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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

I am frequently receiving these types of request notifications.

From: Am??azon Not??ific?ation

Msg: We?'v?e blo??cked yo?u?r ac?c?ount du??e t??o unu??sual acti?v?iti?es,

W??e n?e?ed y?o?u ta??ke act??ion im?med?i?ately, V?e?rify y??our info?r?mat?ion cor?re?ctly.

Si?m?ple st?e?p t??o re?c?over yo?u?r acc?o?un?t:

1. Lo??g i??n t??o Am??azon ac?c?ount.

2. S??ee yo??ur c?a?se.

3. Fo?l?low st??ep gu?i?de t??o he??lp y?o?u so?l?ve pro?b?lems o??n acc?ou?nt.

4. T?h?e pr?o?blem h??as sol?v?ed b??y fol?l?owing t?h?e ins?tr?uct?ions t??o t?h?e e?n?d.

U?pd?ate he??re:

F??or se??curity re??ason,

Pl?e?ase vi?s?it t??he se?c?ure li??nk t??o ve?r?ify y?ou?r ide?n?tity a?n?d rega??in acc?e?ss t??o yo??ur ac?co?unt.

Received a phishing/impersonation email claiming to be from Amazon. The email came from: [email protected]. the scammer created a fake amazon ad, attached a link, and resent it out in a click bait/malware scam. I never signed up for this email and there was no way to unsubscribe. The link led to unsecured website:

Receive regular calls from these numbers starting early in the morning. Voice recording stating a charge of $1100 for an iPhone 11 and prompting the receiver to click certain numbers to continue.

Please shut these people down. Thanks!

"Amazon" calling about a fake order. This has been happening a lot from various numbers from Canada/ USA.

Called what I thought was Amazon by googling the phone number for Amazon. I will not do that again, I have now added Amazon app.

Gary said he was looking at my account and said $1100.75 charge for phone in Denver. They told me that I needed to send them gift cards to have the charge reversed. Then would be refunded for cards. They kept me on the phone while I went to purchase them the gift cards. Got two gift cards $500.00 each and then gave them the number on front of the card and pin number on card. Said they three way called with my bank. I now think that he changed his voice to be both people I was on the phone with.  I have called and reported to Wal-Mart but it was to late due to the money was already off of the cards. Also [email protected] received money via Zelle. Phone number Gary called me from was 202-217-8881.

I have had several phone calls claiming to be from Amazon. Tell me I owe $1593 for a package. I don't have an Amazon account. My caller ID shows phone number 851-4706. Does not show an area code. I have a 216 area code so it must be 216 area code. I yelled at her good and told her to stop calling. She probably won't call back.

Caller kept calling (15 times) yesterday afternoon. Caller ID was 000-000-0000. They left a message about my account and then later the message was about our Amazon account. When answered, it gave the option to accept or decline the order. When declined we were transferred to a person who was trying to get into our account. We hung up and the person called back - phone number was 488-889-8104.

I received an automated call saying that there was a purchase made on my Amazon account that I needed to verify. I was put through to a representative who asked why I called. I told him that they had called me. He asked for my name so he could look it up. I told him that I thought this might be a scam and he hung up.

When you call they tell you this charge was to an Amazon account.

To clear it, they want you to go get 800.00 on money transfer cards which they will refund to you.

I have no idea how they got my phone number.

fake robo-call claiming I had made a purchase on Amazon

Received an email indicting my amazon account was blocked due to unauthorized access.

requested me to click link to unlock account and if i didn't do so within 24hrs account would be permanently blocked.

Immediately deleted the email as it was full of red flags and appears to be a scam to get my information.

Received the following text message

From: (206) 278-0368


Your card was recently used for $849 at Amzon against

Samsung 65-Inch 4K Smart TV.

Order ID: #144-2671-16372

To report fraud or unauthorized access to your account,

please contact us at (844) 427-5407

Amz Inc.

Someone called from this number acting as amazon I gave them my name and they told me I had 3 amazon accounts that were being logged into in TX, NY, IL ,NJ and asked if I got a txt from Amazon telling me someone was logging in from those places, which I never did. He went in to ask me if I purchased 8 Apple MacBooks and 6 IPhones I said no he asked more questions to verify I wasn’t ordering.I don’t have anything in my cart and and my last purchAse from Amazon Was months ago. I can’t remember all the questions he was asking Ik he asked if I had every been to those places and I said I went to NY in high school clearly not there now. And he said he was working on getting it taken care of and he was gonna put me on a slight hold. After realizing I was just muted bc no music or phone rings were happening this was 15 mins into the hold I finally hung up and went to search how do Ik if this is a fake amazon number. There’s a form when we can report what happened and enter the number which I did and submitted. But then I called customer service because that’s a lot of money if it were real to wait on an email reply from Amazon. The lady at customer service was very helpful and assured me she was in the process of reporting the fake amazon number because this has happened a lot recently she assured my account was fine and to change the password and do the two step verification which I did when I got that call on the only 1 account I have. I wanted to submit this so people are aware and don’t give out any personal information to a copy. If it was amazon they have your information. +1 (463) 227-0425 From Pittsboro, IN. $8999 is what he was trying to get for 8 MacBooks and 6 iPhones anyone should know that’s not even the correct amount of all this those things

Person claiming to be from amazon called to report that a $1000 purchase from New Mexico for a set of earpods was purchase with my card and they wanted to report this to me do they could cancel order if i had not authorized the purchase. They then wanted my bank name and i told them i would not give out that info and can call my bank myself. They kept saying they didn't need my account just the bank name and i told them no and that i will report them they are scamming me and hung up. I then called my bank and gave them the number and they said that is not any of Amazon numbers they use and it was a scam. They checked my accounts and everything was ok. This place had 2 members with accents and sounded professional so i hope they don't scam anyone else

I received a call and it was a recording saying there were 4 transactions made on my Amazon account all from different places. I didn't listen to the rest of the recording. I hung up and checked my Amazon account and everything was fine.

I answered a call today claiming to be from Amazon. It was a woman named Amber with Amazon Fraud Protection. They had been contacted by the Social Security office. Possible fraudulent activity with my Social Security number. Somebody was trying to purchase $1500 iphone on my Amazon account. I don't have an Amazon account. She asked my name. I gave my full name. She already had my address. I told her I was at work and to call me back at 4:00. She said is this your correct number. I said yes. At firt I thought it was legitimate. Social Security would not have contacted Amazon. The phone number in my caller ID was 469-325-1653.

Multiple calls. 2 calls every1 hour (sometimes more). Woman's voice is already speaking when I answer. Phone number keeps changing and the location keeps changing but the message is always the same. She says, "This is Olivia from customer service. We have one incoming suspicious charge on your Amazon account in the amount of $749 from Dayton, Ohio. To dispute this charge, ..." I hang up but the calls keep coming. Has been going on for the last two days. Olivia must have a big phone bill for all these lines!

Multiple calls. 9 calls within 1 hour. Woman's voice is already speaking when I answer. Roughly, this is what she says, "This is Olivia from customer service. We have one incoming suspicious charge on your Amazon account in the amount of $749 from Dayton, Ohio. To dispute this charge, ..." At this point, I am hanging up.

Occasionally, I receive 1 of these calls. I hang up and it is done. Today, I received 9 within an hour. Each call is from a different phone number, but a few said the number was "Unavailable." I am STILL RECEIVING THE CALLS!!! - 2 HOURS AFTER RECEIVING THE FIRST CALL.

I got a call from someone claiming to be Amazon. They said something about suspicious activity on my credit card. I do not have an Amazon account so I knew this was a scam. I called the number back but I could not understand the person. They hung on me so I called back and got a different person on the phone who I could not understand either.

They were telling me that I had charges on Amazon but I don't even have an account with them.

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