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Social Security Administration Imposter

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Social Security Administration Imposter Reports & Reviews (447)

He identified himself as “George” he had a middle eastern/Indian accent. He proceeded to tell me that my social security number has been stolen and now has a criminal charge against it and he can help if I pay. I told him he’s a low laying [censored] for trying to scam people and he said to *** *** and he hung up on me. I called back multiple times he kept hanging up on me but he kept answering the same phone number. I listed it above but it is 252-336-3683. It comes up under my phone as Shiloh, NC which of course isn’t where he’s located. Hope you can find this person. He’s terrible and has been calling me and my family multiple times. Hopefully you catch him before he does damage to someone else.

- Asheboro, NC, USA

Recording claims to be from Social Security. Says that you have committed fraud and an arrest warrant has been issued and to press 1 to learn more. Another caller picks up in 2 seconds flat. I have felt with Social Security before. If I waited 20 minutes for someone to pick up it could be believable if this wasn’t such an obvious scam. I hung up immediately.

These people keep calling my personal cell number claiming to be from social security.

Called my cellphone threatening prosecution for no appearance for a Social Security administration case in NY. I'm a working full-time adult with no dependents and years from collecting anything from Social Security. I haven't lived in NY for 22 years. Total scam!!!

Elisha Rios Emp ID 417DR2741 called 8/23/19 10:15 am Caller was claiming she was with the social security administration.

She then proceeded to state that my social security number was suspended because of misuse and fraud in Texas and Arizona regarding banking. Call dropped in the middle of call and when we called number back it is only busy.

- Yakima, WA, USA

I received a phone call supposedly from ssa with a message saying my ss# had been linked to some fraudulent activity in south Texas. (press 1 to speak to representative. A woman with an accent answered asked me when I had been contacted (just now) Spoke to supposed rep and she asked my full name zip code and ss# for confirmation. I provided her with all fake info she searched my info and found that an abandoned car had been found in Texas with 20 lbs. of drugs and blood and I was being pursued by the state of Texas as prime suspect however because of my clean record they suspected fraud and would suspend my ss# if I agreed. Then she asked if I had a bank account and credit card and I provided her with fake info for that as well. She said I could settle my case in court out of pocket or out of court with their help. She said she would call back when my ss# was suspended and whatever I didnt really understand what she said in the end.

I'm not exactly sure what their scam is. The first question I asked is what company is he with (the recording says it's the SSA), he responded with "eff you." It went downhill from there.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

Recorded voice says they are Social Security and the call Is to inform you that there is a legal enforcement filed on your social security number for fraudulent activities and that I need to call (804) 800-2212 or press 9 to speak to an agent to clear this matter up. The CallerID said "Unavailable" with the 804 phone number.

- Grand Prairie, TX, USA

Phone number is from New York. Claimed to be from Social Security Left partial message if failing to call number is contempt fr non appearance. Called number foreign speaking man stalled long enough to look up my number and name then wanted the last 4 of my social refused to give it to him he told me ok just wait for another phone call.

On August 19. 2019 at 3:43 PM Eastern Time in New York, I received a call from 808-525-5106 Haiku, HI. It was a robocall stating that they were from the Social Security Administration. Due to suspicious activity on my account, my account has been frozen. Please press 1 for more information. A man with a foreign accent answered and said "Thank you for calling the Social Security Administration. Can you please state the reason for your call?" I then said "You guys called me". He then laughed hysterically and hung up on me. I immediately hit redial and got a message saying the phone number has been disconnected or is no longer active.

- Star, ID, USA

I didn't answer the call because I didn't recognize the number. The caller left this voicemail: "This call is from the Department of Social Security Administration. The reason you have received this phone call is to inform you that we just suspend (sic) your Social Security number because we found some suspicious activity. So if you want to know about this case, Press ONE. Thank you."

- Greer, SC, USA

Phone call to my cell phone on 8/15/19 at 5:51PM. Recording started as soon as I answered: This is Sylvia Lawson with the Social Security Administration calling to notify you of legal action being taken against you by the social security admin.

I was contacted by 315-284-5238 this morning 8/15 around 10:25am. They left a voicemail saying that the Social Security Information had information about me that could lead to an arrest. I was very confused but did call back. The person that picked up said he was an officer and gave me his name and badge number. He gave me a case number and warrant ID. They asked for my address and how much my rent was. I gave this information to them.They asked me for the last four digits of my SSN. Unfortunately, I gave them this as well. Before I gave it to them, I asked several times if they could verify that this was the Social Security Administration. He stated several times that the government was recording this call and me doubting the validity of this call could be held against me in court. He then told me that my name was registered to a car in Texas found with cocaine and blood in it. They also gave me specific addresses that they said were tied to the crime in Houston and Texas. They said they had several pieces of information tying me to this crime. I was extremely scared because I knew this wasn't me. They told me I wasn't allowed to hang up or disconnect the line. I had to stay on speaker and was not allowed to mute the call or tell anyone about it. I was told if I hung up, it meant I was admitting guilt and that the authorities would come arrest me. They also said that this crime was a Federal Offense and could lead to 9 years of jail time. Additionally during a later point in my call, they wanted to know what bank accounts I had and credits cards + credit limits. They did not ask for specific account numbers. At some point, they thanked me for cooperating and said they would transfer me to a "higher authority" to start addressing this case. When I was transferred, I was told that my social security number needed to be suspended and a new one would be issued to me. For this to happen, I first needed to withdraw all of my money from my savings and checking accounts and put them into government bonds. This is where I started to feel very suspicious and questioned again how I could verify this was the SSA. The guy on the phone started being very threatening and raising his voice. He said I could do whatever I wanted but that the authorities would come arrest me because hanging up meant admitting guilt. At this point, I had a meeting I couldn't miss at work, so I messaged my boss to let her know something had come up and that I was scared but couldn't tell her why (I felt like I was being held hostage by the person on the phone). She came to the room and I told the person on the phone that I needed to go to the bathroom. I put him on mute (even tho he told me I shouldn't) and gave a quick overview of what was happening to my boss. Then, she told me this wasn't the way the legal system works and that it seemed like a scam. I unmuted and tried to again ask for verification that this was the SSA and if he could provide written documentation. He started getting very threatening and raising his voice. At this point, my boss was nodding at me to hang up so I trusted her and did. We did some Google research and it seemed that this was a very elaborate scam that has unfortunately been happening to a lot of people. She recommended I report this to the SSA and Better Business Bureau.

Voicemail message left on mobile phone from Social Security Administration stated that my SSN was being suspended for suspicious activity.

- Mabank, TX, USA

Received a ROBO Call from 1-800-905-0779 stating my SSN was being locked and I needed to contact their office asap to avoid legal action or to press 1 to connect immediately. So I pressed 1 and someone sanswered stating they were from Social Security administration and asked how they could help me, I stated you tell me since you called, they hung up.

Received a call from 833-711-1988 claiming to be Social Security Administration in Texas notifying me that my social security benefits will be suspended due to detected fraudulent activities. 

I think it's a scam and reporting it. 

- Meridian, ID, USA

This number called me and left me a voice mail stating that my social security number had been “suspended” for “suspicious activity”.

- Iowa Park, TX, USA

I just got a call from SS Administration and they were suspending my SS payment and i needed to press one to speak to a representative. I called the number back and they put me on hold for a representative and I hung up.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I had a recorded VM message that stated: "--------from the Department of Social Security Administration the reason you received this phone call from our department is to inform you that we just suspended your Social Security number because we found some suspicious activity so if you want to know about this case just press one."

Caller said there was a problem with my SS and I was supposed to get it and put it in another account for now and then it could be straitened out later and it was immediate that I do this as soon as possible.

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