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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

Person pretending to be from IRS informed me via voice mail that I committed fraud on my tax return and will be arrested if I don't pay. I deleted the message and did not respond.

I received a call from a man with a very heavy accent saying he was with the IRS and there was a lawsuit against me and I needed to call 903-845-4036. He actually called from 206-336-3550. I called the sheriff's office and they told me to call the BBB.

- Lincoln, NE, USA

IRS called saying she owed back taxes. committed fraud. xtra #304-644-9502 other #202-241-3457

I received a call from the above number stating that the IRS has a Lawsuit on me

- Brownsville, TX, USA

They said if I wouldn't pay them $ 5,001. they were going to arrest me. That they're from the IRS.

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

I experienced today:

I had a missed call from a Washington DC number ((202) 840-6001) saying that I was receiving a final notice from the IRS that they were filing a lawsuit against me and to call the number back right away.

I did, and a man with a Pakistani accent answered and asked for my name to confirm and then said his name was Officer David Hernandez and that the IRS was suing me over tax fraud. He asked me to read him a number of some kind off of my taxes and I was suspicious so I told him I had never received any paper work from them or any previous notices. I asked him to prove he was actually from the IRS and he said if I didn't believe him I should just hang up. I told him I didn't believe he was actually Officer Hernandez or from the IRS and he ended up hanging up on me.

My best guess is that they are trying random numbers and then getting people to tell them personal information as a way of "confirming" their identity and possibly extorting money as a way to settle the "lawsuit".

- Salt Lake City, UT, USA

i had receive four time a call from the IRS saying that i will have to call as soon as possible to resolve the issue. on the third call they said that it was the final notice and then they call one more time saying the same thing and that if i don't call back the IRS will file a lawsuit.

They informed me that the IRS was giving me my last notice and would be taking my home immediately if I did not pay my taxes. I had to call a number that they provided to stop this action.

I called the number and requested an office and name of person I'd be dealing with, when he (he sounded to me like he was from India) stuttered I told him I was reporting the call to the BBB.

Received recorded message stating they were from the IRS and this was a final warning. Hung up before end of message.

a man that barely could speak english called me and told me that he was with the irs fraud division & that i was sent certified letters which i ignored & that it would be reported to the local court office & a policeman would show up at my door to take me to jail unless i take the matter to the courts, or pay at the least $100, that i owed from my taxes for fraud $2576, He saud the case # was dc20216, officer code 659562355. the call came from the district of columbia, this was the 2nd call in 2 days from the district of columbia, the other day a woman saying i would be receiving a government grant because was searching grants online, I said to her if this is a goverment grant then why are you calling me from the district of columbia, she hung up.

Received two phone messages from the "IRS" stating it was my final notice and they were filing a law suit against me.

I have received two calls today from a phone number based in Lynchburg, VA. One was a voicemail that was cut off: "To get more information about this case file, please call immediately on our department number 434-258-0430. Thank you." An hour before they had called and I answered, and it was a robot saying that "IRS is suing me and identified me in a lawsuit. I need to call 434-258-0430 right away."

Called saying this is Daniel wiseman from irs and that there was a criminal lawsuit against me and I needed to contact them asap they had a case number as well but never said who it was for and when I called them back it was a person of Indian decent and they only said that I owed money but never officially said who owed money .I did reaserch on line and this number and name come up as a scam please look in to this matter there was many reports on various sites about this scam.

I Received 2 calls today on my cell phone from the above number. They left a recorded message telling me to contact them to settle before they went to the local courthouse. I called the number back the 2nd time and a man with an accent answered the call as Internal Revenue Service and said do you know the name of the agent that called you and i said no and don't call me anymore and hung up. You could hear plenty of back ground noise in the room like there may be a roomful of callers there.

Since yesterday received calls from fraudulent it's scam. I asked for name from someone who hardly speaks English named Agent John Miller. I told them if they called me again I would report them. I've received 2 more calls.

Call saying that I have to call the IRS it's my final warning about my taxes

Received recorded call from IRS requesting a return call. Did not call

Received call (recorded message) that said IRS is filing a lawsuit against me.  Dept 207.  Call phone # 207-835-3762.

This is the second time this week I have been contacted . the first time was a female posing as an agent... the next time it was a mans voice threatening I had two hours to contact a # that was left on the answering machine the # was unclear but this is what I can make out ...022414732...This same scam was tried to my home phone approx. 6 mo. ago

I keep getting calls from the number above saying this is the IRS and we are filling charges against you for taxes due and i need to call the number immediatly. I call and the person says this is the IRS, no name and them sound Indian.

Thanks *** *** ***-***-***

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