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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Chester, VA, USA

Automated call from Vincent Ocher claiming that you are being investigated by the IRS and to call 860-262-1393 to speak to a representative. Person answers phone stating they are the IRS.

When you begin to question them they get defensive and when you tell them you believe this is a scam they threaten you with local law enforcement and you will be arrested.

They sound convincing.... please stop them from calling people.

IRS called consumer persistently leaving messages threatening lawsuit for tax collection.







i am getting 4-5 calls a week stating it is the last notice that the IRS is filing a claim against me- always a new phone number and area codes are from all over the US- I included the latest 2 phone numbers- how can I stop these calls

Claims we owed $75,000 to IRS. Never asked for name and refused to tell us who he was.

Call stated that we are under investigation and this call is our final warning. Caller said to call the number listed above to avoid Federal prosecution.

Receiving calls from 254-563-4552, first tell me that I am being sued by IRS. After I challenged and questioned, person (male) on the phone began tell me that he would like to F--k you and do other things to you.

I told him he was an [censored] and hung up.

Left a voice message on home phone from Officer Steve Parker at 202-846-9041 from the IRS and they have a tax fraud case against me and I should contact them immediately before it goes to court or I get arrested.

Also received a voice mail message the same day from Officer of IRS 419-731-0199, stating they had filed a lawsuit against me and to contact them immediately.

I received a voicemail recording saying this was from the US Treasury and a the final attempt to contact me or I will appeal before a grand jury

Tara L. Nelms

man calling himself Marvin Clark badge #1810856

stating I owe back taxes of 8151.00 wanting 1000.00

paid by prepaid debit card

otherwise i will be arrested and DL suspended

Received telephone call from man representing the IRS; they are filing law suit and if I don't respond they are sending police officer to arrest me!

- Rowlett, TX, USA

computer voice telling me the IRS was going to sue me. I hung up on it and didn't listen to entire message because I know i don't owe anything to the IRS

They call me everyday 2 and 3 times tell me that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me.

Answered phone and it was a recording with a phone number and had a very strong accent. Told her that someone was going to file an action against her and she needed to go the court house. Very difficult to understand he then got very beligerant.

Have received calls from this number at odd hours beginning at 7am Arizona time to around 5pm same time zone. The call is from a Washington area code. They ask me for my name which I do not give to anyone I don't know. I asked them, "You called me, shouldn't you know my name?" Anyways, they claim to be IRS and speak with a heavy Middle Eastern accent. The person I spoke to yesterday, a female, had such a thick accent that I couldn't even understand what she was saying. I used to work for the IRS and when they call someone they know the person's name and they don't have people that the recipient cannot understand call them. They have ended up hanging up on me because I keep telling them no and also told them I would report them if they called again. So here is my report.

left message on my phone this is officer eric fluster badge number is 2028882781 do not disregard the call if you do not call or I hear from your attorney then I can only wish you good luck in what ever falls on you. I attepted to call the number 12028882781 the person I got answered the phone IRS how can I direct your call. I said what type of scam is this the IRS does not call people and he hung up when attempting to call the number again it was no longer inservice.

They called me the first time and left a threatening message on my phone, claiming to work for the IRS. They claimed that I owed a lot of money, and that they would be issuing a warrant for my arrest and taking me to jail for tax evasion. I called the number back, and the man (who tried to disguise himself and make his voice sound Mid-eastern) who left the message answered. He claimed to be an IRS agent and said I owed 5,000 dollars in back taxes. He got aggressive in his tone when he realized I wasn't falling for it. He quickly hung up.

Robot voice from "unavailable calls" and advises I will be arrested and charges for tax fraud have been made. I have to call 909 312 2498.

I have been receiving messages on my answering machine from 717-215-0136 that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me.

- Lansdowne, PA, USA

Said they were calling because of a legal case against me from the IRS. The doc number they left is not clear on my voice mail. I called them back, they wanted me to give them my name and address. I refused to give my name or address. I asked them who they were from they said the IRS. I asked them for another number to verify the call, they hung up. They have called using a number with the area codes 270 and 213

- Columbus, GA, USA

Called 3 times by 3 different numbers saying that I owe back taxes. If I don't pay, the authorities will arrest me.

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