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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

I received a call saying I was being prosecuted for by the IRS and I was going to be arrested. This was my second and last call and to call this number 315-207-4674. I did not get the number so I used caller ID and called back.

they repeated the IRS and arrest info. I ask who the call was for because more than one person lived here. They said my name, address, and phone #. I ask what it was about that is when they told me tax invasion and some thing else. I laughed and said this a scam and hung up. This was a middle eastern mail voice and back ground noise of lots of people talking.

IRS stated owed back taxes, final notice, sue me

They called on my cell phone and said that I had a tax aviation and that it was from 2008-2013. I only gave them my name. They had Asian accent and said I needed not to talk to anyone because it was tax aviation. They told me to go to my car and go to a CVS or somewhere to send money, They asked if I had my debit card and if I had money. Then I said that it's not right. I told them to call the police and come get me and they hung up.

Automated system calling from different phone numbers (different states) leaving 5 or 6 voicemails each day with the following message:

"We would like to inform you that IRS is filing lawsuit against you to get more information about this case file. Please call immediately on our department number 337-515-9083. I repeat 337-515-9083. Thank you."

This phone number changes every time they call!

This person called to state that the IRS was filing a lawsuit against us for not paying taxes. When called to inquire about this, we were talked down to and hung up on several times. We have always filed our tax returns on time. I know this is a scam and would like to find out more information on how to stop these individuals from the harassment.

consumer called in and stated that she has been contacted by people posing to be from the IRS.  They call at all times of the day and now have begun calling at night.  She has reported this to her local police station.

Someone called said I owe money & to contact them & if I don't pay the IRS will come after me

- Visalia, CA, USA

They say they are from IRS and are placing a lein on my property . Because of being warrend I then hung up.

Over the past few weeks I have received numerous calls as many as 3 a day. I just don;answer anymore I am elderly and hurring for the phone is dangerous for me..If you want more numbers you may call me.

- Omaha, NE, USA

My Voice Mail recorded the following on August 14, 2016 at 12:30 PM: "I'm calling you from Legal Investigation Department of the Internal Revenue Service. The nature behind my voice mail is to inform you that we have received a legal petition notice regarding a tax evasion. A tax (unintelligible) against your name. So before your case is registered into the Federal Claim Court House and before we issue the arrest warrant under your name, call us back at 724 426 6446. Repeat, 724 426 6446.

This is Officer Sharon William. Thank you." My Caller ID had the following 4 calls on August 14th, but they did not match the above call back number.

8/14 12:08 PM SEG MON 402 206 2227

8/14 1:39 PM SEG MON 402 206 2227

8/14 2:59 PM SEG MON 402 206 2227

8/14 4:10 PM SEG MON 402 206 2227

I never called back the numbers,

Caller states I am being sued by the IRS

This number has called numerous times, never leaving a message. I answered the other day and a recorded message stated that the Federal Marshal will be coming to my house as an arrest warrant has been issued for my failure to pay taxes to the IRS based on my last year's tax return. It continued to state that I should call a number and arrange immediate payment to prevent my arrest within in the next 24 hours. I did not get the number I was suppose to call, as I knew this was a scam from the get go.

- Muskego, WI, USA

Left voice message that "this is your last chance" to pay overdue taxes.

- Omaha, NE, USA

they just say this is recorded-please don't hang up-you owe back taxes

- Plattsmouth, NE, USA

IRS filing suit.

They claimed to be working for IRS. They are persistent and continue to call across USA to collect taxes from us. I am not clear if they tried to steal identities or money. Please report to authority to stop this scamming operation.

Received a call from +1 202 621 0954 on my cell phone and I did not answer because I did not recognize it. This resulted in a voicemail that was computer generated and recorded in progress say that this was the final attempt to reach me to resolve this matter urging me to call 202 621 0954 to speak to a federal agent. I called the number from a different number, and an individual with a Middle Eastern or Indian accent greeted me with "IRS". I engaged the individual to find out why would the IRS be trying to do business with me via my cell phone when I do not do business with them in this manner. He was trying to check using the number I had called for and when he could not find anything, he asked what my number was. I refused to give it to him and said that I would wait for my letter.

Person gives case number and said call immediately

Man with very heavy accent calls and says they are Internal Revenue Service. We have been trying to reach you. This is a final attempt to contact you as we (IRS) are filing a lawsuit against you. Please call our department number at and lists a number, sometimes same one they called from sometimes another number. I have listed several here. I have called back and repeatedly asked to be removed from their list and they say only way to be removed is to settle matter. The call usually deteriates from there. Usually with them cussing at me and getting hung up on. First of all the IRS will NEVER call you, they will send you letter. Second isn't illegal for a company to repeatedly call you after being asking repeatedly to remove your name and number from their list??

Called to say I have fraudulent activity on my tax return and will be arrested.

Automated message stating the IRS has filed a lawsuit against me and they need to me to call the number that just called and it hangs up. Call the number back and a male operator answers from an obvious call center with a lot of background noise, states his name is "Travis" but he has an Indian accent. He asks if I am "Joannie" and I say "No" and he asks my name, I don't give it to him. I ask him to delete my phone number and he states he cannot until I tell him my name. I tell him and he still won't delete my number, and the calls persist but from 6 different numbers all are what are I've learned "Robo Calls". They answer stating they are the IRS, I say that is not true, the IRS would not be calling if they were filing a lawsuit. He then proceeds to hang up, I don't get any calls for a few days then they start again from another number, and it's the same guy. They still refuse to stop calling me even though I am not Joannie.

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