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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

- Boones Mill, VA, USA • Nov 14, 2023

got a recorded message saying with Amazon and I had just made a $1300 purchase.

- Glen Burnie, MD, USA • Nov 09, 2023

Posing as a Amazon representative when I needed help changing an address on an order that I cancelled because I check and they didn’t take the money from my account

- College Park, MD, USA • Nov 08, 2023

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???????????? ?????????????????????????? <[email protected]>

 Tue, Nov 7 at 11:35 AM

For your security we disabled links in this email. If you believe it is safe to use, mark this message as not spam.

**** ********* ,

Your Membership has expired!!!

Your Subscription for Prime expired on Tuesday, 7 November 2023

We tried to renew your subscription at the end of each billing cycle, but your

monthly payment has failed. We therefore had to cancel your subscription.

Obviously, we would love to see you again. If you wish to renew your subscription

click on the link below.


Subscription ID : #AMAZN-us1:1033518891

Product: Prime

Expiration, [email protected]>

- Newnan, GA, USA • Nov 07, 2023

I got a call from a person identifying himself as Oscar White from Amazon headquarters. He asked if he was speaking to ****** ****** and I answered yes. Then he asked how I was doing today and as I answered he hung up. I think he was just trying to get me to say yes so he could record it.

- Hudson Falls, NY, USA • Nov 06, 2023

A code popped up on my smart tv. I followed the instructions and went to a website then to a phone number to call. I the downloaded 2 apps they said they needed. Not realizing they could see every thing I was doing on my phone. They tried to get money from Zell and Venmo and other sites. I was on the phone 3 hrs. Then they said I needed to get gift cards to help them block the hackers on my site.

They attempted to get $449.00 from Zell which was blocked by my bank. I bought 1,000. In gift cards.

- San Benito, TX, USA • Nov 03, 2023

Call was made to verify an Amazon order, when I told them it was not my order they try to help me by transferring my call to a department and there they wanted my account number when I told them I didn’t trust them asking that they hang up. My phone doesn’t register the phone numbers don’t know why it’s a iPhone 13/14 and don’t know how to find them to report them.

- Hickory, NC, USA • Nov 02, 2023

Said they were Amazon and wanted me to download an app

- Palm Beach Gardens, FL, USA • Oct 30, 2023

Emma called me from Amazon and I thought connected to Amazon, but not true.

Used their name and then contacted by Aaron who seemed ok. Send them $2650.00.

However then they put me on to their "money Man" their term who demanded more money for trademark without showing paper. Wanted money.

I contacted lawyer who found out it was a scam.

- Germantown, NY, USA • Oct 25, 2023

Caller (from restricted number) identified himself as Amazon employee and wanted me to verify a $1499 mac computer purchase and asked me to verify my name, which he knew, and I verified. English was not his first language. I told him the purchase was not me and to not let it go through. He continued to ask increasingly personal questions, and I just told him again to block the purchase. He then listed four or five banks and asked if one was mine. I told him no (stupid on my part) and he then asked what bank I used. I then hung up and called my credit card company and asked for a new card.

- Springfield, IL, USA • Oct 25, 2023

I got a phone call that I let go to voice mail and the message they left starts off as 10 seconds of elevator music and then a feminine computer voice that says "Amazon this call is to authorize the payment of $1,499 for the recent order of Apple MacBook Pro on your Amazon account. If you do not authorize this payment, please press one to speak to our customer support representative."

Instead of calling them back I checked my and my families Amazon accounts to ensure there was no such purchase and I called my banks to check for pending transactions and seeing as I did not have one, I left the number alone.

- Marietta, GA, USA • Oct 23, 2023

They said they were Amazon about a pre authorized purchase I made and wanted to know if I was Vicki. I said yes and they hung up.

- Morrisville, NC, USA • Oct 17, 2023

I received a message on my mobile from an automated system that purported to be Amazon, trying to confirm if an order for $1,499 for an Apple MacBook Pro on my Amazon account was valid. It prompted me to press '1' if the answer was No. I did not press anything. I looked up Amazon scams and found I was not the only one to receive this call or message. Immediately deleted the voicemail.

- Pittsburgh, PA, USA • Oct 17, 2023

They asked me to confirm that my first name was my first name. I asked where they were calling from, they stated Amazon. I said yes and they disconnected the call.

- Southampton, NY, USA • Oct 13, 2023

It was the exaxt same they said I had 3 accounts with Amazon and $8500 was being charged to my account . They asked me to verify any address, date of birth , etc. they knew all the information and said someone has stolen my identity. I was given her employee ID EIN911986545.

- New York, NY, USA • Oct 12, 2023

The person called from “Amazon” and said that someone in New Mexico had tried to purchase an Apple Laptop on my account. Was it me NO. They further said that there were several accounts in my name with Well-Fargo, Citibank , etc. I told them that I only used Chase.

They were going to transfer me to Chase and I hung up. unfortunately, I did give them my mailing address, which is a POBox.

I immediately called Chase they had no record of a transaction, including declines

- Alameda, CA, USA • Oct 09, 2023

The callers didn’t sound American

The callers spoke really fast

The callers asked a bunch of questions and gave no answers to my questions and became hostile

- Charlotte, NC, USA • Oct 05, 2023

Scammer is posing as Amazon, saying prime membership has expired

- Staten Island, NY, USA • Oct 04, 2023

Called claiming to be amazon saying id been a fraud victim. Asked me if it was ** ****** I said yes and they hung up.

- Scottsdale, AZ, USA • Oct 03, 2023

Said he was from Amazon Fraud Department. Told me that there were three accounts under my name and wanted me to confirm that. I denied having 3 accounts Told me that one of these accounts made one purchase for $8,500 and other smaller ones and wanted me to confirm them. I denied the purchases. Asked me to confirm a few addresses where I sent Amazon packages and a couple were correct. Told me that they tried to email me but that the scammers probably re routed the Amazon emails with the alerts. Asked me to confirm my name, address and email which unfortunately I confirmed. Read the last 4 digits of the credit cards used for the suspicious transactions and none of these belonged to me. Did not ask for passwords, credit cards numbers or any more personal information. Just wanted to confirm my name, address and email.

- Brownsburg, IN, USA

Person called me saying they were Amazon , caller ID said California 209-693-4518. They called me by my previous name. Listed a number of Banks who have accounts under my name. She stated there was a purchase made to Ecomers for 1500.00 under the name of Sandra Williams. She asked me if I have an account with any of those banks and offered to connect me to the bank headquarters. I told her I would call them myself. She said to give them her information. She said her name is Kiara Riley employee number AMZ561001 and she could be reached at 844-590-2761.

Check fields!

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