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Amazon Imposter

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Amazon Imposter Reports & Reviews (1289)

- Saint Charles, IL, USA

They left a message that $1100.00 would be charged to my Amazon account unless I "pressed 2". I don't even have an Amazon account.

- Shubuta, MS, USA

Claiming I had ordered something from Amazon and needed my information. Haven’t placed an order with Amazon at all and don’t have a Amazon account.

- Germantown, TN, USA

I received an email that appeared to be a confirmation from Amazon that an item was purchased and being delivered to an address that is not my address plus they used my maiden name which was a huge alert for me along with the purchase amount with the amount remaining due. I absolutely did not call the number or respond to the email and I will also report this to Amazon.

I received an email to say I can expect a delivery I ordered from Amazon soon of an IPhone and earbuds . If I have my questions please call them at a number provided, 863-250-0885. The fake order number was included and an fake address to be delivered to.

- Henderson, KY, USA

Received missed call voicemail on mobile from so called Amazon to warn me of online purchase of a laptop from Ohio. Fee in voicemail stated $375 apprx charged to my account. that same morning. Asking if I placed the order. Told them to get on COMPUTER , I was told to follow the following dictated steps to protect my store card. I asked how o could change my account # and told to follow the steps he’d walk me through. I did twice and at end no success on his end. He was assuring me to take my time completing his steps, yet he was stressed it was taking so limgcc BC as we did it about 3-4?times until he realized I was using mobile device instead of computer keyboard The site I kept ending at from his directions was some kind of software site I think. Can’t recall exactly now. I asked for his number and name to rush home and call him back. I asked him to repeat his name as foreign accent prevented me from clearly interpreting, so he spelled it. His name was Dwayne (can’t recall last name)? Phone number he gave me changed 3-4 times as I was writing it down. I said good bye. Ivv B was immediately warmed by family members it was a scam as AMAZON NEVER CALLS to report fraudulent use of card associated with account. Fortunately I was not able to get further directions his scam would ONLY WIRK ON COMPUTER KEYPAD. BECAUSE HE he had not yet asked for personal data. Close call.

- Torrington, CT, USA

Claimed to be from Amazon. Said charges were made from our account

that looked suspicious. Person wanted me to go on our computer.

I called Amazon and was told they don’t contact customers by phone and this was probably a scam.

I was alerted that bstnbkscom had charged 19.99 to my cash app and I haven't used my card in 3 days so I contacted cash app support who said untill the payments complete they can't do anything about it . I have 3 children and only had 50$ to last me 2 weeks and they took half of that im very upset hope something is done and our money is returned thanks.

- Campbell, CA, USA

I had a amazon email saying that I owed 1500.00 for a computer. So, I called the number and was told I had to file a complaint so I did what hem told me to do and I wound up paying 1500.00 anyway.

It was my fault believing him that I would be payed back....but that was wrong. His number is 4022623534 18053072194

The two names were Brandon and Mike.from amazon

A phone number (901-386-1919) came in on my father-in-law's house phone saying that a large purchase on his Amazon account was put through and that if he had not made the purchase that he needed to speak to a representative. First off, my father in law is 89 years old and does not own a computer let alone an Amazon account. I have been working from home and helping him with these calls and I connected with the person and told them that I knew this was a scam and the person, to my amusement, tried arguing with me. So when I said to just ship the items if he was certain that my father-in-law had an Amazon account that is when he ended the phone call.

A side note that gives the scammers away is that a popping sound is heard on the phone just before I am connected to a live person.

- Severna Park, MD, USA

From: Amazon. com

Sent: Wed, Jul 21, 2021 10:35 am

Subject: Important Notice: Your Amazon order ID=D21-937034-3426253

Hello Customer,

Due to a problem with the payment method you provided, we couldn’t charge your account for your order (#D21-937034-3426253).

We may attempt to reprocess payment for your order in a few days using the payment method you provided.

Please go to the following page to make sure that the payment information for your account is correct, and so that we have a valid payment method for your future orders: digital/your-account/order- summary html?orderID=D21-937034- 3426253

A charge can be declined for a variety of reasons. If you used a credit or debit card for your order, please contact the bank that issued your card for more information on why the charge was declined.

If we don't receive payment from you within the next 3 day(s), your order will be cancelled.

If you have any questions, go to: help/customer/contact-us/

Note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

Thank you for shopping at

We look forward to seeing you again soon, Customer Service

This is the email I received.

I was contacted under false pretenses for a product purchased in my name and a Facebook pay was used to swindle money from my account.

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

The scammer claimed to be an employee named Nick Richard, who worked for Amazon. I initially picked up the phone with a local 414 number that said "Home and Garden" on my Spectrum TV screen. Then I got a message saying that there was a discrepancy on my Amazon account. I was then redirected to the 206-415-2034 phone number in Seattle, Washington.

The scammer then called back frequently between July 21st-23rd (2021) saying that he needed to check my identity by ordering an Amazon Gift Card. There were promises to remove the $500 Amazon Gift Card charge on my Chase credit card account. However, once the scammer got the pin number of the Amazon Gift Card and I confronted them about the scam by Friday afternoon on July 23rd, the 205-415-2034 Seattle phone number was disconnected about 2 hours later when I tried to call back. This scammer also said they were originally from the Philippines or had family members from there at some point. There were also other voices on the phone or in the background, so this person wasn't operating alone.

I was even given an Amazon case number of 212516319. This may be a Seattle, Washington or Philippines Amazon Gift Card scam. However, it was hard to tell where the phone numbers were directly coming from since they often change on my Spectrum TV screen. Although the scammer spoke English, they had a very thick foreign accent. I no longer see these trolling phone calls, since the 206-415-2034 Seattle, Washington phone number was discontinued or is no longer in service.

Currently, my Amazon Gift Card charge of $500 on my Chase credit card has been removed and is in review. However, Amazon Gift Cards are non-refundable so I may have to pay for the gift card charge at some point within the next 35 days.

- San Francisco, CA, USA

I was contacted by 1-802-552-4433 very early in the morning, and they left a voicemail saying I needed to confirm a purchase, but did not say what the purchase was.

I called the number, and the phone directory picked up saying "Thank you for calling Amazon Department", and then I pressed 3 to speak to an "Amazon Executive". I thought, wow, Jeff Bezos?

The man that picked up sounded of Indian descent, and he asked me if I purchased and iPhone. I asked him how he knew which account to look at, as I had looked at my Amazon order history and nothing out of the ordinary was listed.

I said I did not purchase the iPhone, and asked why the purchase was not on my order history. Without missing a beat, he said it was.

I hung up, dialed the number again. "Thank you for calling Amazon Department", pressed 3 to speak to the "Amazon Executive". The same man answered. I asked who he was, where in Amazon did he work. He stated it was not Amazon. I shared "Your phone system says this is Amazon when you call" He said it was not Amazon and to stop calling.

- Little Rock, AR, USA

They ask to send money so you can receive a certain amount and then don’t send. Also saying you have to pay a government fee and then a tax fee. Never received any money!!

- Milford, IN, USA

Received phone call from "Amazon" fraud department, robotic voice at first ""Hi, this is Daniel from Amazon Customer Service. We have seen a recent order … which is billed on your card attached to your Amazon account. The amount charged is $1,499. We noticed some suspicious activity on your account. So we have put in hold to [a hold on] this transaction. Please press 1 now. And to report, please press 2. Thank you." I pressed 2 and started speaking with live people first a female and then transferred to a male who said the purchase was in a state on the other side of the country and it was for an iPhone 11 lalalala. They attempted to get my personal information and even tried to REMOTELY TAKE OVER MY COMPUTER while I was in my Amazon account just to "verify my identity" and cancel the order. I hung up immediately and they kept calling back from different phone numbers.

- Clayton, NC, USA

wanted to get into my computer to get information off it.

- Clayton, NC, USA

said my amazon account was hacked and then wanted to get excess to my computor

To Whom It May Concern,

At the end of May, I was subject to a scam that you identified in the article on scamming I just read in the Hartford Courant (7-11-21). I am still changing accounts to be able to close my long standing checking account and now use the new one I opened immediately after the event. I consider myself a fairly astute and well educated person and was sucked into the scam. Thankfully, I figured it out before any financial damage happened. I took careful pains during the event to take screen shots and “play along,” at the end in order to make sure that I could freeze my account. I also took pains to create a narrative with all of my documentation hoping to help others. Additionally, since this was conducted entirely by phone, the, I have no idea what the scammer's website is and he did not work from any website or email address. He did share my screen, as described below, but there was no information he gave me via the Web or email. Attached is the narrative that I wrote and if I can be of help to others, please let me know.

On May 25th at 10:45 AM, I received a phone call on my cell phone which was a recorded message telling me that there was a $ 279.99 purchase made on my Amazon account. The message informed me if that if the charge was legitimate, there was no need to call back, but if there had not been a recent purchase in that amount, that I should call back to report the purchase as fraudulent. I placed a call to my spouse to make sure that neither of us had made a purchase in that amount in the past few days. Since neither of us had made any purchases in that amount, at 10:51 AM I called, 1 (606) 400-6034. A man with an Indian accent immediately answered the phone and in the initial conversation that we had he told me that there had been hacking into Amazon accounts emanating from El Salvador. Throughout any of the conversations that I had during this experience I never was asked for, nor did I give my SS# or any other sensitive information. I did however get sucked into the following situation. In retrospect, I should have been suspect from the very beginning, and looking back on it, I feel both stupid and violated. In the end, I wasted his/their time, as fortunately, I lost no money and all of my devices and relevant accounts have been thoroughly checked and where appropriate, changed.

The Indian man that I was speaking with told me that he would help me secure the $ 279.99 that was fraudulently charged to my account. He told me that he would assist me and that the first thing I needed to do was follow his directions carefully. He then asked me to download an app named, Zoho, which allowed him to share my screen. The man asked me to open my email and to begin a new email to send. The email was to be sent to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and that the would facilitate the return of my funds. I opened an email and he then populated the email with the following things:




Refund Amount:

Refund Code:

Refund Date:

Bank Name:

Zip Code:

Cellphone No:


I then filled in these fields and since the address for the was bogus, I have received a number of emails letting me know that the email was not deliverable. Here is how I filled out the boxes and exactly how the email looked:

(The screen shots I took will not populate this field. I would be more than happy to provide them to you if someone contacts me)

Immediately after sending this email, I was transferred to another Indian man (it could have been the same person; I have no way of knowing), but the phone # changed. I was now working with someone at: 1 (424) 391-3273. My phone said it was coming from Hawthorne, CA. During this entire time, we were screen sharing and he kept asking me not to touch my mouse and let him manipulate my computer. He asked me to log into my bank account to see that the refund money had been deposited. At times the screen went black at my end, but I have a new MacBook Pro and it has a touch bar at the top of my keyboard and I could see a great deal of activity going on. He told me that it was Okay that my screen was black; it was just taking some time for the money to be credited. He did not seem the bit interested in knowing the Bank’s routing # or any other more sensitive information. He gave me a transaction ID: #FGL00460 and a ID: #0601D. I’m sure this was just to make it seem real and official.

When I could finally see my computer screen again, I saw my checking account activity page with a deposit credited in the amount of $ 8,686.00. He then told me that this was significantly over the $ 279.99 that was owed to me and that this happened because I had typed the wrong information into the original email sent to the BBB. I had the wherewithal to take a screen shot of what he now claimed I had typed. Here is the revised email that he doctored and edited.

He told me that when he told me what to write in the original email, I had switched the “Refund Amount” with the “Refund Code” (which, as you can see from the earlier screen shot, I did not). Consequently, the credited my account with $ 8,686.00 instead of $ 279.99. He then began typing to let me know the situation. Following is a screen shot of what he did next. He did the subtraction of the $ 279.99 from the entire amount and told me that I was now in possession of $ 8,406.01 that did not belong to me. He told me that I needed to return the money immediately or there would be legal action. He typed three different ways for me to return the money. At this point, I was scared and pretty sure that this was a scam. He told me that the only way I could return the money with an e-wallet was to invest $ 10,000.00. Returning money in $ 1,000.00 amounts was ridiculous (I had to go to work in a public school and be there at 1:30 PM), so that left me with going to the bank and taking out $ 8,400.00 in cash and mailing it to someone he would identify after I had taking the funds out. It seemed very strange to me that he was not interested in the $ 6.01; only in the $ 8,400.00. I was getting very irritated with him and said there was no way I was going to mail that amount of money! He immediately found something on Google that mailing money was perfectly legal. I do not have a screen shot of that, but he flashed it in front of me on my screen. He became more menacing and said that if I didn’t get him the money immediately, he was initiate legal proceedings. (At one point, he backed away from the call as if he was talking to someone else, but I could hear this ‘conversation’ he was having with someone from the BBB. The subject of this conversation was that he was assuring the person he was supposedly talking to that he would make sure they got their money back from me. At this point, I was 100% sure it was a scam, and I knew I needed to get to the bank immediately and freeze my account before any money was removed. My bank is only five minutes away. I told him that I had decided to pull the $ 8,400.00 out in cash and send it back to him. He emphatically told me not to tell the bank teller anything about why I was taking the money out, even if the teller inquired. I was directed to say only that it was ‘personal.’ He also told me to keep my computer on while I was going to the bank, so that he could remove all of the viruses that were on it; a $ 200.00 effort, for which I was going to get for free. Before I left for the bank, I closed my computer and turned it off, which infuriated him.

I went to my bank and immediately asked the teller to freeze all of my accounts, which she did. We verified that nothing had been removed, so that my funds were 100% intact. She printed my recent transactions and the amount that I saw when my screen was being shared did not appear; somehow the Indian man had typed that in and although I saw it, it did not actually appear. What DID appear is that he transferred $ 6,900.00 from my savings account to my checking account. Before the transfer, I had a few cents over $ 7,000.00, so that he was leaving about $ 100.00 in my savings account, which made my checking account have approximately $ 8,625.00. He was asking me to withdraw nearly all of it ($ 8,400.00), which I did not. Instead, the teller transferred the money back, froze my accounts and told me that nothing could be taken out of the account without my permission. He then started calling me incessantly. All of the calls came from the Hawthorne, CA phone #: 1 (424) 391-3273. I did not Answer the two calls that came at 12:09 PM and the two more that came at 12:10 PM. At 12:45 PM, I answered the call and told him that I knew this was a scam and that I would be contacting the FBI. That call lasted 27 seconds. He tried to call me three more times (12:50 and two at 12:51). I then blocked the phone # on my phone. I have screen shots of all of these calls.

Since all of this happened, I have changed all passwords on my computer and on my bank accounts and I am in the process of closing the original checking account; the savings account has already been closed. I have opened new checking and savings accounts and they have new passwords. I also had my computer thoroughly looked at by an expert. All apps that could have been a part of this have been removed and my computer has been scanned and now everything is back to normal. Since this situation involved Amazon, the Better Business Bureau as well as other governmental institutions, I decided to write this up so that there might be information that would help close this scam down for others. In the end, my hope is that this will assist others in locating these individuals and making sure this won’t happen to others.

Feel free to contact me for any reason or follow-up.

Received an email that my order for a laptop is shipping out and contact this number if I didn’t make the order. I know it’s a scam but want to try to stop them.

I received a text message from 1-786-253-4384 that says my Amazon account has been suspended. They ask me to click on the URL

I received a text message from 1-561-344-9592 that says my Amazon account has been suspended. They ask me to click on the URL

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