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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

- Buffalo, NY, USA

On November 21, 2022 I noticed there was a charge from Amazon for $ 16.30 my husband already has an Amazon account that we share so I went to go call Amazon customer service to cancel my membership and get a refund. I then Google search Amazon customer service and was connected to a toll free number. the 855 number provided in the screenshots. The man on the other end of the phone said his name was Alex asked me to download TeamViewer a quick support app that is a screen sharing app. The so-called Amazon representative he presented himself to be, he asked me for get the exact amount I was charged for and as I did and went to my chime account to get the correct amount I was he transferred money to Victor Wilson. I was in tears crying for 20 mins freaking out as this man transferred money to a man named Victor Wilson I do not know a man named Victor Wilson, Victor Wilson is not one of my friends in my contacts. He gave him name as Alex and a phone number 626 5157462. I did not give this person authority to do anything. I did not pay this man with my fingers this man did a screen sharing I seen a mouse pointer on my phone as he sent himself money or whoever he sent money. He threatened me and told me I would not get my money back if I did not go back to my chime account. When I proceeded to clear out of the screen sharing app and uninstall it off my phone the man hung up on me . The man even had the decency to text my phone from the direct number he gave me over the phone with an Amazon link saying to use the verification of 681 the same amount of money he stole from me. He threatened me and told me I would not get my money back told me not to call the bank that I would not get my money back and not to involve law enforcement because I would not get my money back. After all this happened I had $313 left in my account I transferred it all to my husband ******* ******. On the investigation report it states that the same IP address has been used since October 14th to November 21st. This man transferred money while using an on-screen sharing app. I have a change my passwords I have blocked Victor Wilson from my account and I've also contact the FBI and filed two claims with them one online and one verbally over the phone. On December 15 I contacted chime bank after rebuttaling my claim/dispute 4 time which they do not want to give me my money back. I wrote this to them "This is more evidence that I am submitting regarding my rebuttal Dispute. I have called the toll free number that I called on November 21st I have called and text the number that I was given for a direct line for a man named Alex who presented himself as a Amazon customer representative as of right now the 1855 toll free number I called is disconnected the 626 number that I was given is also disconnected I have attached audio that I recorded as I called this number I have also attached me using this TeamViewer while on the phone when my money was unauthorized moved out of my account. I have blocked Victor Wilson from my account but in my blocked contacts it does not show that I have blocked anybody but on the screenshot of going to the transfer it shows that he is blocked. I have also touched something I found on Google stating that people that are using this TeamViewer quick support application is hacking people's accounts." Have all the screenshots and emails saved I sent to the bank.

- Garden City, ID, USA

They asked if I authorized an order for $900 or maybe more and to press "1" if I did not authorize and "2" if I did. I don't remember the next question as I said"hold on a minute as I am contacting someone to get in on this call" and they hung up.

- Ontario, CA, USA

They claim to be selling unclaimed items from Amazon. They offer a pallet of items for forty nine dollars

- Oakdale, CA, USA

Had me download the Anydesk app and obtained my Bank information. Then ank me to zell transfer $400 to a random person.

Amazon prime video app wasn't letting my mom sign in so she was advised to call a number given at a website. No one answered,but then a call was returned from a different number. A man with a heavy Indian accent names David Johnson manipulated her phone. He was able to instructor on what to do to get her account working. Then had her download a app called "any desk" had her go through zelle on her bank account and send roughly 500 to a Sung moon. She was told no money would be taken. She would get a email to get her money back. She never got it. My mom then refused to do anymore and demanded her money back. He said he couldn't verify her account and needed to use someone else's bank account they could send her money to. I was then brought into it. The same steps was taken with me but I refused to send money and got his info an said I would call back. Instead I called Amazon,my bank, and the local police.

After reporting this my mom got another call from Amazon and when she said she was just scammed they were like o no that's horrible. This guy asked to speak to her husband an she said he was at work, which he wasn't. Then they said they talked to him yesterday and he was going to send $900 . She got off the phone and I had her check the # and it was the same scammers.

I received a phone call saying my Amazon account had been compromised. The operator Brian had a heavy accent that sounded middle eastern. I removed my account over a year ago so I knew it was a scam. When I asked about my account information the operator started asking for credit information to check against charges. I ended the call at that point.

Trying to get Amazon Prime, called the number on the app and was asked a lot of personal questions. Saw $890.00 taken out of my bank account the next day. 

I received a phone call claiming to be with Amazon. I could barely understand the caller. Someone had used my name and opened an Amazon account for $1500. Purchased an Apple phone. I don't even have an Amazon account. He asked my date of birth and zip code. I did not provide any information. I hung up.

At 26 November 2022 at 7:53pm, I received a phone call from someone who said that they had an Amazon delivery package for me but did not know how to get inside my building. The volume of the phone call was extremely low and I could barely hear what they were saying. I live at "Current at The Banks" in Cincinnati, OH and access to my building requires a key fob. This person asked me how to get inside my building and when I told them that I was out of town they hung up the phone.

I suspected that this was a potential scam because I did in fact receive a package today from Amazon in the morning and I got a email notification in the morning that my package was delivered and locked up in the mail room of my building. This potential scammer somehow must have known that I was receiving a package today and possibly either was hoping that I would let them in my building or was going to ask for my Amazon account information or credit card information in order for me to receive my package.

At 3:19 pm CST, I received a phone call but, as I did not recognize the phone number, let it go to voicemail. Message left on my phone: “Regarding your purchase of iPhone 13 Pro Max and Apple AirPods total amount of $1499 but we have found some suspicious ?? in your activities in your account while processing the payment so in order to cancel your order kindly press one to speak with Amazon fraud department. Thank you”

Sounded like woman’s robotic voice.

I also did call Amazon to report this phishing scam and was assured by their rep that my account was untouched and safe.

The email was an attempt to get a payment from me from Amazon Prime membership which I have already done on November 03, 2022. a PDF that did not look legitimate, the word Amazon was missing from the email pages, a long with a phony email PS<[email protected]></o590ox6cz70u1pez02y@...

This company posed as amazon and wanted access to my credit card to cancel a charge. When I called to reach out twice, both times they answered stating that they were from amazon.

Said someone was purchasing a computer on my Amazon account and was transferring me to my financial institution to stop the transaction, where they tried to get my account information.

Said my Amazon acct would be charged for Hom Futon Sofa

Amz Qx343551

Call 833-856-1463 to cancel

This is the 2nd scam attempt in 1 week. I contacted Amazon on the first one.

There was a weird beep then it said thank you for your order from amazon. I am pretty sure that is fake as I do not and will not ever have an amazon account. Please do put a stop to that kind of scammer.

Phone call claiming that an

Apple iPhone 13 was being charged on my Amazon account and was it ok to authorize the purchase.

Same call was received on land line phone and cell phone on separate days.

‘I’m calling from Amazon about a pre-authorized purchase of a MacBook and ear buds for a total of 2200$. May ask what bank is tied in to your Amazon account?”

Recorded message from Amazon regarding the purchase of an iPhone 11. common scam. please shut them down. they like to target seniors. shame.

I was sent a link to login to my amazon account with a message saying,

"We have detected a problem with your account information. Please verify your information correctly."

This is a simple step to recover your account:

1. Sign into your account

2. Follow the steps to see your case

3. Resolve the problem by completing the instruction

Update information here:

However, I logged into my Amazon account on the Amazon website, not the above link they sent me, and I saw that all was well and there is nothing wrong with my account. This scam tried to take or link my amazon account to purchase items.

 These people wanted the last 4 of my SS# after saying I'd had a large purchase that appeared fraudulent on my Amazon acct. They went on to "tranfer me to the SS Investigation Unit" who then "transferred me to the US Marshalls." They wanted to know how many credit cards I owned, debit cards linked to my banks, and how much was in my accounts.

Check fields!

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