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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

- Denver, CO, USA

I got a link regarding the accessibility and viability of my Amazon account because of apparent attempted attempts to login to my account. It gave me a link to reopen and reverify my account.

- Flat Rock, NC, USA

Did not interact with scammer, message claimed that my Amazon account had been suspended so I checked Amazon itself first instead of clicking the scammer's provided link. The website they offered is not Amazon affiliated, and my account is not locked so this is clearly a scam attempt to get my Amazon password.

- San Francisco, CA, USA

2 attempts Text phishing today

“ Your A?m?az?on Acc?o?unt has been locked. We recently received multiple failed login attempts to your acc?o?unt.

Re??c???o???v?e??r??y?? y??o??u??r?? a??c??c???o??u???n??t?? i???m??m??e??d???i??a??t??e??l??y?? c???l??i???c??k?? l??i???n??k?? b???e??l????l??o??w??:


P?l?e???a?s?e? t?a??k?e? a?c?t?i??o?n? o?n? y?o?u?r? a?c??c?o??u?n?t? w?i?t???h???i?n? 4??8? h??o?u?r?s? t??o? a?v??o??i?d? p??e?r?m??a?n??e?n?t? s?u??s?p?e??n?s?i??o?n?.


Ama?z?on Ser?v?ice

- San Francisco, CA, USA

Phishing: “Your A?m?az?on Acc?o?unt has been locked. We recently received multiple failed login attempts to your acc?o?unt.

Re??c???o???v??e??r??y?? y???o???u??r?? a??c??c???o??u???n??t?? i???m??m??e??d???i??a???t??e??l??y?? c???l??i???c??k?? l??i???n??k?? b???e??l????l??o??w??:

P?l?e???a?s?e? t?a??k?e? a?c?t?i??o?n? o?n? y?o??u?r? a?c??c?o??u?n?t? w?i?t???h???i?n? 4??8? h??o?u?r?s? t??o? a?v??o??i?d? p??e?r?m??a?n??e?n?t? s?u??s?p?e??n?s?i??o?n?.


Ama?z?on Ser?v?ice

- San Francisco, CA, USA

I got a text early in the morning "from Amazon" claiming that I had made a large purchase of a MacBook Pro for almost $2,700 and if I did not make the purchase then I was to call the number in the text. I called the number (844-511-1223) and a scammer from India named, Frank, tricked me into completing various crypto and gift card transactions in order to "verify my identity."  He made it sound urgent. He stayed on the phone with me a very long time. He then persuaded me to go to Target to "verify my identity" where I had to buy 10 gift cards at $500 a piece so that I could send him the info via text to his direct line (315-967-8835). My debit card kept rejecting the purchases and then some of them would go through. All in all, I got scammed out of over $9K and had to do a lot of damage control since he had access to my phone from the AnyDesk app. He had me download it acting like he was going to help me with my account, but he was a thief.

He posed under these phone numbers:




- Kailua, HI, USA

Text message account frozen. Log in to sight looking like Amazon to unlock

- Bridgeport, CT, USA

I was calling amazon for a charge i was unaware of an i could not get through, shortly after i got a phone call the person said this is amazon customer service and i explained my issue and they asked for my information to verify the account. However they directed me to do a verification step but the entire time they have been stealing money out of my Coinbase account while doing the Amazon verification, until i noticed notifications about my crypto being sold/transferred.

left automessage that they were Amazon and had "your package" but it could not be delivered due to a problem shipping and for you to send them 500$ plus to have it still sent to you. I phoned the number back, a lady answered and denied being a scammer. I told her I was reporting number to rcmp.

- New York, NY, USA

Your previous screen would not let me fill in the field for the amount of the attempted scam: $1000.00. It kept saying to enter a valid number. I received a text from "Amazon" that appeared real asking if I had authorized two very similar amounts just above $400. I had not. I clicked on the link and instead of it being a URL for Amazon it turned out to be one that was "close." Unfortunately, I did not immediately pick up on this. It otherwise looked exactly like an Amazon page for approving or declining purchases. I called the number and didn't realize initially or frankly, for over 30 minutes that I was being scammed. I asked for a phone number and was given a "direct" 206 (Seattle) area code. The person on the phone, "Mark" kept telling me I had to go to a local Duane Reade or CVS and buy two Target gift cards each at $500.00. Meanwhile, I received a text "saying" a deposit for $1000. had been made in my checking account. This was simply not true because I checked and no deposit was there. I live in the middle of Manhattan and Mark kept instructing me to get into my car and drive to the parking lot of CVS and to call him when I got there. Uh, no one in Manhattan drives and I can walk to four different CVS stores in less than ten minutes. He seemed completely unfamiliar with NYC, which seems unbelievable for someone who is in Seattle. He also said that Amazon HQ is in North Seattle on Terry Street. This is not correct. Amazon is in Seattle on Terry Avenue North. If one is calling from outside the country and pretending to work for Amazon they would have this information. Also, I asked him what type of fruit does Amazon give out to people . He seemed clueless. He then put me on hold and clearly had someone google it. I could hear what sounded like a bunch of people in the background. Whenever I speak with anyone at Amazon, it is absolutely quiet in the background. I spoke with my ex-husband who used to work for Amazon and he said it was a total scam. He had me take my phone back to factory settings. I'm concerned they got enough information because they were super convincing at first and managed to overtake my phone. I've gone in and changed my passwords and am keeping a close eye on my banking information to make sure my identity isn't stolen. I'm worried they have my pictures which has a copy of my driver's license and passport on it. I'm really not sure what else to do. Your website made me put a state and city in but I am fairly certain they are not located in the country. I should add that I saved and "blocked" the number for "Mark." He tried calling me more than seven times in the space of two minutes. I did not pick up. No one from Amazon would do it. He claimed to be from their hacking department. My former spouse said no one would even bother to call me repeatedly and of course, no one from Amazon would ask me to buy gift cards which I flatly refused to do. Mark kept telling me that I had been the victim of another scam (not his) and that he was saving me from identity theft. I'm concerned that as I stated before, they were able to glean too much from my iphone. Again, I can only change my card numbers and passwords.

Attempted to get Amazon account information:

Your A?m?az?on Acc?o?unt o?n ho?l?d d?u?e to a bi??l?lin?g is?su?e. U?n?f??o??r??t?u?n?a??t?e?l?y?, W??e? h?a??d? t??o? d?i?s??a?b?l?e? y??o?u?r? A??m????a???z??o??n?? a?c?c??o?u?n?t?.

Re??c???o???v??e??r??y?? y???o???u??r?? a??c??c???o??u???n??t?? i???m??m??e??d???i??a???t??e??l??y?? c???l??i???c??k?? l??i???n??k?? b???e??l????l??o??w??:

P?l?e???a?s?e? t?a??k?e? a?c?t?i??o?n? o?n? y?o??u?r? a?c??c?o??u?n?t? w?i?t???h???i?n? 4??8? h??o?u?r?s? t??o? a?v??o??i?d? p??e?r?m??a?n??e?n?t? s?u??s?p?e??n?s?i??o?n?.


Ama?z?on Ser?v?ice

- Las Vegas, NV, USA

I got a text message:

" Thanks for purchase $575.25 has charged on your card Total Gym XTREME Home Gym Order - id PLBS6043 on 16-Feb-23. Not you? Ring us: +18887920319"

I called the 888 number and got a "lady" that said she was Amazon custom support, and ask me to download an app. Once that happened I knew it was a scam, and hung up.

Automated message stating an Apple IPad is being ordered through my Amazon account, and to press "1" to speak to an agent. I hung up.

I called the number back after not answering initially. A man answered and said thank you for calling Amazon. I replied with "oh you're a scammer huh?" And he hung up.

Called stating that they were Amazon and I had ordered air pods for $190.00 I asked for supervisor they hung up I called back asked for supervisor they hung up

Received a call from 604-5836956, stating its a call from Amazon, they had noticed suspicious activity on my account for $1499, and to press 1 for refund. I disconnected immediately to verify.

Advertised as packages of Amazon returns. 30 items per pallet. Free shipping plus additional items if you purchase 2 pallets. I purchased 2 pallets for $118 and expected to receive 60 items or more. I received 4 low quality items only.

I missed a call from the aforementioned number. When I called back, it went straight to representatives with foreign accents claiming to be Amazon Customer Service. They requested a reference number. Since I did not initiate it, I knew it was a scam. They said there was suspicious activity about an iPhone I purchased. I did not purchase anything Apple related. I use Android. I logged into my Amazon account and there was no reference to it. Just to see how deep their operation was, I started asking details about where their facility is and those sort of details. They also parroted back my first, last name, and phone number. They had their basics covered. Because there were purchases made from various locations, and he named a few, that that might means my account may be vulnerable. I then told him I use a VPN so it is normal that would occur. He ended the call by saying "you mother [censored]er", something not in English, then hung up. Please let Amazon and consumers know.

The lady identified herself as a Amazon customer service person and told me she wanted to verify a purchase thru Amazon. She did not have my name but did have my zip code. I kept telling her I don't have an Amazon account. I did not share anything but my name. No banking or credit card info. I kept repeating "I have no Amazon account." And the call was disconnected by her.

We initially got a phone call from a person claiming to be from Amazon, who said we had been charged for two items they wanted to check, which turned out to be erroneous charges. This person left a phone number to be called back on. Not trusting it, I went online and stupidly took the first listing of Amazon, which turned out to be a fraud. I spent a long time on the phone with the person, who asked for my husband's social security number and other information and somehow managed to get into his bank account. I went back and forth with this person who tried to send money through Zelle to verify his identity, and couldn't. Then he asked for my husband's driver's license number. He wasn't home so I couldn't give it to him. This went on for six hours. Finally my husband came home and the person was on the phone again, this time with him, and, wiser than me, started excoriating the guy for scamming him. He went to the bank to make sure no money was taken out of his account and sure enough, $30K was taken out. But the bank did not put through the transfer without first contacting my husband. Thankfully, the money stayed in his account.

i entered the card on

i tried like the video demon-strates.

coulnt complete the order.

called amazon and they said my credit card needed to be entered s a ‘back up plan’

id like to sue them!!

Check fields!

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