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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Lodi, WI, USA

I received 2 messages from the IRS stating that I needed to callback as there was a pending lawsuit. As soon as I got a person I told them that it was a scam and that the IRS does not call people with information like that.

- Canyon Country, CA, USA

I did not answer the call. The caller left a voice mail claiming to be the IRS and said I should call back immediately. I have received a few of these calls before and have blocked the number so they couldn't call back. Apparently, they have several lines. I am aware that this is a scam due to warnings in the news. So, I didn't fall for it, but I can see how others would.

- Walnut Creek, CA, USA

A claim against me and to call them for more information about this case file. Attempted to call this number back a few days later and received a recorded message that it was not a working number.

- Fernley, NV, USA

Recorded female voice identified as IRS left message saying they were monitoring me and threatened confiscation of assets and arrest if I did not return call. Knowing this to be a scam I did not call them back so I have no idea how much money they wanted to steal from me.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received a message on my cell phone. The message stated there is a warrant for my arrest with the IRS and to call back. I called back at 323-499-3461. Samuel Johnson answered the phone. He sounded foreign. Stated it was the IRS. I said someone called. I said who is this. He said Samuel Johnson with the IRS. ID number IRM72028. When I started to question him further he hung up.

- Macon, GA, USA

Caller said they were IRS and to call them back or they would be a warrant on me for money owed.

- Greenville, MI, USA

I sent the call to voice mail. Recording claimed to be the IRS and said I had some form of misconduct on my federal taxes and I was withholding information from the federal government. They said the situation needed to be rectified immediately and that I needed to call the number back.

- Abilene, TX, USA

The caller said that they were from the IRS and that this was my last chance to pay my debt.

- Windermere, FL, USA

A woman called and said she was from the IRS and that they had been trying to contact me, which is a lie. she wanted to verify my address and siad that they were mailing me and it was always sent back. siad that there was a warrant out for my arrest and the sheriff was coming to get me. said that there was a discrepancy in one of my tax years, could not specify a year just a 6 year range and that I owed over $6,000.00 and since they had been trying to contact me, today was the last day that I could pay this or else i would be arrested.i told her that i did not work those specific years so I did not have any taxes those years, just to see what she would say. then she gave me an ultimatum to pay now or to fight in federal court in washington d.c., i told her that i would fight since my husband was a tax attorney. i asked her if she could mail me the forms and she said I would have to go to washington d.c. to obtain them. after all this, I said to her that i was going to report her, that I knew this was a scam and that she might go to jail for this. I asked her how would she feel if someone threatened her mother or grandmother with arrest. i told her that what she was doing was wrong and that this was not a way to go about making a living. she apologized to me for trying to scam me and she told me that this was her first day on the job.

- Marietta, GA, USA

I was called by a number similar to my company's phone numbers that I work for and was notified by "Officer Branda Garmin" that I was "under investigation by the IRS" for some serious allegations. After she continued on about the allegations I was facing and told me that I owe the IRS over $3,000, it became clear it was a scam. She then transferred me to "the most senior agent at the IRS" and recommended that I be polite and receptive to him or that I would be in trouble. Once transferred to him, he was even more aggressive and rude and threatened to send the police to my place of employment. And to that threat I said he better bring the SWAT team with him and at that point he hung up and it was over.

- Saint Charles, MO, USA

Caller left me a message to call them about legal actions against me. i was actually skeptical returning the call. When i was hesitant providing personal information, the caller starting calling me different names and i just laughed and hung up.

- Fishers, IN, USA

Called stating they are the IRS and I would be prosecuted if I did not pay.

Someone calling themselves officer Nitzwalker with a badge number of IRM1129

informed me that the IRS had a lawsuit against me. They had my address down. I didn't have to give them that.

They spoke with an accent from India.

They said there were charges against me and that there was a warrant out for my arrest concerning taxes that I did not pay from 2011 to 2015.

I was to be quite while he read the legal charges against me. I could hear enough at the end of it that I could hear him say

I was going to be kept from deporting from the country, could not leave for 5 years and that I could go down to the federal court house or pay off the fine right now. Which one would I rather do?

I asked to speak with someone that I could understand and they hung up on me.

- Elmwood, NE, USA

My anwsering machine picked up this message.

they said IRS has issued a debt collection on me and they would issue an arrest warrant for me. Wanted me to call them back as soon as possible.

- Florence, SC, USA

First time they left a message stating I was part of a lawsuit being filed on my behalf. The second call message was so broken the words were unrecognizable. Then, my husband used his phone to call them and after many rings a man answered and said, "This is the IRS...". My husband heard voices in a foreign language speaking in the background and in a short amount of time they disconnected the call.

- Saugus, MA, USA

I received several calls from the "IRS" stating that there was a lawsuit against me, and that I needed to pay them money in order to get all of this resolved. The first time they called, I received a voicemail on my phone from the # (201)-948-1016. This was a general message saying that they were from the IRS, they mentioned the lawsuit, and asked for a call back. I did call them back just to see what was going on. The man that I spoke to said that they needed to confirm some information, and asked me for my address and social security number. I said that I didn't feel comfortable giving this information to them, and he immediately hung up.

I received another telephone call from the # (609)-756-1332, who said his name was Samuel Martin, who said he was calling again from the IRS. He was different than who I had previously talked to. He was very rude and told me that he would continue to call me until I gave him my social security number and address, so that this issue could be resolved. This was definitely a red flag for me, and I knew that this was a scam.

- Salt Lake City, UT, USA

PHONE MESSAGE: This is a final notice from the IRS - we are going to issue a warrant for your arrest because you have committed a fraud against the IRS ... call this number immediately to avoid being arrested: 844-840-3093

I DID NOT return the call - called the BBB instead!

Threatening criminal charges if yhey are not contacted.

- Aliquippa, PA, USA

Typical IRS scam

This is the first IRS fake one I have received. It was on my home land line.

Automated call and requesting I call the number above.

I hung up

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