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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

Received a call from J****** ****** - 412-216-**** stating that he is with Amazon and looking to authorize a purchase of $499 to amazon account. When I stated I would not authorize the purchase, they stated that someone in Texas was using my information and a warrant is out for my arrest in Texas. Gave me a case #*******.

Hung up on him.

Jacob at (855) 231-8730 contacted us to let us know that our Amazon account has been hacked and that someone in Texas has charged our account $591.39. The confirmation number provided as well.

Apple I phone. Purchase.

I receiving calls from 716-281-7454 saying that I have an account with Amazon and purchased $289+ dollars in merchandise.

In the last 5 years I've only made one purchase over $200 and I have that item in my possession already.

I think this is a dummy account set up in my name and will be used in the future to purchase items under this account once it is verified.

My phone rang this afternoon and I only answered it because it was so similar to my personal cell number (same prefix). A recording (robot) said they were calling me to notify me that a purchase was just made to my Amazon account of an Apple iPhone and a Mac computer, totaling more than $1400. It then instructed me to "press 1" if I had any other questions or concerns. Of course I pushed 1 since I had not made any such purchases! A man with a heavy Indian accent answered the phone and said I reached Amazon. I could hear lots of other people with accents talking in the background and I knew instantly it was a boiler room and this was a scam. I immediately hung up and reported it to Amazon. I also wanted to report it to because you all do such a great job of warning people about scams. Thank you for all that you do to help us avoid becoming victims!

They sent me a text saying that I needed to confirm a purchase for $1099.00 that I did not make.

Received 11 phone calls every 15 minutes from different names all claiming you need to press 1 to unauthorize an amazon purchase or press 2 to authorize a $900.00 purchase. Each time the've used a different call back # and a different name. ( #'s 509-359-0959; 509-622-2531; 509-164-0242; 509-832-8644)

(Names used: Seattle; Unavailable; Kennewick; Spokane; Cruz Gladys;Toll Free; MooMaw Hearing; US Cellular; Saratoga Spg Nls;


I did not answer any of the calls, they all went to message. Continual harassment should be criminal offense!

Received a phone call supposedly from Amazon informing me there was suspicious activity on my credit card, specifically that about $1000 was charged, and was asked whether I would be approving or denying the transaction. If deny, was told I would be connected to a "secured Amazon server" where I could deny the transaction by confirming some information, the charge would be taken off my credit card. Was also told there would be no refund if the transaction is not denied at this time. Told person I would wait for bank statement and handle the matter at that time. Person started to get agitated, eventually said "good luck" in a nasty tone and hung up phone abruptly.

They tried to tell me that I owed them money for transactions on my bank account.

email says your charge for $199.59 on amazon charge is successful in case of cancellation or dispute reach us by calling and it gave the number

I have answered many calls on my landline. Caller keeps saying they are with Amazon. It is a live person not a recording. I owe them $1000 for something I ordered. I told them I did not order anything. They continue to call. I told them I know this is a scam. I hung up. I do not have the phone number that called. I hope nobody else falls for this. I know I did not order anything. This is an annoyance. I wanted to report it.

Every day I receive calls from Amazon. Tell me something about my Amazon Account. I don't even know what Amazon is. The callers are difficult to understand. I say to take me off their call list. They continue to call. It is a nuisance.

Amazon called with a recording, Hello there is suspicious activity on your amazon account.  When I pressed one they asked me for my account number, and order number and then I hung up. I called the correct Amazon company and they told me that they would not contact you by phone they would send you an email if there was anything to be concerned with.

This is a voicemail I got today: "You will receive the shipping details shortly once you receive the shipment details you will be charged automatically from our plastic card registered in your Amazon account if you have not made any such transaction or to report an unauthorized transaction and kindly report this by calling us at 719-430-9684." You can see it doesn't even make much sense. The supposed phone call came from 920-606-1249. I’m just passing this along in case something can be done to deter these criminals.

I have no idea what shipment they might be talking about because I didn’t order anything online. I did not call them, but they may get someone who will bite on this and be a victim.

My husband received a phone call from Amazon on his cell phone. Caller said that Amazon took money out of his bank account. I think he said $648. His purchase was on its way. Would be delivered any day. Told him to get a security card from Walmart and call them. They would issue a refund for the card. I don't know the amount. If he does not comply they have his Social Security Information. He did not order anything from Amazon. I stopped him from getting the card at Walmart. I do not have the phone number that called him.

Received an a mail from “Amazon” stating I ordered an object in the amount of $228.00. The email listed a ship to address of “Daytona Oh ohio and this number to call customer service to cancel. 877-509-0345. An Asian man who asked if I was &&& and I said yes and that I was calling to cancel the order I didn’t place. He said to go to my computer it laptop and he would help me cancel it. He originally said the order cam through California and he knew I didn’t live there. I said I didn’t have a computer or laptop so he said his supervisor would be calling to get info for my refund. A call from Napa California-707-966-5521 (actually 3 calls) cam within minutes but I didn’t answer.

I received this text message today: Order Confirmed AMZ#07349002 Impact Posing Table and Stool Kit of $1781 will be deducte from your card. Not you call us.+18773381455

I called the number & I was asked for the order # & order amount. I was told someone was trying to use my identity. To prevent this from happening, I should download an app called Any Desk. I immediately googled Any Desk & found it would give access a device from anywhere. I immediately contacted my bank to ensure there had been no fraudulent activity. There was none.

My mom received a phone call tonight, after 6pm, when her bank was closed. It was someone claiming to be from Amazon telling her that someone bought an Apple iWatch for more than $1000 using her stolen bank checking account number. They told her not to worry, that they were calling to resolve this matter for her, but they would need her checking account number and social security number in order to do that. She gave both to them!! We are now scrambling to report this, but the bank is closed! We have her filing a complaint with the local police department. I called the and they gave us phone numbers for the SSA and the FTC. But, everything is closed! We feel that the scammers planned the timing of this scam because they knew she could not call her bank and others to report it since it was so late at night. My mom is a senior citizen, but is very smart and savvy. She normally wouldn't fall for something like this, but the scammers were so convincing and sounded legitimate.

Recievied email for conformation of a Dell Inspiron 14 5406 laptop, order #115-0841057that was never placed by me. Stating item would be shipped tp Walnut Creek, CA for 548.88. Call or download attachment to verify order.

For months, I receive a package from Amazon that I did not order. The order is sent to my address, but the addressee is not me, nor anyone in my household. I have filed several complaints about this brushing scam with Amazon, but I keep getting the packages. The contents is always the same - dog treats made by Wag.

Check fields!

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