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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Lubbock, TX, USA

I received a call yesterday from a person saying they were with the IRS legal department and I owe $7,540 in taxes that are past due from 2008 and 2011. They said I have until 6:00 to pay the taxes or they will have me arrested. I told them I would go to the IRS tomorrow and pay the taxes and they said no that would not work, that I have to pay by 6:00. I hung up and called them back today and told them that I had gone to the IRS, even though I did not, and the IRS told me that I did not owe any money. They hung up on me.

- Swanzey, NH, USA

Caller stated I was in trouble with IRS. Stated I had a warrant out in my name and could be arrested. Said I needed to contact them or face legal action

- Churubusco, IN, USA

Received a call on my cell from this number. It was a recording saying I was being sued by the IRS. I did return the call but there was no ring tone

- Scituate, MA, USA

It's a recorded female voice that has called 3 times saying "This is to inform you that the IRS is filing lawsuit against you, to get more information about this case file please call immediately on our department number #540-218-6286"

Received a call about 9:00 am today. The caller stated that he was from the IRS and there was a pending lawsuit regarding my taxes. He said that the local authorities had been notified and that I was facing a lawsuit from the IRS. I asked for his name, he said David Walker. The caller had a Middle Eastern accent. He said his ID number was 523S27. I told him that I wasn't aware of anything wrong in regard to my taxes. When I told him that I felt like this was BS he quickly hung up. I called the number back and the guy answered the call by saying "Vicki, (my first name) there is no need to call back if you don't believe me." I told him to remove my name and never call again. At which point he hung up again.

- Cascade, ID, USA

I was told that I owed $3,000, that there would be a warrant for my arrest if I didn't pay now. I offered $200 and they wanted me to send them iTunes gift cards.

I received a call where they asked I were who I am , I said "Yes" and they hung up... SO now they have my voice saying yes.

- Delaware, OH, USA

When I answered the phone, I received an automated message that says the caller is the IRS and that a warrant for your arrest has been issued because of your attempt to de-fraud the IRS. It directs you to call them back at their 'department number' which they give you on the call.

Received voicemail from a caller that said they were the IRS and that I am facing legal action against me. I called back the number and a person immediately answered and was very unprofessional sounding. They asked me if the number I'm calling from was my cell phone (it was my office phone). This caused them to stammer. Once I pressed them on the details of the legal action, they did not have any answers. I told them to never call that phone number again and they hung up. I just wanted to make folks aware of this phone number.

- North Chelmsford, MA, USA

Said his name is Jeffrey and that IRS is filing a suit against me.

I told him I was reporting him and that if he looked his phone number up on google that other are as well.

He said "oh I'm so scared."

I received a threating phone call, stating that I owed money to the IRS and I should call back immediately.


- Macon, GA, USA

Stated they were the Fraud Department of the IRS. Pulled up a case number when I provided my last name -- case #TS3704A9. Spoke with Alex Silva badge #ML0570 (foreign accent) ...claimed there is a Federal tax lien on me and an arrest warrant. Asked who prepares my taxes and I said a CPA to which he states that my CPA had defrauded the IRS in filing my tax reports with miscalculations. He could not give any details of the miscalculations. I asked if they had sent me this information in writing and he claimed yes. When I refused to continue to speak with him he said I would be arrested in the next 30 to 45 minutes and to be prepared for them to pick me up. And that he would see me in court.

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

received a phone call at 7:15am telling me i owed money from the IRS

- Anderson, SC, USA

Left phone message. I owe IRS money. Number was 407-785-6899.

- North Royalton, OH, USA

Iv'e been getting many calls from this number leaving a vm but not explaining anything. Just saying it's urgent that I call back. When I call back an "Indian Speaking" man states he is from the IRS and asks for my name and phone number. I know this is a scam but wanted to report it.

- Shallowater, TX, USA

I received a phone call from someone saying they were with the IRS and there was a warrant out for my arrest.

Received a call saying that they were the IRS and that there was a lawsuit that would be filed against them if they did not respond to the call.

- Anderson, SC, USA

Received a call stating there was an inquiry against me. Voice recording said to call 305-712-7729. Called phone number and it was a gentleman with an accent. Answered this is the IRS, thank you for calling. When I questioned who they were and stated the IRS does not call you, he hung up.

They keep calling my dead mother phone saying that they are calling from tge irs and that she has a unpaid bill and they have issued an arrest warrant

- Old Hickory, TN, USA

Just received a recorded message that said that the IRS was filing a law suite against me & I needed to call 646-417-9553 back as soon as possible. When I did he said he was an officer for the IRS & started asking me my name & I said that if the IRS was looking for me than he would already know that. When I started asking him what this was about & how come the IRS did not notify me by mail he started saying just a moment & I will look into this. Then when I said that this was a scam and I was going to report them he hung up. Please let every one out there know what is going on. I do not believe that the IRS would 1 - be calling me on my cell & 2 - be calling me at all. If you can look into this perhaps we can get the proper authorities to also look into this & shut them down. Thanks.

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