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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

- Rowland, NC, USA

Disputed two transactions on my account app from Amazon Prime Video and I don’t have an Amazon account. When I called they said my account had been hacked and had me to download an app then wanted me to go to Bitcoin on cash app claiming they would refund the amount but I did not confirm. (Suspicious) Funding Source


Exchange Rate


Debit Card - $150.02

0.00538592 BTC



Total Bitcoin Purchase


Total Cost




- Long Beach, NY, USA

Hi, the scammer used my name on website and changed my email address and phone number after I tried returning the ink cartridges. He stole $47.88, and I am working with credit card company Citibank to get the $4,500 back. He tried to use all my credit cards to take a total of $14,000, but was able to stop the $9,500. Some how he got to take $4500 from my Citi card. I had to cancel all my cards and he hacked into my "Shop" App to add his Wisconsin address to ship this bike purchased he made.

Amazon cannot fix this issue at all. They keep saying they will email the accountant (no phone number) and have to wait 24-48 hours. At one point they said they deleted his information, then found out today that he managed to change the email address back to his own with his phone number. When I was able to change my password it would always stop me at Two way authentication. Amazon asked me to send my license to prove which I did but nothing. Amazon even told me to download the authentication app to get the code and when I did, nothing. They kept me on the phone about an hour or two only to say the same thing I have to email the accountant and have to wait 24-48 hours. Even someone at Amazon would hang up on me cause they couldn't resolve it and one told me they found no suspicious activity when another said they did. I almost feel like the scammer works for Amazon. I am just mind blown how a billion dollar company can't have a better security system in place. I am at a loose for words.

And this all happened beginning on September 9th.

I no longer have an Amazon account and I longer want to be part of them, but I don't want this happening to anyone else. So if this email would help which I hope it does and for myself that would make me happy.

- Perry, NY, USA

Person called said they were with amazon, said a new account was opened in my name asked if I had any knowledge of that. I replied no, they said account has $1500. on it. I said I have no knowledge of that. He then said and I am speaking with (and said my name) I replied yes. I contacted amazon right away.

- Portland, OR, USA

I received a phone call from someone claiming to work with Amazon about a computer that had been purchased and was waiting to ship it to New York. They asked if I made the purchase, I said "No", they then asked if I was **** *********, I said "yes" and they hung up. So they have my name, phone number, and a recording of me saying "yes".

Scammer called to say there was a suspicious purchase of an iPhone on my Amazon account worth $790. They said they put a hold on my account until I confirmed the purchase. They wanted me to press 1 to speak with someone or 2 to decline purchase. I just hung up and blocked the number. Funny thing is, the amazon account is under my husbands name not mine.

- Mentor, OH, USA

I received a call and was told I owed Amazon for 2 computers that I never purchased. They told me I owed $1000.00. They transferred me to a fraud representative and they accused me of money laundering. They had my full name which was unusual because I never provide that, they also had my address. They told me to take a picture of my drivers license and text it to them. They told me I had 7 bank accounts and asked which banks I used. They asked me for the last 4 of my SSN and I hung up.

- Houston, TX, USA

They wanted to bill me 1,400 for an apple device. They have my name n address n phone number. They said it was an Amazon purchase. I didn’t buy anything or have an Amazon account. I asked what was the card they had on file n they hung up on me.

They sent 3 Amazon packages to my house which I didn’t order

Called me and said rhat someone is attempting to charge dor a samsung 21 worth $599 on my amazon card and said to press 1 to be connected and then when a live person answered and i said hello they just hang up when i said they are trying to scam me.

A hiring ad on Craigslist for customer service/ data entry. I submitted my resume via Craigslist and the following day I receive a text message from an Amber Davis, stating that they sent my resume to the HR dept and a Daniel Woods will contact me once my background was received and confirmed. That was really suspicious because no phone call was made to me, no interview, no email confirmation, just text. The link for the background was also suspicious. No employer ever, has sent me no type of onboarding process without an interview first. No employer ever asked me for my credit check, my medical info, workers compensation, general reputation, ect... No employer ever text me. Scamers are trying to get personal information

Called and stated they were from a company That I purchase from. Wanted to verify if I had made a large purchase. I told them no. Then I was tranfer to a fraud unit of the bank. The person who said he was from the bank said I had a red flay on my Social security. Unfortunately he ask for my birthday and the last four numbers of my social security. Which I gave. Then I was transferred to a person supported work for Social security. I then hung up because then I realized it was a scam.

I just received a message on my home phone. Caller stated it was Amazon. Phone number in my caller ID 216-341-6495. I don't answer calls I do not recognize. It said I had charges billed to my Amazon account for a package. Over $1000. It would be charged to my account as soon as it hit my door. It said to Press one and I didn't. I am reporting the call.

Called Amazon because there were charges on my account that i did not make. They wanted me to download an app and when i did, my computer stated it was a warning because they were trying to get all my information from me. When I told them I wasnt going to do it, they called me an *** and asked if i believed in God. I told them they were being unprofessional and they hung up on me. I called back hoping i would get another person but it appeared the whole place knew who i was and once again was trying to get me to download the same app and telling me not to call the bank. They said that someone was trying to steal my money which they were the ones trying to get my financial information to steal my money!!!

The person on this line indicated they were with the amazon fraud department. They said a purchase had been made under my account and wanted to confirm it was me. They already had my name and date of birth and phone number. They told me that an extra account had been set up in my name on amazon and that they needed to transfer me to the FTC specialist so that all extra accounts in my name could be closed. When I told them that I would call the Amazon fraud department back myself directly on their number, he called me an [censored] and told me that it was people like me that allowed scammers to get away with things like this. When I called Amazon, they checked and told me that there was only one account set up in my name.

They called. Kept asking if I ordered something from Amazon or $1500. Kept trying to get me to say yes to a question. I did not say anything but no because I've heard of scams trying to get your voice saying yes. I hung up.

Notified of a charge 531$ to my account via email and a phone number to call. When I called they said they would return funds but an over payment they said was made and I needed to return these funds it looked like it was in the account so got gift cards 1900$ and did Bit coin 500.00$

The person did not give a name only said he was from Amazon and that I made a purchase for a computer and other things

from Amazon using my Apple account with my Capitol One card that's linked to it. This is the Third time in two weeks I got this call

on my cell phone. scammers number shows 808 323-8819

- San Angelo, TX, USA

Don't do business with a seller who directs you off the Amazon website. This was found on avoiding payment scams. I found a number on Google and called it Which immediately changed to 877-532-0770. ( Looking that # up on Google showed Miloslav Currin). He had me pull up an app called "quick support-teamviewer Samsung", So he could control my Phone. He had me pull up my bank account and asked if I had Zelle so he could refund my money since he couldn't refund to discover. He had asked me for the last 4 of Discover and my social security #. He never asked for my Amazon account. After talking awhile we got disconnected and he called me back on 352-604-8073 and I was on hold most of the time for 34 minutes. Don't trust Google but go into your account of whatever and find their information or phone number to use.

A person posted a job posting in a town facebook group. Then we messaged each other and was referred to contact another person (hiring manager) thru text message, I did all necessary steps. Because it was a remote position it seemed legit. My resume was emailed to the person and to finish application process they need to verify my application (drivers license & SS #). They wanted to do a face recognition & that’s when I said no more. I filed a police report and did all necessary steps to protect my credit.

- Orangevale, CA, USA

Scammers used Amazon logo to sell mystery box online. Seeing this logo thinking it's legit I ordered the 49.99 mystery box. After I placed the order I got a generic "order received" email. I checked out the website reviews and realized that others have been scammed by them. So I immediately request a refund and contacted PayPal but they couldn't do anything because I didn't get a cancellation number. It's been more than three days since the order was placed and I have not received a tracking number nor a cancellation number.

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