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Microsoft Imposter

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Microsoft Imposter Reports & Reviews (292)

- Everett, WA, USA

Going into HomeDepot website - my computer came up with screens then not allowing me to do anything with a speaker stating you have been compromised, stop and call this number. Do not attempt to shut down your system or you will lose everything. My computer was frozen by this stating obtaining system financial data, passwords etc. Curious, I called the Microsoft number with the error code but unable to screen print, 844-300-2123 number which answered right away, no hold time. 1st clue not Microsoft. 2nd clue- asked me to log into their computer server (not microsoft) so they could help me clean and fix the error in order to protect my data. They advised could not see my data or take control of my keyboard or mouse. I asked, how do I know this is not a scam to hurt the business, he advised you called me I did not call you. The gentleman had a strong accent with large background noise like several people on the phone. I then advised, you cannot scam me and hung uyp.

My Mother in Law called me to tell me her computer had a message on the screen telling her it was locked and she had to call the number to get it unlocked due to a virus. I am an IT tech so I remoted into her computer and was able to open the task manager and find the process that was using all the resources and kill it. The message window was gone and I rebooted it. After it reconnected to my remote I ran a Malwarebytes scan and it was clean. I will most likely use the number to have fun when I am in the mood and torture these scammers as much as possible. Maybe they need extended warranty on their cars...

- Rochester, MI, USA

Claimed my IP address was compromised and shutting off my Microsoft license

- Columbia, SC, USA

I received an email from the email I provided saying it was a copy of an invoice for a purchase that was made and about to debited from my account. My name was not on it and I called the # on the invoice to talk to “Microsoft” John Brown. The man who answered said his name was Scott & then when I asked to speak to a supervisor he got back on the line with a different voice saying he was a supervisor. I then told him I did not make that purchase & wanted it stopped. He said he couldn’t do that and hung up on me. I called back 2 more times letting him know I would file a report and was hung up on again. I had to put a hold on my checking account and got a new card #.

- La Crosse, WI, USA

Claimed to be Microsoft helping with a virus.

- Fresno, CA, USA

This scammer has tried contacting me by phone and now email regarding security on my computer. Thank You for Your Purchase.

Order number: #5232480676527081

This is your receipt make sure to print or save a copy for your records.

Your order has been shipped through online delivery.

If You Want to Cancel This Order, Give Us Call on Our Toll-free Number +1 (704) 764-1190

Description Quantity Unit Price Total Price

Microsoft Windows Defender Firewall Online 1 $499.99 $499.99

Your Order Information:

Order Number: #5232480676527081

Customer Number: 0008547896

Order Date: 08/04/2020

Qty Ordered: 1

Your Billing Information: Software Support Plan

Total Amount: $499.99

Payment Method: ***Visa Credit/debit

Payment Terms: Net 500

Shipping Details: Online

Shipping Method: ***visa

Product Detail: Download File

Thank You for Shopping With Us. If You Have Any Questions or, Please Contact a Customer Service Representative at (704) 764-1190 for Assistance

Thanks for purchasing the windows defender firewall from Microsoft. Your purchase of assuring provides one year of support sessions from windows whenever you need it--as well as unlimited in-store training and data recovery. Assure connects you with knowledgeable answer techs that know windows and offices better than anyone.

Microsoft respects your privacy. Please view our online privacy statement. To set your contact preferences for other Microsoft communications, see the communications preferences section of the Microsoft privacy statement.

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA, 98052, USA

Thanks for shopping at the Microsoft store.

Thank You

Roger Harmelink

Initally was blocked by a virus alert which advised me to call an toll free number to release block i talked to man who identified self as name harrison he explained to me about me computer had me me open severall windows on on my laptop computer i also observed as he indepetly used my mouse after he was attempted to encourgement me about plans ranging 1 to 3 price of 199.00 to 399.00 for continue safety to my computer from future virses when no agreement was made he rudely hang up. About a week today date of07/31 i received a another phone from same person calling himself Harrison with forieign accent this time it was in reference to a unknwown refund in the amount of $249.00 he was requesting my account number to my bank account as he scolling my computer actually had my my picture on my pc screen after taking my time going thur different web address i gave him my bank name then received a recorded call from cellphone from my bank with code number which i gave several times it finally locked up then he try to get me to call my bank i refused after long debate i gave my prepaid debit card number which was later denied he made every attempts to get my credit card,investment accounts was ever i continously with him trying to covince it wasnt a scam i finally hungup.

- Jacksonville, FL, USA

I went to use my computer and the computer froze..a message came on that said I had to call this number for the computer.. I called the number and the women said I had to pay them to get my computer running. They said they had to sign into my computer..

- Turtle Creek, PA, USA

Initially contacted by scammer via left voicemail message (7/1)stating if they dd not hear back from me by the end of the daythey would "automatically" be debiting my account for subscription. (left no product identity, ?subscription). Phoned 833-594-0685, contacting to agent-said he needed to call me back, called back from 360-519-4838, I said-"I have no idea what subscription this is for? He said "Oh, we are from Microsoft, this is for your Microsoft subscription. (Microsoft came with laptop purchase 2013, never had direct contact.) I told the rep I've never had anyone contact me about subscription-I want to cancel, no auto-debit will be authorized! The "rep" then said okay we will refund you $200.00 today-you just have to complete the "cancellation" form. Then sent a form requesting credit information. I asked the rep-"if I have a subscription with you-you should have my credit/billing info. With that he began to pressure me for the credit info, and "just complete the form!"

I became very leery -I said I need to call my bank-agent said, "No you can't-you can't dissconnect from server. When I produced an expired credit card-the agent then said, I'll wait till you find the new one, then after time, "We'll use PayPal! At that point, I called my bank security-they advised "Do not give anymore information!" Meantime the agent is sending me messages on my laptop-where did I go? (My bank put a freeze on my account.) The agent continued to call on my phone-x6-through last evening. When I went into my laptop-there were several messages from Paypal welcoming me and directing me to "finish setting up the account". I DID NOT INITIATE NOR OPEN THIS ACCOUNT-

it was opened by that rep/agent -he had only my E-mail and the last 4 digits of my SS. When I both attempted to close account and sent messages that I did not, it was not me, that initiated or opened an account, PayPal directs to sign into account(which requires password) for resolution-as I said I DID NOT INITIATE/NOR OPEN THIS ACCOUNT and do not intend to procede with any further activity w/PayPal in fear that may lead to further activity by scammer. (I contacted my bank security and did not lose any funds at this time)

Caller called my 86 year old mother to tell her that her IP address had been compromised and if she didn’t change her IP address in 5 minutes all Microsoft functions would shut down.

- Keswick, VA, USA

On 6/12/20 I was searching for photos online to use in a power point presentation I was creating. My computer froze and a screen that I thought was from Microsoft popped up and indicated that I should call 888 597 1217 immediately. The technician on the phone said I had a Trojan Horse virus (rund1132.exe?). I watched as the Level 5 Technician navigated my screen to eliminate the virus. My case ID was H8347. I took notes as the process unfolded. I noted the technician's name and employee number from his entries.

He told me the virus was fixed and that I should purchase a Anti Hacking Tool for firewall security. The charge would be $499 for 3 years OR $699 for 5 years OR for permanent coverage $1299. I asked if this was some sort of Microsoft product. The tech said No, it's a Cisco product. I explained that the computer belonged to my wife and I'd ask her when she returned. He said something like; you don't want to buy it Now?!! I said no, and he hung up and exited the communication.

I immediately made arrangements for VPN from another company. I'm not sure who Louis worked for now and don't know who inserted the virus...Hopefully no other damage was done.

Has called me at least 20 times in one day saying that they are Microsoft and my account has been hacked and when I talk to someone and tell them I don't have a apple device and stop calling me they hang up and then not five minutes later there calling me back.

- Bessemer, PA, USA

the email stated the microsoft product was up for its 5 year renewal and to call the number to cancel. I called the 510-455-3368 to cancel the renewal and was deferred to their geek squad who then called me from 505-585-6645 where they were going to refund my money into my bank account. the money was to be 249.99 but was going to refund me for extra 50.00 but when I entered 300.00 into the information line another zero was added and quickly refunded 3000.00 to my account. I informed of the incorrect amount and they were upset and stated they couldn't reverse the refund and I had to pay them back 2500.00 via money order. I kept insisted to reverse the transaction and they somehow pretended to empty my bank accounts. I was stuck so I went to the credit union to get the cash for the money order and he wanted to be on the phone the whole time so I slipped a note asking to freeze my accounts and let him think I was going to get the wire transfer. I returned home and disconnected the wifi and had my son who works in IT to scan my computer and found 1550 viruses/malware. I didn't transfer the money but let him know I returned home and my husband got on the phone and the scammer said he was going to steal all of our money then. Money was safely frozen and none lost. Luckily they froze my accounts and all was OK.

- Dearborn Heights, MI, USA


We have found instances of child pornography accessed from your IP address. This is a punishable offence under The Child Pornography Prevention Act of 1996 . For now we are blacklisting your IP address and if there is any further action from Microsoft you will be informed via email.

If this was not you and you suspect potential hack or id theft contact Microsoft Support Team at 1-833-570-0309.

Microsoft Support


While on my computer, suddenly lines appeared across the screen and a noise came from my computer. A message appeared saying my IP address was blocked, and I had to call. I reached out to the number, and someone with an accent answered, saying he was an employee of Microsoft. He said he needed to take control of my computer to fix the issue, and that it would cost $499 as my license expired. I told him I didn't want to buy anything, and he again stated my license was expired and he could fix it for $299. He went about on my computer for about 30 minutes, and then told me to pay I had to provide my account information. I told him I would not provide that information, so he asked to speak to my wife and have her tell him, but she would not. The numbers that they have contacted me at were 844-299-095 and 833-809-8494. He mentioned these were rough times with the COVID virus going on, and making it seem like it was an emergency.

- Painesville, OH, USA

I received an alarming pop up on my computer. I tried to delete it. It keeps popping up. I did not click on it. It appeared to be from Microsoft. I did not know it was a scam/ I thought there was a problem with my computer. I did not send any money or give information.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I picked up a scam call from someone representing themselves as an agent of Microsoft. The call came in to my home phone at 11:30 A.M. yesterday morning. The scammers phone number is 347-788-3351. I know that this is not Microsoft. There are so many scams.

pop up message when clicking ad for dog the bounty hunter saying our ip address was trying to accessed illegal they scanned my computer and tried to get me to pay for a microsoft extended warrenty, i refused and they have locked my out of windows and i cannot boot my windows up, its costing me $49.00 to have microsoft trying to fix it

I do not have any more information as who company, location etc. i just tried to call the phone number and get recording that can't access that number at this time

Also when i went to face book they have removed the ad and blocked me from being able to report it to facebook

- Scotland, TX, USA

Message popped up on my computer that looked like Microsoft and had a phone number to call so i did, I allowed remote access to the computer and he showed me some things that were wrong with your computer but also said that he could install an new antivirus protection since yours is expired and he said that I had accumulated 1000 points and I could convert that into $1,000.00 by purchasing (2) $500 gift cards to best buy I called him back and gave him the numbers and he said that he needed my CC# to transfer the money and put the balance on my account.

- Pittsford, NY, USA

My computer suddenly froze up..bells&whisles went off and warned me to stop using my P.C. my accounts were hacked.They [fake]Microsoft voice said to call their support number they would fix the problem.I unfortunatley called the number and they Hackers] took over my P.C. I am 81 Yrs. old & thought it was legit..They [hackers]said go quickly to stores and buy "Gift Cards" to pay for this service.I was in a state of shock because I am a low income senior living on S.S& a widow trying to survive..I went to" Sephora" and instucted to buy 20 gift cards&I did.They were on my cell instructing me or should I say putting fear in me with other threats..I purchased $8,000.00 on my C.C.Scammers called day&nite landline,cell,and computer..I was told to give them the numbers&codes of cards,I must have been out of my mind to do that..I called "Sephora"next day and gave them all the numbers and asked them to block cards..Unfortunatley they did not..I know have a balance on my CC of $8,000.00 that I cannot pay..I have a police report,ect ect.I cannot believe "Sephora OR my bank did not have a red flag&contac me..I have the cards&receit of the purchase& have called the storemany times&corporate support,my bank reported the fraud/chase bank but said I bought the cards I am responsible..I need help as I cannot pay this scam now..

Check fields!

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