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Medicare Reports & Reviews (347)

The scammer said they were calling to update our medicare information. I told him he wasn't and hung up.

- Philadelphia, PA, USA

Caller states, "Hi this is Joe, I'm a Medicare Advisor calling on a recorded line. Can you hear me ok?" There are other variations of what organization this same caller states he is calling from (depending on the phone number). From other reports I have read on similar calls from this scammer, after a response from the call recipient, the caller hangs up. This is highly suspected to be a phishing scam for "yes" responses which may be recorded to take advantage of the call recipient. Each time I block one of the 215-814-0*** numbers, I continue to get a call from a similar number.

- Corpus Christi, TX, USA

They knew my name and my address and my social security number. She said was going to send me a booklet about a brace on page 145 or 175. She only spoke Spanish and when I asked for someone that can speak English to explain it to my wife, she said she would get a supervisor, but my wife felt it was a scam, so at this point I simply hung up the phone. I have gotten the call numerous times from the same number. When I try to call the number back, I get a busy signal. I also got 2 calls immediately after with the caller ID for Washington, DC.


I'm not exactly sure if this is a scam but I received a phone call from someone who identified themselves as someone from medicare and that they were calling from a recorded line. When I answered "yes" to respond, the person on the other end immediately hung up. I tried to call the number back but only received a recorded message about how to be put on their do not call list. I am worried that this may be one of those calls where they use your recorded yes to put frauduelant charges on an utility/credit card account.


A man asked me if he could speak with my grandmother and I asked who was calling and he responded by greeting me and addressing me as if I was my grandmother. He said he was calling from Medicare and needed to speak about the program she was in. I said my grandmother was in hospice care and he hung up on me.

- Lexington, KY, USA

I received a phone call saying she was calling from medicare to confirm some information.She gave me my address,my area code,age,birth year which I confirmed.Then she asked for my date of birth.I asked her to give me the date of birth.She said she needed me to give it to confirm who I was. I gave the day and year and asked her to give me the month.She said the wrong month and hung up. The name on the phone read unavatlable, when I tried to call the redial, the number 18131219865 came up. When I called, the number was not in service

- West Des Moines, IA, USA

The person stated their name and company and asked if I could hear him. He then hung up immediately after my response.

- Cuyahoga Falls, OH, USA

The woman called stating she was calling customers who have medicare offering free braces for back, knee, wrist, foot and hand. I had just injured my knee so I questioned her further about the cost and who would be paying for the brace. She stated that this was a new medicare service and that the brace was free and would be delivered to my home by UPS. When she asked for my medicare #, I realized she didn't know if I was on medicare or not and if she was calling medicare customers for real she would know that. I ended the call.

- Cabot, AR, USA

Cold call from a female named Marie with "Medicare" to verify my name, address and phone number. I believe it was a version of the "yes" scam.


A recorded message from a man claiming to be a Medicare Advisor is played.


- Martinsville, IN, USA

Caller said that she had information about Medicare. She then ask if I could hear her okay. I answered "yes" before realizing that it was the famous "Can you hear me" scam.

- Rockwood, MI, USA

caller asked can you hear me....

- New Baltimore, MI, USA

Answered yes to a question

- South River, NJ, USA

The caller asked if I was the person they were calling and I answered yes.

Then they asked if I wanted to save money on my medicare bill.

I answered no and hung up.

- Woodville, TX, USA

Received a phone call from 409 753 7761. I don't usually answer numbers I don't recognize, but was expecting a call from a lab. They ask if I could hear them then a click and I thought I was disconnected so I said hello again. Then was ask if I was on Medicare. So I hung up. The call lasted 24 seconds, but it scared me, so I thought I better report it.

- Anderson, SC, USA

caller said they were calling from medicare to up-date their files. Read off my street address and wanted to know if that was correct , I answered (yes). I then hung up. The call came while I was asleep. so I wasn't fully awake when I answered the phone.


Called and said from Medicare and they could get me a lower cost...asked my name and I answered yes...mistake I know now.

+1 met with a consumer regarding a scam phone call. Consumer reports she received a call from someone with a heavy Indian accent claiming to be from Medicare to follow up on a leg/back pain claim that is non-existent. They were trying to reach her mom and trying to get her to answer medical questions. Consumer told them she did not believe he was from Medicare; her mom has never had back issues and he needed to stop calling. Scammer than reminded the consumer that he had all her personal information. The consumer then hung up.


Consumer was contacted by someone (no name) claiming to be from Medicare saying his doctor had ordered back and knee braces for him and his wife, and they would just need to provide SSN. He contacted his doctor and they informed him that no braces have been ordered.

Consumer was unable to provide phone number, address associated with individual who contacted him.

- High Point, NC, USA

Consumer received a call from Jessica phone number 828-209-1075 pretending to be Medicare "we want to visit you and help you with some questions" they ask for her social security number when she asked to verify the girl name and toll her you are a scam she hung up.

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