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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

Robocall saying they are calling from Amazon and that my order of Nike shoes and ear buds are ready to be shipped.

Please note: we do not do any online ordering.

Fake amazon purchase notification

Hello, a few hours ago I was contacted by a person that said his name was Luke calling from Amazon about a fraudulent charge made. He said that someone tried to purchase an i phone from my Amazon account and they were going to deliver the phone to Georgia today. He asked me what kind of computer I used and wanted to remotely check the purchase online. He asked me if I have online banking and wanted me to open up my Amazon account and my internet banking. Luke asked me to run a program in order to remotely check the purchase and said that our call would be cut in and out because of poor internet access. I caught on and told him that I wasn't going to open up my banking info and that they should be able to tell on their end if a purchase was made. I had already ran the program for remote access but asked him to close it and I deleted it from my computer. Hopefully I did it in time before he had any personal info. They already knew my name and phone number.

Received attached text. Link leads to a call. Agent then states computer being purchased on my Amazon account. Confirms address and name then states it is too late to stop purchase from Mexico but if I give them my bank info they will work with bank.

Hung up at that point.

I received a call from this number that appeared like a local number, saying they were from Amazon alerting me of a suspicious purchase of an Iphone being sent to FL. I checked my account and no purchase is shown. It was a scam.

This was sent to me by a friend who didn't realize it wasn't real. He told me it said that if he sent this to 20 people he'd be entered to win a $1500 gift card from Amazon.


Sat 3:40 PM

You sent - Did you get hacked? What is this link?

John - I don’t know All it said was if I shared with 20 people I could win a $1500 gift certificate from Amazon had nothing to lose

You sent - lol, Looks like a scam to me,. It won't open because of my security settings.

John - It said once I hit up 100% to continue after 20 people had been messaged yes the more people I messaged the percentage never went past 60 so I’d say it was a scam to just advertise Amazon without giving me the 1500 gift certificate lol

You sent - or to give whoever is behind it access to all this information. The address seems sketchy it ends in isn't that china?


He did send it to the required 20 people, I received it through facebook messenger. Not realizing what it was I clicked on it but it was blocked from connecting by facebooks security settings.

I don't know if just by clicking on it they were sent any info or how many others clicked on it, to then send it to 20 more unsuspecting people.

"William" called and said that he was with Amazon. He said that someone had used my account to purchase an Apple Mac and ear buds and that I needed to take action or else my bank account would be charged in 2 hours. He then proceeded to ask me where my primary financial was and that he would patch me in to them so I could tell them it was a fraudulent charge coming into my account. Working in the banking industry I know oh to well what these scammers will do. I was curious so I told them I banked at Capital One, they then in what I think transferred me to a "in-house fake Capital One employee who proceeded to ask me for my account number. Which I certainly didn't give them as I don't even bank there. The Amazon rep did give me an employee number. I then hung up and to safeguard myself, I updated my amazon password along with my online banking passwords. I also connected with an Amazon rep via their website and they advised me that most amazon staff do not make outbound calls.

I got a call from "Amazon billing and fraud protection department." The automatic caller stated that a charge of $1279.99 had been charged to my default card on 11-29-21. I was to call customer support at 844-417-2093 to dispute the charge.

(My default card on file is closed. I made no purchases yesterday. So I knew this was a scam).

I just received a call on my cell phone from Amazon. Phone number 1-216-328-6239 was in my caller ID. I answered the call. They said this is Amazon. Your account has been compromised. $658. About that amount. Press one for additional information. I did not press one. I hung up. This is the third time they have called in about a month and a half. I always hang up without pressing one. I don't have an Amazon account.

Got a call by someone claiming it was Amazon. They said someone charged $800 to my Amazon account for a laptop. They they said they were going to refund the money and then got me to show them my IP address. They asked me to download this screen sharing app.

Received a recording stating my Amazon card had a purchase of $399 and press 1 to deny the charge. Then a person came on line and stated he was an Amazon customer service agent he then asked how he could assist me. I stated that they called me about a charge of $399 on my card and then he was silent like he was unsure how to proceed so I hung up after 5 seconds of silence

I have been receiving calls on my cell phone from Amazon. It is an actual person. He said someone is trying to buy an iphone with my Direct Express Card. Wanted information from me to cancel the order. They were going to reimburse me $1000. I gave my debit card number to be reimbursed for the iphone. I realized what I did and contacted my bank. No money was taken out of my account. I don't even have an Amazon account. They keep calling me. Caller told me to go to my phone and pull up a cancellation form. I said no. They called from phone number 845-307-9115. When I call the number back a man answers hello. They don't say Amazon.

Constant phone calls Nov 18 (over 10) leaving message that it was Amazon and there was unauthorized account activity. I was told to press 1 to get help. All are from different numbers and for one call the number that showed was the local hospital. I do not answer any but it is very annoying.

I do not order items via e-mail or text messaging, and I do not have an Amazon Account. I called the phone # and got a recorded message stating that the person who sent the text message was not available. This is the exact wording in the text message I received at 6:11 AM on Wednesday, November 17, 2021:

There has been an unauthorized transaction or an amazon account of

$575.99 your transaction ID 4535/WSED/53241 help 6058241334

As far as now, I can detect they have any other personal identifiable information other than my cell number.

From: Purchase Confirmation

Date: Fri, Nov 19, 2021, 10:33 AM

Subject: Purchase Confirmation.



Dear Gail Barrett ,

Your Association is Ending Today

We are renewing it for you it will be expired and auto renewed in next 24 hours.

No of Account: 7

Amount: $903

Mode of Payment: Visa Card

Visa card will be charged $903 for 7 Prime Accounts for the 1 year

We’ve have added some new things you can try out, and see what’s new. If you need a refresher, There is our knowledge base article you can refer to.

If you have any Doubt or want to cancel auto-renewal feel free contact us at our Toll-free +1(806) 217 3670.

This is what info I have

Thank You

Received an email: Dear Customer, Your Amazon account where placed on hold and all pending orders. We took this action, because the billing information you provided did not match the information in the card issuer file. To unlock your account, you can click the button below and proceed with identity verification to prove that it is your account. You cannot access your account until this process is complete. If you don't complete the verification process within 24 hours, all pending orders will be canceled and we will lock your account permanently. We appreciate your patience with our security measures. Thank you for your attention. Best regards, Amazon Team Support

I keep receiving calls on my cell phone from Amazon. Last week and again today. I don't have an Amazon account. I answered the calls. It is a robocall. Message states my Amazon account is being used. If this is not your purchase, please press one to speak with a representative. I did not press a number. I hung up. I do not have the number that called. I don't know what they are talking about. Sometimes I don't answer calls.

I was call on November by this number 1(702)279-8664 at 14:16 pm claiming that I was victim of a fraudulent transaction by amazon using my credit card for a $1,800, 00 for the purchase of a iPhone 11 Pro .I did the press the number one for contact or to speak to a representative and a person with Indian accent try to talk to me; giving a different name from my real name. I give them a different fake name the soonest I felt it was a scammer. I pretend I did no speak very well English and i hung up! I did send a text message letting them know that I will contact the and report them. They reply to my right away asking, Who the F^&7& is you ..on the next line they wrote Better business bureau? lol. then I got another call fifteen minutes late at 14:30 pm asking why did I called the number some one speaking English normal. After that I blocked the number on my telephone. Thank you for you help and i hope you can stop this people for trying to trick people and take advantage of them .

E-mail from [email protected] claiming to be from amazon. I do not have an amazon account. The e-mail contained a PDF file.

I am the victim of a scam -- it is known as Amazon ID Theft Scam where the scammers have you purchase gift cards from other companies, send them the info and they "credit the card used with the purchases -- NOT. Very sophisticated. They get info from your Amazon shopping account, call you and say you are victim of ID theft - they have your credit card(s) info associated with the account, your address, orders placed, etc. and SCARE YOU TO DEATH about ID theft. Since there is no Amazon "store" in yur town you are instructed to go in certain local stores, purchase gift cards for $500, show your ID so they can 'verify' you are who you say you are and they can then cancel orders made on Amazon. They keep you on the phone while you go in so they can hear you are being identified prior to the purchase. They send fake msgs that funds have been successfully deposited to your account to cover the cost of the gift cards you purchase. Have reported to FTC. NC Attorney General, in process of others. When I talked to Amazon about it all - they assured me my account was secure and to change PW. However, there were 2 items in my cart for $1000+/- that I did not put there nor ever would have even looked at. They know if this scam but do not seem to care. Do not fall for this as I did -- now I have to repay $4000 for my fear.

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