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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

Left message on phone.Hard to hear and understand. Stated he was an officer, we are under investigation for some federal involvement with the IRS. Critically important that I call back this number.

A Rockford resident received an automated call from a unknown person claiming to be a representative of the IRS calling to notify them a law suit is being filed against them and they must call the following number back immediately to avoid any further legal action

The IRS has a warrant out for me for tax evasion. I am supposed to owe $2,950. The voice that sounded of indian accent. They said. "Do you want me to help me or do I want the IRS to come to my house , handcuff me and take me to jail?" He had my last name as when I gave him a first name he returned with the full name even though i had not given it.

left recorded message that the IRS filed criminal lawsuit against me and that me or my lawyer needed to call back asap.

IRS scam: Just got a call from 707-341-4123 in Calistoga, CA. A recording stated that this was my final notice that the IRS was going to sue me. They wanted me to call them at 707-341-4123. I called BBB and they verified that this was a scam.

- Sulphur, LA, USA

Female voice left urgent message on machine stating it was the irs, I called back an indian dialect speaking man was insistent that I owed them $13000 in back taxes and legal fees and they have previously mailed me 2 notices about these back taxes. I even told him this was a scam and he became irate. Soon hung up. He called back again and I just hung up.

- Charlotte, NC, USA

Received recorded call from IRS stating that they filed a suit against you and it is important to call back to resolve matter. Number provided is 626-497-0480

This number has called me three times just today. A computerized female voice says that this is the IRS calling with a final notice that they are filing lawsuit against me for taxes owed. Call the number back immediately. Jail time if taxes not paid.

The caller was obviously a foreigner from Asia. He said I needed to bring my lawyer to the local court house. He said the IRS had claims against me for fraud.

Typical IRS scam got a recorded message To call the next number. 202-241-1251,206-238-0115

A Rockford resident received an automated call from a unknown person claiming to be a representative of the IRS calling to notify them a law suit is being filed against them and they must call the following number back immediately to avoid any further legal action

wanted him to go to CVS and get vouchers and then turn over to IRS.

IRS is filing a law suit against me. Please call 213-308-6053

Today I got 2 calls from the phone number listed above telling me this was my last chance to return the call because the IRS needed to talk to me about our taxes. It was a prerecorded message. I think it is a scam. I will not fall for such calls. I think if the IRS really needed to talk to me I would get a real person or letter. I hung up the first time but listen to the call the second time. I did not give any information just hung up. I do not know what area code 213 is. I think they meant the call for whomever answered the phone.

- Lubbock, TX, USA

I had a message on my answering machine to call the IRS at 310-408-4827. I did not call them because I have had around 3 calls this year supposedly from the IRS.

Had consumer on file as owning money, person calling claimed their name is Federick. Sent them $850 via iTunes card. Gave them the pincode on the iTunes gift card, "company" even texted her to confirm.

IRS calling we have issue for your arrest and a lean on your house unless you contact us immediately.

- Fremont, OH, USA

I am writing on behalf of an OBGYN office I work for. A phone number has called our office several times today stating they are the IRS and there is a lawsuit against our office for the Liletta IUD. First it was a male who had a very hard accent. Our receptionist couldn't make out what he was saying and took down the phone number. I called the phone number back and he answered "Internal revenue service" i said your calling our office what is going on and all he kept saying is i need your information, give me your information, then i hung up. I knew the IRS never ever calls that this is a scam. I figured he would not call back but later on that afternoon our receptionists said he called back multiple more times. I then called again and the phone number rang and started playing music. I waited a second and called again and the same man answer "IRS" i explained i have reported him that he is a scam and he said" NO NO NO NO NO and hung up" the phone number he is calling from is 213-447-2709.

Please look into this.

- Indian Trail, NC, USA

I RECEIVED A PHONE CALL FROM THE NUMBER ABOVE SAYING THE IRS WAS FILING A LAW SUIT AGAINST ME UNLESS I CALLED 570-216-1175 IMMEDIATELY. the number I listed in the above information is also the number that called me.

- Lincoln, NE, USA

Message saying an officer from the IRS regarding tax evasion and to call them

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