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Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with IRS? Use ScamPulse to file a complaint.

IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Orlando, FL, USA

They state there is a criminal investigation on an IRS issue. I called several times and they hung up on me several times. They would not provide information.

- Denver, CO, USA

I got a message from this number telling me that I owe the IRS and to call the number immediately otherwise there would be consequences such as fines and jail time. I called the number back immediately knowing it is a Scam and said, ‘yeah, I got a call from this number saying that I owe the IRS’ and they hung up on me. I called back again, got the same gentleman and said that ‘they could hang up on me all they want, but I know this is a Scam and I’m reporting the number’. So good luck, as this is not the first time they have called or that I have reported this company. As it is always the same gentleman that calls. They have been at his Scam for over a year and are back to calling me again, unfortunately for them.

Left message stating they were issuing a legal warrant as they have tried to contact the consumer. Failure to call them back resulted in a warrant issued. They left a number to contact and mentioned the consumer could call to avoid having a warrant issued.

Have called repeatedly from the same number and left messages saying that if I do not make a payment to the IRS that they are going to prosecute and I will go to jail.

- Plattsburg, MO, USA

They're saying that I have a warrant from the IRS.

- Lexington, KY, USA

I have received 5-6 phone calls this week from a Washington state phone number 206-452-3451 claiming to be the IRS. The caller stats that they have attempted to contact me multiple times by mail and I never responded. Since I have not responded, the IRS has issued a warrant for my immediate arrest. The scammer claims that I owe unpaid taxes of $2,965 and I need to pay it ASAP to avoid being arrested.

I am reporting the calls because they have been getting increasing aggressive and demanding. The worst part is somehow they have my name, address and telephone number.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

On December 15, 2017 I received a call from this number, 1-269-282-6804, Battle Creed MI, claiming to be from the IRS stating that I owe thousands of dollars in back taxes and if I didn't pay in 24 hours I would be arrested. They would never five me an address. But I have this number: 1-269-282-6804.

- Euclid, OH, USA

I received a phony IRS call message on my cell phone yesterday. Recorded message threatened litigation against me. We have a warrant for your arrest. Advised to call them. I called them back today. Phone number 301-636-5443 Capital Heights MD. was in my caller ID.When I called back this morning a man with an accent answered. After I gave my name he identified himself as the IRS. He said I owed $5289.13. We started talking. He asked me if I wanted to settle in court or out of court. I said I don't want to go to court. He asked if I could pay $5289.13. . I said I don't have that type pf money. I said how about $200. He said I have to talk to my supervisor. He came back on the line and said we have to have $500. I told him I could do that. He got his supervisor on the phone. I said I want you to be aware you are on a recorded line and he hung up. They had asked for my credit card number. I know it is a scam. I had them on the phone about twenty five minutes.

- Franklinton, LA, USA

I received a phone call saying they were the IRS and were calling about a lawsuit they had against me. I hung up on them, because I knew it was a scam. The phone number used was 925-210-2862.

The phone caller said the IRS was after me and if I didn't return their call and pay what I owe the police would be knocking at my door.

I know this is a scam as I not only do not owe the IRS, I am on soc sec and don't pay taxes anyway.

All the caller gave me was the phone number.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I am reporting a phone call I received. Caller stated it was Robert Wilson with the IRS. Working for the Federal Government. They used phone number 269-282-6804. He said I could use my credit card to make a payment. He would not give an address or telephone number. I know this is a scam. I did not give any personal information or make a payment.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received another message on my home phone. Woman stated it was the IRS. My caller ID showed phone number 716-219-8162 and Youngstown, New York. She stated something about my taxes. Instructed to call this number 716-219-8162 within 24 hours or they will come and arrest me. I did not call the number back. I am reporting this scam call.

- Phoenix, AZ, USA

Received a voice mail from the above number stating that it was from the IRS, and that I needed to call as soon as possible because I was being investigated for Tax Fraud. According the message I have to contact them asap before case was taken to a Judge for a federal warrant. I called back and some guy picked up the number. He identified himself as a Tax Agent. He requested my info but I didn't provided instead I stated asking question. He then put me on hold. He then hanged up. I called but no one asnwered. I used another phone h

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received a call on my home phone. Caller stated it was the IRS. They gave me a phone number to call them at 937-826-0697. It was a man. He said if I did not call back within 24 hours they would come and arrest me. My son tried to call the number back. They kept hanging up on him. The following day I received the same call from a woman. I know this is a scam. I am calling to report it. I know the IRS would not call. They would send a letter.

- Diamondhead, MS, USA

Said Final call from IRS - Internal Revenue Service (s)

- Kansas City, MO, USA

Scam is by a recorded phone call and it states that I need to call back @ 234-249-2299 or I will have action taken against me

an automated voice called me and said I was going to be arrested by the IRS unless I paid them money. When I called back to ask questions about it the guy hung up the phone and the number was disconnected. I waited a few days and the number was working again. But the guy disconnected the call again.

- Lexington, KY, USA

I keep getting phone calls saying it is the IRS and there are four charges against us (no name is mentioned). We have twenty four hours to contact them or we will be arrested. How can people get away with this. I tried calling the number back and some elderly guy answered saying it is the wrong number. I received this call over a month ago. Now have received this call twice today, once this morning and again early evening. I am pretty sure this is a scam of some kind. My husband and I have paid all of our taxes. Nothing is due. No money has changed hands with these callers.

- Dittmer, MO, USA

A man called me and told me they were the IRS and they were going to arrest me. He cursed and I would in 24 hours and they were coming to get me. I went back and forth with him. I know it is a scam. I called the number back and he answers IRS and asked for my social security number. The same person answers the phone.

- Londonderry, OH, USA

I received a voice mail from 401-312-3409, a man saying he was the IRS and that I owed money. IRS pursuing and a bench warrant was filed on me.

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