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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

I am getting multiple calls saying they are the IRS. I tell them to stop calling but they continue to do so.

- Midlothian, VA, USA

This phone number called 15 times today and left a message each time on my voice mail stating that they will take action against me. I finally unblocked the number and called it back and the person who answered said that they were with IRS Investigations and that I owed money. I told him I did not and said to have me taken off list. But they are probably calling a lot of other people.

- San Antonio, TX, USA

The person called and left an automated message was a female voice, then answer a male voice saying I owe money for the IRS if I don't send money in 24 hours I will be arrest it, the accent was hard to understand.

- Lubbock, TX, USA

I received a call from someone stating they were with the IRS and I owe money. They said that if I do not pay legal action will be taken.

T-Mobile identified the phone number as "Scam Likely". I called and the person answered as "Department of Investigation of the IRS"

- Oak Creek, WI, USA

I received a call saying that I owe an outstanding debt & that I needed to call them as I had arrest warrants against me. I had been to a talk by the and knew it was a scam.

Called saying I owed money to the IRS.

Left message on my phone. The IRS called and stated that I was being fined for fraudulent taxes. I will be put in Federal Prison if I don't pay $5,996.76. I need to take care of this immediately. Mr. Carson (IRS Legal Department) Badge #: 63318 stated that he sent me a letter by certified mail, but I never received the mailing. Carson said I could be fined 75,000 to 90,000.00 and put in federal prison if I don't pay. Mr. Carson also stated that I had missed the due date and he could help me resolve immediately and stay out of Federal Prison. He had a heavy accent and I had a hard time understanding what he said.

- Negaunee, MI, USA

I received several pre-recorded calls from the "IRS" stating that I had 2 allegations against me and that I was in legal jeopardy. I did not return the call.

My mother has been receiving threatening phone calls from a computerized voice about tax collection. I'm attaching a transcript of the voicemails she received. My mom has now hired an attorney who found all these allegations to be false, but these were very stressful events for her. We would hate to think of other people being scared into giving these frauds money.

Was saying that I owe the IRS 1043.00and wanted me you send the $500.00 and they was going to pay the rest . Then said if I didn't pay the $ 500.00 I was going to jail for 4 years

Received calls from this number stating that they were it's in regards to fraud which was an automated machine. . Left number and when you try to call back it tells you it's not taking calls

- Athens, OH, USA

This is a total scam. If you are issued an arrest warrant, It will be in person by a uniformed officer.

- Meridian, ID, USA

I received three voicemails today the first stating that the IRS was suing me after don't hearing from me in 6 months, the last two were saying that the U.S. goverment is suing me.

- Phoenix, AZ, USA

Person calls saying they are sending police because im committing fraud

Received a phone call from someone indicating that they are with the IRS and I have 4 serious allegations against with my name and they will take legal actions against me if I do not call back with in 24 hours. I received a call from 2 numbers. 631-410-4580 and 585-364-6630.

I have been contacted twice from the telephone number of 510 404-7381 stating they are contacting me concerning tax fraud connected to my name. Both times, I allowed them to leave a message and not answer it myself since I did not recognize the number and thought it to be some telemarketer. The first time I dismissed it. The second time I called the number back and it went to a voice mail w/no identification saying it was full and to call back. When I called back, I got a operator from some foreign country and I just hung up. I went online to reverse number identification that identified the number to belong to a J2 GLOBAL COMMUNICATION in Fremont-newark, CA. but it did not give the address as I only paid for basic ID. I googled the company names to find out it was some sort of marketing company and does not have an office listed in the caller's area. The message left me said to call them b/f this matter goes into litigation before a federal judge. I called back and got a Christina Hernandez who said my voice was breaking up and to call back when I asked company she represented. A follow up call went straight to a full voicemail box twice. My taxes are up-to-date and I don't owe anything in taxes. It would seems to be fraudulent so I am reporting this as such.

- Fullerton, CA, USA

Received voice mail from above number claiming "today the IRS has received a legal notice against you and you may be found guilty about your legal case. If you have any questions then call our legal department at 916-915-3841" naturally I did not call.

- Irvine, CA, USA

was called multiple times by New York phone number when I answered a machine said they were the irs and I would be arrested if I didn’t call back. When I called back a women asked for my name and said I owed money and when I started asking a lot of questions he hung up. When I called back I was told by another man they are having technical problems and to ignore calls from this number

Electronic message identifying themselves as the IRS stating had four counts against me and I had 24 hours to return the call or i could be arrested.

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