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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

A scam posing as the "Amazon fraud department." Claiming that they are processing a payment I didn't make and that I must contact them to cancel the order. I checked my account and there is no order. I've been getting more phony amazon phishing scams in general. Always check out your own stuff before contacting anyone!

Received a phone call that Amazon transaction was declined for $1499.00. Hold on my amazon account because there was a question. I do not have an Amazon account and told them this.

Called 657-686-6186 and spoke with Robert Lee employee ID AM3Z96210 and he said that the purchase went to another address. They wanted access to my bank account and I knew to not provide it and hung up. 

I had been receiving emails about my amazon acct had been suspended. I always forwarded them to amazon security. I knew that it was wrong because I was able to make purchases with no problem. One such purchase arrived damaged and missing some of the products. So I went into the amazon app and arranged for an even exchange of a new order with the old box and it’s contents to be picked up when the new one arrived. Simple, right?...WRONG!

The delivery driver told me that they don’t pick up returns except at a drop off location??. So the driver called her warehouse and told them the issue and they gave her a number for me to call. 1(844)480-0247...the number somehow became (213)275-2741. I couldn’t think of how or why, so I just assumed that I was talking to an Amazon customer rep and our conversation started out trying to fix this issue so that I didn’t get double-billed. The (rep) said that my acct had been suspended due to fraudulent activity...according to his info, someone had bought an iPhone ($999)on a duplicate acct and was given a line of credit of $500 to put towards it with the other $499 being directly removed from my checking account. I promptly told him that it wasn’t me and to stop payment to that acct, but he said it was too late but that he could refund part of it.(unbeknownst to me, there hadn’t been any money removed from my acct for that amount). I’m starting to panic at this point and I allowed him to convince me of a Trojan malware on my phone and that by downloading another app(anydesk) that he could stop them from doing anymore harm. This app mirrored my phone on his computer so he claimed that he could find the malware, remove it, stop the “drain” of money and catch these people. He said he would deposit the money that was taken and I would need to move it from my checking acct to my cash app and back again as soon as they tried to take it. Color me stupid at this point... it doesn’t end there...I’m really freaking out and have rushed up to my bank to shut down anything coming out of my acct. The money that was being removed from my acct was MY money, not the refund from a fraudulent act with the duplicate Amazon acct. By this point I had been suckered into transferring $680 of my own money into my Cash App acct and had purchased Bitcoin. Needless to say, I’m melting down in the middle of my bank. The bank tellers are calmly scrambling to save my checking acct and one of them uninstalled the mirroring app. I had gotten disconnected from the amazon call because my phone power was low, and when I plugged my phone in the rep continued to call me back. Numerous times, each time it was met with a thumb on the mute button. The phone calls continued for a few more hours. I had to open a new checking acct and make several more calls to report the fraud.GOD-willing, this will all be straightened out in my favor. I pray that whoever reads this won’t be a victim too.

Caller said they were Amazon and inquired whether we had ordered through Amazon and told us to press 1 if we had not. The call was recognized as a scam but 1 got pressed unwittingly as the call was being terminated (hung up). Nothing was said. No information was given..

Called and said they were Amazon and that several new Amazon accounts were opened in my name. They knew my name. Said $3000 worth of Apple computers were ordered for delivery to the 4900 block of Arcadia in Albany NY and was I in NY or NJ, etc. I did give them my real delivery zip code but hung up on them. Called real Amazon and took steps to make sure they could not access my account.

RECEIVED several times automated call states that i have a pending purchase of an Apple I phone and E Buds going to be charged to my Amazon account good thing i don,t have an Amazon account Ha Ha

I received a phone call from Amazon. They needed approval for payment of $1500. I do not have an account with Amazon. There was a charge with my name. Asked for banking information. I did not provide any personal information. I had recently provided my credit card information to a local beauty salon for service. Then I received this phone call. This concerned me. I called and cancelled my credit card. I do not have the phone number that called.

I keep on receiving a call stating an Amazon purchase of $1,000 and if I don't authorize it to press 1.

The message says we cannot complete your order without your updated information

I have had someone call stating they are from Amazon customer service stating they have a package to deliver to me and wanted to verify my name, phone, address and debit card information.

I do not have an Amazon account but I received a call telling me there was a $1500.00 purchase on my account for an iPad. They tell me it will be delivered the following day but if I did not make this purchase to press 1 to speak to someone. I pressed one and the agent asked for my name. I told her "Don't you have my name?" She provided my name and address. She then told me she could help me with theft since someone is using my information. She asked for the name of the bank I use but I hung up on her because I did not want to provide that information.

I have received several phone calls in the last few weeks, supposedly from Amazon. Caller ID only shows "British Columbia", so most times I ignore the call. A few times I answered the call and it was a recorded message, telling me to press a number to be connected to Amazon about my "account" (I don't have an Amazon account). Today, August 15, 2022 about 8:15am, I received one of these calls on my cell phone. I answered the call and a recorded message said I owed Amazon $900+, and told me to press a number to be connected to Amazon. I hung up.

A robot is on the other end saying they are from Amazon and want to confirm a purchase of an expensive item. They ask to press 1 to report that you did not purchase this item.

They asked for my name and zip code and then hung up.

I just learned that Amazon Never calls you. they always email. Calls on behalf of amazon are not calls from Amazon.

Scammer said my Amazon account had been frozen and will be terminated in 24 hours if I do not respond. Of course my account is active and there are no problems

said I made a $791 purchase of Dyson Tower Air Purifier and to call this number 805-250-7530, They tried to get me load a remote control program. I hung up. No charge had been made on my account.

(Notification 4500) Amazon account terminated due to unusual activity

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This is the message I received from a email to txt from the scammer.

I received a fake text from an imposter of : We found a suspicious transaction, for security reasons we have deactivated your account. please secure and verify your payment method to reactivate your account, click and follow the instructions from the following link:

They claim I have a charge for an Apple phone from Amazon.

I received a call yesterday on my cell phone claiming to be from Amazon. It came from California. Phone number 405-745-0789. It was a robocall. It stated press one if I did not approve a purchase of $1400. I pressed number one. It sent me to a call center. A woman answered. Amazon something center. I could not understand the second word. She asked if I had an Amazon account. I said no. That is when /i knew it was a scam. I played along. She said someone opened an Amazon account in my name. Purchased a laptop. To close my account she would have to forward me to the Department of Treasury. She transferred me to another call center. A man answered united States Department of Treasury. Gave their address on Pennsylvania Ave. $8000 in purchases on my Amazon account. It went from $8000 to $1.5 million. My house and personal assets would be frozen for nine years. Money wired from Texas to foreign country. account. Did not ask for money or personal information. I received a second call from 714-441-8310. Same type of call.

If anyone asks you to log on to your computer remotely, it's a scam!!!!

Ask them questions that only an Amazon representative would know - don't share any info, ask them questions

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