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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)


The internal revenue services. The issue at hand is very time sensitive the very second you receive this message I need you or your attorney to return the call at my number which is 847-979-0706. I repeat 847-979-0706. If you don't return the call you will have to face the legal consequences.

It first began with an automated voice saying they were the IRS and that we owe money and if we don't call back or press 1 now there would be a warrant for our arrest. That screams scam to me so I pressed 1 for the hell of it. It rang and rang and finally a women's voice answered with a heavy accent. I said take our number off your call list. Thank you and hung up.

- Batavia, NY, USA

Picked up phone and an automated voice said that they have been trying to reach me and that me and my family were getting legally charged and taken to court over a debt that they have tried to collect. Asked me to call them back in hopes of avoiding court.

- Pearl City, HI, USA

According to the voicemail, I have a nom bailable warrant out for my arrest.

- Spokane, WA, USA

Received a message on my voicemail stating that we are being investigated for tax fraud and we need to call back and speak with someone at the IRS at the number listed above.

- Salem, SC, USA

Consumer said that a man called and did not give his name, but he kept asking for her personal information. The scammer knew her name also.

- Buffalo, NY, USA

Was told it was the irs and had a search warrant due to not paying taxes in 2013. I gave name, address, and social security number.

Cell Voicemail: It's from the IRS the nature and the purpose of this call is to inform you that we have received legal petition notice concerning a tax fraud against you. So before this matter goes to federal claim Courthouse or before you get arrested. Please call

- Keedysville, MD, USA

Call received 2/8/2019, 4:52 pm - recorded message: you are about to be arrested for non-payment of taxes. Press ... I forget, 1 or 2, or call 832-497-4771. I did not press the indicated button nor did I call the number as IRS does not contact individuals by phone for the issue mentioned.

If you call them back, they answer IRS and it sounds like a man with a India voice, when I told him I knew it was a scam he immediately hung up. On the voicemail they left they said this was the last time they would contact before an arrest.

- Meridian, ID, USA

I'm registered on the National Do Not Call list and 928-399-4863 called. It was a robo call and left a message that I was in trouble with the IRS and to call them back. When I did, a lady answered the phone as "This is the Internal Revenue Service how can I help you." When I asked why a robo call from this number keeps calling me she hung up. SCAM

- Richford, NY, USA

Tax evasion of $5,983 over last 5 years. Asked for my zip code. First person I spoke to sounded Asian, second India. Noise in background was similar to call center. Very difficult to hear person due to accent and noise. I was told to calm down and center myself. They said because I have no arrest record was why I was being contacted by phone. Told me having my taxes done by an accountant was for my convenience and I was lazy and not smart for that. I was to be arrested that day for tax evasion and to officers would be at my door to handcuff me. I said I didn't have the money and needed time to ask a relative. I was instructed to do a third party call, but told I could not tell person on the line of the nature of why I was asking for money..they stayed on line. As they told me to stop crying I responded by telling them to stop talking down to me and behaving like a bully, that behavior got worse, so I told them to spell every word they were saying. Aggressive behavior escalated. Person gave name of Charles Green and ID # of IRN1164.

- Mesquite, TX, USA

They called me and telling me that I am in trouble for tax fraud and they are aking you to give them information about you to get money.They are saying the U.S. Marshalls have an arrest warrant and your bank has frozen your accounts.

- Boise, ID, USA

In the phone call, the scammers claimed to be the IRS. They said the government has tried to get a hold of me for the last 6 months and that a lawsuit would be filed in my name.

It is pretty clearly a fake phone call - there was obvious grammatical issues and the voice is a computer generated voice.

- Boise, ID, USA

Call was automated . Told me that the IRS was issuing a warrant for my household to the local authorities. I needed to call the phone number 281-656-1275 immediately to avoid prosecution. They have been trying to contact us for over six months with no success. This is the last attempt and we will be prosecuted .

- Baltimore, MD, USA

They said that they are investigating me and my family and that they try to notifive me regarding the issue for the past six months with out any response. Now they are going to file a lawsuite. I called the number from my office phone and a man answered saying Thank you for calling the IRS how may I help you. I hung up.

- Meridian, ID, USA

I answered the phone and it was more like listening to voicemail than anything it was a womanly voice and sounded very robotic. they said when I got the message I should call back at their number that the IRS was going to be suing me and that there Is a warrant for my arrest and that I will be arrested soon.

Recorded call saying that they are the IRS with a warrant out for fraud on me.

About an hour previous to my call my employee also received a similar call with the same threat.

- Nampa, ID, USA

I was called every hour and when I answered the person spoke very broken English. They said they had tried to correspond with me for 6 months prior, which is false. The greeting when they answered was "thank you for calling IRS." When I questioned the greeting they hung up.

- Hartselle, AL, USA

Called to say they had several warrants for my arrest for tax evasion

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