Me: Hmmm....

Him: This is specifically place for those who need assistance paying for

bills,buying a home, starting their own business, going to school, or even helping raise their children with old and retired people,This is

a new program, i got $70,000 delivered to me when i applied for the

grant and you don't have to pay it back. You can also apply too

Me: I think I heard about this, too

Him: I will give you the contact number of the claiming agent so as to apply now.

Me: And?

Him: Text him on his mobile 2485040979 and Let me know when you do so, so that Ican be able to put you through.

Name is Anderson Jordan, states he is with federal government grants. Said grants were free and would send it western union, money gram or direct deposit to checking or savings account

My mother was contacted via face book messenger from an old high school friend saying she got grant money from this company. Later when we tried to contact this person directly she had 'phone issues' and mother was again contacted by this Scott Felix and by another Elizabeth Wilson. The whole of the face book conversation is below, personal information redacted. He also sent a fake united nations id that is attached and this is the picture he used on face book messenger as well. and is impersonating a government official. We did file an FBI internet crime report.

Hello this consultant SCOTT FELIX , I Work For Federal Government Grant Agency,Funds Are Available For Rightful Owner To Claim.

How can I help you?

A friend told me about the Federal Government grant and I am here to claim my win money.

I can help you get your grant money delivered to you okay?

Yes. How does this work?

Hold let me check our Database if your profile name is still available on our grant winners list. I will get back to you soon.

Congratulation on your winnings as our verification team alerts that your data verification process was successful.

You have to fill up some information's so we can proceed your winning and to know where to deliver you to. Full name........ Address...... Male/Female ........... Age..... Married/Single..... Text Phone Number....... E-mail........ Occupation.......... Monthly income……….. Do you want cash or check? FILL THIS FORM HERE NOW AND SEND IT BACK TO US ASAP


It won't let me fill the form? Jut give the information like this?

Okay let me help you.

Full name?

G*** N*** 512-***-*** retired, single, $, cash? Age?

Thanks for getting back to us Asap. We got your information And Your information have Been Programmed in our Database.


NOTE: Any unclaimed prize will be returned to the treasury of EMPOWERMENT CORPORATION. You are advised to keep your winning details strictly to yourself and not share it with any individual or firm to avoid confiscation of your prize. Thanks & Regards Agent Scott Felix.

Do you understand?


We have verified your information and it shows that you are eligible to receive the grant

Here is your Ref#: 990078567, Batch#: 9056490602/333, Winning no: FB8701/LPRC, ticket number; 85430000-07024570000, serial number; 7755551111.

we ask that you keep this notification strictly from public notice until your claim has been processed and your money remitted do you understand?


Do you go to church? And do you believe in God's blessings?

I don't go very often but I am a recipient of God's blessings when very young.

What are you going to do with your grant money when it gets delivered to you?

Depends on how much it is, I'm not far from being homeless. I lived with my son cause I'm disabled but he died

I'm so sorry about that please take heart I will make sure I help you get your grant that is what I'm here for okay?


We Congratulate you Once again. Your information has been process in Our Data Base. We have forward your Home Address and Your Name to the UPS Company and they are preparing to Deliver your Money to you.

You are to choose the amount you wish to claim from us. And you will pay for the Case file fee and the shipping fund... We will make every effort to ship your order as soon as possible. You are to choose below amount you want to claim.

You Pay $500 and get $50,000,00.

You pay $750 and get $100,000.00

You pay $1,500 and get $130,000,00.

You pay $2,500 and get $170,000,00.

Get back to us with the amount you will like to claim so that I will tell you what to do.

How am I supposed to pay? Can't it be taken out of what the grant is going to be?

As soon as the payment is facilitated through Western Union or Money Gram to our office your Grant Money will be delivered to you the next 12 hours. so please let us know the amount you choose so that I will also forward it to the UPS team.

Please Note that the fee you are ask to pay is for the delivery fee and you are not paying any other fee apart from that.


Are you ready to pay the fee right now?

No, I have to get the cash.

So when will you pay the fee so that the UPS team will be on there way to deliver your grant money to you?


By what time tomorrow?

It'll probly be around 4:00-4:30

Okay. let me know when you are ready tomorrow to pay the fee so that I will give you our cashier details where you will pay the fee to okay?

You said I have to keep it a secret.

Can you not tell me now so I can get it to you quicker?

Yes Don't disclose your winning to anyone not until you get your grant we do this to make sure real winners claim their money because we had situations where other people claim what is not theirs i hope you understand this?

This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this program by non-participant or unofficial personnel.

So do I text you when I'm on the way. I still have to find a place to send it


Should I send you our cashier details where you will send the money to?

Yes if that will be faster.

Okay hold let me get back to you with the info shortly.


Here is the cashier's info which you will make your payment to through money gram store. Name: John Brown City: Johnstown State: pa Zip: 15902


Get back to me as soon as you make the payment and make sure you don't make mistakes when you get to the store make sure the store post the fee so that our cashier can confirm your payment on time okay?

Don't I need an address?

No this is all you need to make the payment okay?

Okay. Will let you know when the payment is made.


Talk to you tomorrow have a good night rest.


Hello Mrs G.

How are you doing today?

Not to good I'm afraid. May not be able to get the money. What is the government agency website so I can look them up.

I promise you and I will aways keep my words your details have been forwarded to the UPS so as soon as you pay your delivery fee they will be on there way ASAP.

Let me get back to you with our web site please I can't be here to play games I'm too matured for that.


I am looking for the .gov website and you aren't providing. Also the confirms this is a scam and the says they will NEVER ask for fees for grants that have been awarded. So take me off your list. We are done.

I can see you don't want to get your grant any longer I have help so may people to get there grant yours won't be different.

Sure. I could photo shop that too. Lose my info.



This is mrs Elizabeth Wilson I also help here got her grant due to her over warmness she have to post on our timeline Mrs N I'm sure I can help you get your grant money you don't have to make this mistake.

You just have to trust me that is all that will make this work I'm a very good Christian and I will always keep my word and with all you tell me I'm ready to to help you and make sure that once you pay the fee the UPS will be on there way to your home.

Filing a complaint on fbi site right now. So stop.

Do you request we should get your name off our list?

100% and I'm filing out the FBI complaint form on you right now. So close this fb account and hide.

Okay I will get you off our list ASAP. you don't know what you are missing.

What is your address and phone number please.

You are a very nice woman and I have always wanted to help you I don't know is feeding you with all this liars but I advice you do what your heart desire.

I really want to help you just tell me what the problem is.

Do you want to speak with us on phone? The problem is you've provided a false Web address and asked for money for a grant that I didn't apply for and your script is listed as a scam all over the Internet

Yes that is the more reason why you have to be very careful because some people are using advantage of us to scam people I understand how you feel we are doing site maintenance because some hackers want to hack in to our system please bear with us and I can call you if you want to speak with me.

Likely story. Stop trying to sell me and give me the address and phone number

This Program is promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some multinational companies as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the aspect that impacts Facebook users lifestyle worldwide.

That literally means nothing

This is our number (206) 785-8949 you can call me now.

If I later deliver your grant you own me an apology for talking to a federal government officer rudely.

We are through with our site you can now go through it.

I just send you our site link on your phone number that is what you requested do you think I'm here to play games with you?

Anyone can photo shop these things. Stop.

Okay have you go through our site that you requested for?

I can see you have photo shopped the name and the photo onto this ID. I am saving this conversation for when I am contacted by someone with the actual government about my complaint. Stop. You are now harassing me and just proving what a scam you are.

Type a message...

Scammed of money over 2 week period. My facebook friend was hacked and I thought it was her until I got suspicious and asked her questions. I lost 2400 to these scammers. Name Matt Courtney probably fake name ?

I keep getting phone calls saying I have won a $90,000 grant from FPWA Grant for senior citizens. They said I had to send $680 money to get my grant. 616-899-8225.

I got a call from someone saying that I won a 14K grant from the government and that I do not have to pay it back (I immediately knew it was a scam)... He wanted me to go to my computer and go online to a website, I said that I was not near my PC and he said "ok I'll call back later." He also had a eastern accent (not sure if that is helpful but I have had a few scammers call me and they all had Eastern-type accents). If he calls back I will not go online but I may try to get more info to see if he asks for my PII etc...

a man called my husband who said he was with the government and my husband was picked as an outstanding citizen, hasn't filed bankruptcy, no late payments on home, he was selected to receive $9000.00. This was a one time gift and he wouldn't have to pay it back.They would send the money to any place my husband wanted to pick it up and this wasn't a scam. But they would have to pull his file to verify everything before they send the money. My husband didn't give any information to this man. When i called the number back from my work phone (didn't want to use my cell phone just in case) the phone line was very scratchy and no one answered the phone.

- North Canton, OH, USA

*** *** *** *** ** *** *** ** *** *** ** *** stated she did get a call from The Federal Grant Building in

Washington, DC. She stated she gave them over 4 months a total of $200.00 in the form of an Apple I tune card. She called the card numbers into 202-670-4534. She stated the person name was Brandon Smith. She was told this was for fees for information processing for a final $10,900.00.

- Columbus, OH, USA

Judy Bell called me and told me I was randomly selected for a government grant because I pay all my bills on time for $9500.00. She asked me how old I was, if I was single, if I lived alone. My grant number is JN227. She told me to go to Rite Aid, Walmart or CVS and buy a card to pay a $200 registration fee. She had a Jamaican accent. She asked for my credit card number to put the money on it. I gave her a Mastercard number.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I keep getting calls saying I've been randomly selected to receive a government rant for $9000. She said it was because I had never been arrested. The caller says she's to go to a store, buy a card, put $250 on the card. He told me he would stay on the phone with me until I got to Walgreen or Walmart. He said you're going to go in and buy a card. He said I could spend the money on anything but alcohol. I told him I wasn't dumb. Then her "manager" called me back. She got mad when I asked her if her office hadn't been raided, so she started calling and hanging up over and over. She spoke very good English. 646-598-1463, 202-558-4171

- Statesville, NC, USA

They asked for me to load $250 on a Google play card to take to Western Union to receive a grant for $9700

- Columbus, OH, USA

Call saying she was eligible for a $9000 Government grant. They asked me to purchase a $200 card. The caller had a foreign accent, either Indian or Middle East.

- Kenner, LA, USA

They call me about a free government grant. Said I'll get 9000 for free. I called the above number they ask if I could give 250.00 dollars. When o ask could they take it our of the grant money they hung up in my face. That's when I felt it was a scam.

- Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Consumer was chosen to receive a grant but was informed to go to Western Union and pay, $215.00 for the grant. They also start that they were contacting him via an old email address that the consumer does not use any more.

- Macedon, NY, USA

The person called me about a grant that I had won. I had not applied for any grants. The person wanted me to go to a western union bank to get my money...

- Ottumwa, IA, USA

They told me I was approved to receive $9000 government grant that i wouldn't have to pay back gave me a number to call 2029302692 and a code to give to that person and that person told me I had to pay a one time processing fee of $200

- Ashville, OH, USA

Scammer provided a government grant #BF688. She didn't call the # back. She got a second call.

Check fields!

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