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ASG Recovers

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ASG Recovers Reports & Reviews (236)

***DEBT MANAGEMENT SERVICES is a fraud and scam. These scammers are now on their 7th website in over a year. This is a scam phantom debt collection racket. Formerly SMITH GREGORY then ASG RECOVERS then KBS COLLECT then CAROLINA DEBT SOLUTIONS then APEX DEBT SOLUTIONS They are even using the same recycled phone numbers. Do your research. They are fraudsters and scammers. DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY! They call from 325-399-7465 205-660-0180 205-627-7004 205-656-1162 312-667-2828 737-295-0885 843-582-0554 803-991-4084 559-206-4140 205-583-7609 *** newest numbers are 737-275-6470 640-500-4416 561-782-1835 their fraudulent website ( )was set up and registered on 10/3/2022. It is hosted by ***for further information research ASG RECOVERS on any scam reporting site. They are the SAME scammers defrauding people. Website lists 888-450-2459 as their number. It is a voip number serviced by Twilio - Toll-Free - SMS-Sybase365/MMS-SVR.



They are back. These scammers are now on their 5th website in over a year. This is a scam phantom debt collection racket. Formerly SMITH GREGORY then ASG RECOVERS then KBS COLLECT then CAROLINA DEBT SOLUTIONS. They are even using the same recycled phone numbers. Do your research. They are fraudsters and scammers. DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY!
They call from 325-399-7465 205-660-0180 205-627-7004 205-656-1162 312-667-2828 737-295-0885 843-582-0554 803-991-4084 559-206-4140 205-583-7609


Calling to try to coerce me into making a payment on an account the has been paid off. I requested validation on the following dates and times:

1st Validation request sent to VIA text on 4.25.2022 7:27 PM CDT 205.627.7004

2nd Validation request sent “Ron” VIA text on 4.29.2022 1:50 PM CDT 559.206.4140

3rd Validation request sent “Ron” VIA text 4.29.2022 2:06 PM CDT 559.206.4140

4th Validation request sent VIA text 8.04.2022 7:34 PM CDT 205.947.2433

I received another call on 8.15.2022 from 325.399.7465 4:41PM CDT and again requested validation and then person threated me if I didn't send them $15K. I disconnected call.


Same calls from the same bumbers. Only now they are using the name KBS Collect. LOL.

Follow the link to the judgement against them from July 2022 in California. This is a debt collection scam.


New numbers. Same collection scam. And ANOTHER new name. NOW THEY ARE KBS LLC.


My unknown are calls direct to voicemail. The message left states something regarding they are reporting of a 1099c tax form and suggest there is a related debt with a mystery account they wish to collect? The call was from (216) 428-5518 - LandLine - August 2010 owned by Lorie Ann Bagnall at 5196 Fairfax Dr, Apt 6
Geneva, OH 44041. The domain they direct you to is domain registered in Arizona with no responsible party given:

Residential home off the coast of Lake Erie about 25 miles East of Cleveland. Who can tell if the number has been spoofed? The government does not seem to care about the integrity of our phone system.
The message then directs you to go to their website. Do not do it! It is likely directing you a malware host. Does Godaddy care?

Why on earth would you dox this innocent person! This post should be reported and removed. It is plainly obvious to ANYONE with 1/2 a brain that ASG is a scam debt collection fraud being unleashed on countless innocent Americans. If you took the time to search out this OBVIOUS victim of ASG spoofing his number then you would realize HE IS ALSO A VICTIM AND NOT A PART OF THIS SCAM! ***REPORT THIS POST AND REMOVE IT****

Went to the website to check, and says $2,200 from HSBC, which is not a debt I have. So, left the website, then a few minutes later I get a text from them, wanting my money, and I told them the debt is not valid because I don't have a HSBC account, and haven't had one for a long time.

"Hey, this is tammy with A S. G. This is not the first time we've tried to call, and it certainly won't be the last until we can get something figured out here. I uh did want to make you aware that the extra 10% savings applied to your uh payoff online is temporary. So I urge you to lock in the settlement on your account. Now, even if you don't have the funds to settle it, you can set up a partial payment plan, or you can schedule your settlement for a later date when you are able to pay it. As of now, no, 10 99 C tax form has been issued on this account. So please take care of it before further action is required. We do also report to the Credit Bureaus and all applicable account. So again, I urge you to take this seriously and take advantage of this offer. Our website address is www W dot A S. G recovers dot com. That is A S. G recovers dot com. I am legally required to inform you this is an attempt to collect a debt. Thank you."


EXACTLY the call I got. Why does their number come up 'Unavailable'? First tip off. This Number was 217-212-6698. I was curious and almost called back, but looked here instead. Thanks to all the contributors on this site. I HATE scammers.

Called for unknown person. Looked up website and tried to call to inform wrong person. All numbers are fake, website is fake. I tried a chat agent just in case, they send robo calls from other numbers and even tried texting me from other different numbers and it is non stop. Screenshot attached is from a conversation of them telling me to call the first couple of numbers to remove or resolve. Again, more robos...

I kept getting the infamous call from Tammy about a 10% settlement on my tax form. On the voicemail, they gave a name uttereed by a robot, addressing a Dennis S. (Won't give a last name just in case this person is real). Since I'm not a Dennis S. but had received multiple threatening messages from them - which sounded kinda serious, and didn't want Dennis to get in trouble (in case it was legit) - I called the number given to inform them that they're calling the wrong guy. Here's what happened:

I call the number and am greeted with "on hold" music. The type of music was kind of an odd choice - if I'm being honest, it sounded like pr0n music, with a somewhat "urban", vaguely hip hop vibe. But, whatever - the area code was on the eastern side of the state, closer to Philly, so I thought it was possible that they felt this would fit best with the locale.

Eventually, a human woman did pick up. She actually sounded like Tammy, but I can't say for sure if it was, as she never gave me her name. Right off the bat, she sounded slightly annoyed / terse, but I nevertheless informed her that I was receiving messages from this number requesting a call back from a person that I wasn't.

I told her the guy's name and I had the "reference number" they had given on the message, figuring they might need it to look up the guy's info. She never asked for it. All she said was, "You're not Dennis S.?" to which, I replied that I wasn't and that I didn't even know anyone by that name. "All she said was "Ok, we're sorry for the call and will remove your number from the list."

Expecting some kind of questions that would either confirm that I wasn't Dennis S., if only to effectively look up the info on file so as to change it, I was somewhat surprised when she didn't ask for anything. Despite threatening this guy, going so far as to say they would come to his place of employment, you would think that they would want to be extra certain that I wasn't lying. They weren't interested. I also thought it was weird that she described what she was calling Dennis about as "a list".

At this point, she sounded like she wanted the call to be done. Despite thinking this was all extremely fishy, I - feeling bad for this Dennis guy that they had kept erroneously but threatening calling multiple times for - I hurried up and added, "Anyway, I just wanted to call back because your messages sounded serious. I didn't call back immediately bc I thought you were maybe a scam, but you sounded serious, and I don't want to get Dennis in trouble."

Hearing this, she said with a lingering, upward inflection, "Okay..." followed by an awkward silence. I said, " Okay, well thanks." She said, "Yeah, ok. Goodbye."

Very odd call. I'm certain this is a scam and - based on other comments here, it would seem like my suspicions were correct. Sadly, despite her saying that she would remove my number from "the list", I received another threatening number today, except this time the number didn't include a name. I decided to go to their website, whereupon I found that you could use your phone number to check your account. Since they clearly already have ,y number, I - put of curiosity - entered it. The name page directed me to a count which said that my name was "Dennis S.". There was button at the bottom of it that said something like, "If you are not this person, follow the link", so I clicked it. A box came up that asked me to enter my number along with my name, and email. Why would they need that info. Methinks they wanted me to provide it so that they could change their robo voice to my name on future calls.

Absolute scam! My experience with them was so odd that I felt that I really needed to share it. Thanks!


What number did you call? Reading your novel was frankly painful. You could have saved us all by getting to the point sooner.

Somehow it make sense . that is one way of terrorizing American and make money the people whom trust them.
Regardless if are or are not . with all of these complain F.B.I has not getting after them. I would definitely contact all authorities to take these criminal in custody. PLease contact your FBI near you and report them.


Got a call from 217-225-5003, some recorded message like the ones filed on here, first part was cut off but it said, "something figured out here I am did want to make you aware that the extra 10% savings applied to your pay off online is temporary so I urge you to walk in the settlement on your account now even if you don't have the funds to settle it you can set up a partial payment plan or you can schedule your settlement for a later date when you are able to pay it, as of now though 1099s the tax form has been issued on this account so please take care of it before further action is required, we do also report to the credit bureau at all possible account so again I urge you to take this seriously and take advantage of this offer, our website address is that is, I'm legally required to inform you this is in attempt to collect a debt, thank you."

Now except for the grammatical errors one would think this is legit, but my credit reports do not show any past due debt that has not been taken care of.

I wouldn't go to their website as who knows what may happen, but the best advice is to ignore this scam.

According to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act 15 U.S.C ss1692-1692p, any communication with a creditor after the statue of limitations lapses may make the claim active again, I suggest you read this Act.


This company has been trying to contact myself and my father about a debt. Neither one of us has a debt with them. When we explained this to their automated system it changed to my brother's debit. Which he also doesn't have one with them. They keep texting and calling, even after asking to have our numbers removed from their system.


I received a call from the same spam phone number..."this isnt the first time we have called and certainly wont be the last..." Called from 423-370-9883. I am reporting them to the USERRA office and Consumer Protection Agency. uh... not going to even try to go their website for fear of a virus.


Hey this is Tammy with ASG this is not the first time we tried to call in and I'll certainly won't be the last until we can get something figured out here. I did wanna make you aware that the extra 10% savings applied to your pay off online is temporary. So I urge you to lock in the settlement on your account now even if you don't have the funds to settle it. You can set up a partial payment plan or you can schedule your settlement for a later date when you are able to pay it. As of now the 1099 feet tax form has been issued on this account so please take care of that before further action is required. We do also report to the credit bureaus on all applicable account so again I urge you to take this seriously and take advantage of this offer. Our website address is that is a as GE I am legally required to inform you this is an attempt to collect a debt thank you

I did a chat with someone there, she told me it was for a payday and the funds were deposited into my JP Morgan bank account, I never had a payday loan or an account with JP Morgan. She stated that she could assure me that it was my account and told me what the last 4 of my social and unless I give her proof that my identity was stolen they would continue to call to collect on the debt. Again I told her I didn't have a payday and once I threatened to file a complaint with the attorney general, the chat closed.


I keep getting calls from different #'s but the same vm is left:

Message starts off: "Certainly won't be the last until we can get something figured out here I am did want to make you aware that the extra 10% savings applied to pay off online is temporary so I urge you to lock in the settlement on your account now... etc." It goes on to say i can make a partial payment and a 1099C has been issued, they report to all the credit bureaus and so on.

No name was given, no account information was given, not amount was given. This all seems very suspicious and fraudulent!


Post the numbers they call from so the VPN providers can be notified and reported.

Received this call this morning from 205-273-1096...
Hi this is Tammy with ASG this is not the first time we tried to call and I'll certainly won't be the last until we can get something figured out here I I did want to make you aware that the extra 10% savings applies to your a pay off online is temporary so I urge you to lock in the settlement on your account now even if you don't have the funds to settle it you can set up a partial payment plan or you can schedule your settlement for a later date when you are able to pay it as of now _⁠_⁠_ 1099 SeaTac form has been issued on this account so please take care of that before further action is required we do also report to the credit bureau's all applicable account so again I urge you to take this seriously and take advantage of this offer our website address is that isa Sg_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠ I'm legally required to inform you this is an attempt to collect a debt thank you…”


“Hi this is Tammy with ASG this is not the first time with tried to call and I'll certainly won't be the last until we can get something figured out here I I did want to make you aware that the extra 10% savings applied to your a pay off online is temporary so I urge you to lock in this settlement on your account now even if you don't have the funds to settle it you can set up a partial payment plan or you can schedule your settlement for a later date when you are able to pay it as of now though 1099 SeaTac form has been issued on this account so please take care of that before further action is required we do also report to the credit bureau's all applicable account so again I urge you to take this seriously and take advantage of this offer our website address is that is a I'm legally required to inform you this is an attempt to collect the debt thank you…”

Called from 1-239-350-2290, call came in as spam? Unknown…never actually spoke to anyone but the left this message to log into ASG… I checked it out, and they claim that I owe some 600.00 for a payday loan, I have never taken out a payday loan, so it is a total scam.


Phone #- (480) 863-1174


Voicemail, possibly a recorded script that starts before the voicemail tone since the beginning is cut off (“ this is not the first time that I have called and……)
“……. Certainly will not be the last until we can get something figured out here.
I did wanna make you aware that the extra 10% savings applied to your pay off online is temporary.
So I urge you to lock in the settlement on your account now even if you don’t have the funds to settle it.
You can set up partial payment plan or you can schedule your settlement for a later date when you are able to pay it.
As of now the 1099 tax form has been issued on this account so please take care of that before further action is required.
We do also report to the credit bureaus on all applicable accounts so again I urge you to take this seriously and take advantage of this offer.
Our website address is That is
I am legally required to inform you this is an attempt to collect a debt, thank you.”

I am suspicious that only part of the disclosure (required by FDCPA law) is used.
The wording is usually: This is an attempt to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.
Full FDCPA disclosures require:
1. The name of the creditor
2. The amount owed
3. That you can dispute the debt
4. That you can request the name and address of the original creditor


After reading other complaints, I suspect they may be zombie debt collectors, (very old debts that are past SOLimitations and are no longer valid.) Zombie debt collectors generally buy expired old or charged-off debts for pennies on the dollar, so any debt they reactivate and collect on is nearly 95% profit. Offering to pay even $1 “reactivates” the debt and starts the SOL all over again.
Under the FDCPA, you have the right to request proof of the debt IN WRITING.

Others have commented that when chatting or talking to a representative,
when they requested proof, the name of the creditor, or the amount (or other protections under FDCPA)
that the chat window closed or the call was disconnected.

Those things are some of the many red flags raised about the legitimacy of ASG.
Many times all it takes to stop them from calling is as simple as requesting FDCPA compliance.

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