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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Green Bay, WI, USA

A lady, believe she said her name was "Officer Flora Birch, legal investigation dept. of internal revenue service. The nature behind my voice mail is to inform you that we have recieved a legal petion notice regarding a tax evasion, a tax fraud case against your name. So before your case is registered into the federal claim court house and before we issue the arrest warrant under your name, please call us back at 319-333-7961."

Also had another call by man on 11-11... same message from Bainbridge I, WA 306-317-1581

I received a phone call from a person that said they were the IRS. They told me that they audited my taxes and that I owe $5320 due to unpaid taxes. Wanted to make arrangements for me to pay this debt. I was told I could go to jail for up to 5 years, or go to Washington DC and fight the charges. Was also told that if I didn't cooperate, they would cancel my drivers license, etc. The number on my answering machine is 202-800-7859.. He said his name was officer Peter Max, badge number GS5583. The case number is 969812. Luckily I rememebered scams like this being reported on the news, so I challenged him, and he hung up.

I received an automated voicemail message from this number today from Ocotillo, CA at 9:10 AM stating "this is to inform you that the IRS is filing a law suit against you. To get more information about this case file, please call immediately on our department number 442-900-7092." I knew immediately it was a scam. I called and the individual identified himself as Steven Griffin #096675 a Federal Agent of the IRS Investigation Department. The more I questioned and wouldn't provide any identifying information he became defensive and agitated and demanded to know if I was investigating him then hung up. I called back much later to an open line with dead air. When I said "hello" a man said "bye-bye". So I called again and reached "Service Crime Investigator Officer Paul Aaron". I questioned again and he demanded to know when I received my call. As I gathered that information, he hung up. I called one more time and reached Walter Gersmit Rodrboso Internal Revenue Member 7425 (seriously - can't make this up). I never offered any identifying information and he informed me I was behind 3 years in filing my taxes and "paying less than I should not the fully right amount" He stated I'm paying only $300 when it should be $500. I asked if that was state or federal and he said both. Odd - since when is the Federal IRS so interested in my state taxes. I asked why I hadn't received anything in the mail and he said it was sent certified 5/19/16 to 211 Orange Science street. Interesting. Never heard of that but he offered no city or state. He said it's 2013-2015 and my outstanding balance is $1562 including the pending taxes, late fees and legal charges. He repeatedly asked me if I wanted to resolve now or "fight the IRS in criminal court". He told me I had 5 days to resolve or I would need to hire a criminal attorney to fight them in court. I asked him to confirm he was an employee of the US Government department of IRS and he did. I asked if he was headquartered in Maryland and he said "No - the District of Washington" I did not laugh. He repeatedly asked me if I could hire a criminal attorney and face jail. I again asked if he was aware of what jail time someone who impersonated a representative of the US Government might face. I also asked if their calls were recorded for quality assurance and training purposes and let him know that mine were too with voice recognition and asked who he thought might be wishing for a nicer jail cell. He then told me I would be facing $75K plus legal charges and late fees and asked me if I was writing any of this down. I let him know I was doing my best and to call me back in 30 minutes. I told him I actually was a criminal attorney for the state. He wanted to know what state. I suggested he refer to my tax records for that information and the call ended.

Received call from IRS (recording) stating to call 206-317-1581 in order to avoid charges contact us or be arrested

- Rigby, ID, USA

left message on my phone saying the IRS was filing a law suit against me & I was to get more info by calling 732-203-4089

BBB received a call from a consumer reporting the IRS called her yesterday and left a message stating they were going to arrest her for back taxes and there was a warrant for her arrest. She needed to call them back immediately.

- Petersburg, VA, USA

Phone message stated that this was the final notice regarding a law suit against us.

The phone number given was to receive the case number for this suit

The recording was a woman's voice stating that there is an arrest warrant for me for IRS Fraud. It instructed me to call back at the number 202 241 3445.

I received a call to notify me that there is an arrest warrant issued under my name for 'severe charges' that are 'likely to be pressed against' me. The caller identified herself as Sandra Williams, Investigation Officer of the IRS Badge #735937. She stated that before they 'start legal action' and 'get me arrested' on 'the charges' I should call back their department number and if I fail to get back in the 'next couple hours' my 'case files' will be sent to local police and they 'will have to get me arrested on the charges.' I let them know that I know they were scamming me because I know the IRS does not contact via telephone call and I looked it up and do not have an arrest warrant. She responded that I would face the consequences and then promptly hung up the phone.

Note: I have already reported this to the IRS.

She called me and told me that there was a discrepancy on my taxes from 2010-2014 and that they had done an audit and that I owed money ($5900). She told me that I could get an attorney but if I did it would take time and that by the time it was said and done they would have confiscated my property and taken away my drivers license and that I would probably spend time in jail. She told me that they would do that 35 minutes after I hung up after the call and that a sheriff would come to my house. They gave me an ID number and they gave me the officer name of Carolyn Parker. She couldn't even say the name correctly. I told her that I worked for the federal government and that I needed a number to verify this information, and she hung up the call.

I received a phone call, My caller ID said: MVICE 1-657-271-1082. The caller spoke very bad english, had an accent likely India or Pakistan possibly Middle eastern, said his name was Jim Cole (LOL). Gave me a File # and a badge #.

He said The IRS filed a law suit against me in 2013 in Metaire, La.. If that was the case I would have been served by now. Either at work or home same employer since 2008, same home address since 2006, Had to be a scam. Hung up the phone got another call 20 minutes later. From A Jesus Martinez 509-723-1877 the same thing just worded a little different.

A person called and said that I had an arrest warrant out because of a tax debt. The name that was left was Steve Smith & phone # (949) 627-2069. I called the number back & a person answered that identified himself as Office James Anderson ID#1997144. He began to tell me that a warrant was being issued and that I owed $ 1,247.00 in incorrect tax filings for the past 5 years. I know about scams so I told him that I didn't have money to pay. He then asked how much money I did have & could pay today?? I ask how I was supposed to make the payment and he rudely said that "I'm asking how much money you have"??? He told me that an officer had been to my home two times already. I hung up.

Previously in August I got two similar calls and a voice message that I kept. The number was (202) 524-8877. When you call this number its says that the call cannot be completed as dialed

Please help me...

This is the 7th time I have been contacted but now it was a recording. but the others were a real voice and seeing on TV they were bustted

Received a call from these people again. I hung up when they said IRS.

I received a voice message stating that I owe back taxes. I did not listen to the whole message and just deleted it.

A man that said his name was David Johnson badge 612498 was calling to say I was chosen for an audit from 2010 - 2015 and IRS found I owed 4,896.00. He proceeded to read a statement telling me that I would be arrested, sued, fingerprinted, taken from work, accounts would all be locked for 5 years, assests sold, etc. If I contested I would have to pay additional $50,000.00. I hung up and tried calling the IRS for any verification and could not get a live person. Called Better Business instead. Yep, a scam

Tried to confirm mailing address , when I asked for employee # they hung up. Male with a heavy Indian accent.

- Duluth, GA, USA

I was a victim of fraud / I purchased at a rite aid 1900 Duluth Hwy 120 4 cards@ $495.00 each Greendot Money Packs to allegedly pay a bond for an alleged warrant for my arrest by a Gwinnett County Sherrif. I was told I had “failure to appear” and “contempt of court” for not going to a jury summons…

While in Rite Aid, we are literally counting all the CASH and told the attendant of the crisis and she didn't alert us of possible any fraud. If there had been any Fraud Alerts posted in the store or near the prepaid card sections… that would have been helpful… also if she had told us that the card is live when the numbers are shared with anyone and not to share them with strangers, that would have also helped detect the fraud. The CFPB has to make these scams that are using Greendot type financial companies and their Agents (Rite Aid in this case), responsible.

Say they are IRS and say I will be arrested if I don't pay or if I don't settle will be arrested

I received a phone call from 844-747-0851 saying that I owed a debt to the IRS and immediate action before I was arrested. I called them back the mail with the accent told me that if I didn't pay $9,000 that the Sheriff's Office was going to arrest me. I told him I would turn myself into the Sheriff's Office how would we get back ahold of him and he hung up. Today 3:43pm

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