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ASG Recovers

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ASG Recovers Reports & Reviews (236)


They've changed their website so it's just a message window now. Something tells me they're reading these reports. They've also added an "LLC" to their name.

Keep in mind, it's still the same people scamming. ASG RECOVERS or ASG RECOVERS LLC, both of them are scams. ASG SOLUTIONS LLC has a BBB page, they are a legitimate debt collector.


They can 1099 C Deez Nuts! Scummy scammers!


Got same message about a 1099C just now. They must think that "official form" will scare more people. I've dealt with MANY a debt collector, having incurred a ton of medical bills, and never have I ever had this form threatened, nor have I ever received robo calls when its legit. Ironically the number that called was a "NJ" number, the voicemail was from a "NY" number and apparently they are not located in either place because when they called originally, it was a "AL" number. How do these people sleep at night for real.

I het numerois phone calls a week sometimes several a day stating that they have final orders for legal action of a debt i have which is not true they state i have a check n go loan that was not paid back in early 2000's which i never had a loan with them,they call and text and they wont give me anymore info unless i give them my social which i am not going to,they call from all different numbers and when i try to call they make me press 1 to say yes which i wont do that,i have no other way to get them to stop calling me i have also asked for verification of the debt 3 years ago and they never send anything,it is a fake debt or scam and i want them to stop harrassing me.
Harassment and threats of legal action
Harassment and threats of legal action
Harassment and threats of legal action
Harassment and threats of legal action


Ive been messing with them,they wont stop i block every number they call from and they just change there number

Call them on their bluff. Make fun of them. They'll leave you alone after that. Just goof on them in the text message until they stop. They won't wanna waste time with you if you know it's a scam.

Havent had direct contact but have several voicemails saying this is latoya, this isntt the first time weve tried to contact and it surely wont be the last time.this is an attempt to collect on outstanding debt or balance. So right off i know its a scam because unless its been over 7 years i owe no debts. I have no credit so therefore i cant be in debt. One lady had said a 1099 wont be issued on the matter. Like really?!? Whats a 1099 have to do with a collections account. Wasnt born yesterday but if it is somehow legitamate then they should be more respectful in voicemails and someone may actually try to call them back.

Keeps calling saying I owe them money from 2008 Check place called QC. This morning I text back and said I have contacted my attorney about this matter. They then immediately called me then sent a nasty text message to me. Just now called and text from another number.


I had the same text “ hey there I’m trying to contact ( my name ) can you help Now getting calls from Smith Gregory same guy calling

Wow, that text actually made me laugh. They need better training if they are going to be successful scammers. I got a text that didnt say who they were it just said something like they were a good old buddy and pal...It started, hey! I'm trying to reach (my name) and thought you might be able to help. Hit me back (or something friendly/unprofessional like that). Losers.

Contacted me using different name for me saying I owed almost $2000 but could pay 65% today and to go to this website told them didn't work and they said Okay, you can type ASGRECOVERS dot COM. It should be okay. Also, credit cards are accepted.

I started getting calls and texts from them about a month ago about a 10 year old debt. I almost paid them but something kept screaming inside of me that this wasnt legit. I tried calling them but as you all know, you only get that automated woman. I went through the website chat feature and started asking them questions listed on the Texas AG website about things that help you identify debt collector scams. After a couple of those questions they stopped all communication with me.


This place keeps calling talking about a 1099 they will send me. A 1099 for what? Blocked number but they call from different numbers and send texts. They tell me they have reported me to the credit bureaus. These calls just started a month ago. Voice-mail has robo call voice.


If they were to file a 1099 you would of had to have received a copy by 1/31/22. This is a total scam. They keep calling and texting me for someone I don’t even know and they don’t care when I tell them.

I've been receiving calls from ASG Recovers for the past month. They always seem to call at strange times like Sunday night. They call from random area codes all over the country and leave threatening voicemails that "this won't be the last time they call me". I've never been able to speak to a live person. They just have the automated system and they send texts. I finally found out that they're trying to recover a supposed debt from my mother who has been deceased for 2.5 years. They don't seem to know my mother is dead which is strange because it's public information. I'm frustrated that I can't speak to a live person, but I will keep trying. After seeing all of these other reviews, I'm pretty convinced this company is a total scam.


It is a scam, don't sweat it. See messages below for info on how to get them to stop. You have to call them out on the scam. They won't talk to you directly, only in text. Just ship them a text message telling them you know it's a scam. They should leave you alone after that.

I have been receiving harassing phone calls and text messages for months from ASG Recovers. They are claiming I owe a debt to a payday loan company from sometime between 2008-2012. My bank provides access to statements from that far back and I have the statements that prove I have never taken any money from said payday loan company. Furthermore, the statute of limitations would have run out, so they are harassing me non-stop with multiple calls and texts per day about a non-existent debt that would be past collections statutes at this point.

They are calling from 205-336-6033, and texting from 205-984-3821, 205-984-2632, and 407-462-8371.

When you call them, you get an automated system and cannot reach an actual person. This is absolutely a scam.


Total scam. Don’t reply. Report to AG in your state using their website or FBI and BBB instead. It takes minutes to file a report online.

Also 712-759-4186

They call almost 20X a day to ware you down. It shows up as spam so I never answered. Today they started sending text msg saying I owe $391 and just pay $123., and will settle your account. Not even 10min later another text claiming to be from the same company says I owe $781 and today only we are offering a 10% discount. I text back to send me something official in the mail. Then the guy get nasty and threatening. I’ll call all of your relatives and on and on… with threats.

Calling all the time now telling me they will send a 1099c and everyone they call from a different number


Oh, and you can also call the number on the website. You'll just get a robot voice to nowhere but after you hang up, they'll also start texting you and you can call them out then as well. I'll admit, this scam was pretty clever. They almost got me to tell them that the person they're looking for isn't me (the dingbats have the wrong name) but after some quick snooping, it was easy to find out it's a scam.

Keep in mind, ASG Solutions LLC *is* a real debt collector. The scam one is called "ASG Recovers." A real debt collector will actually talk to you and have more than just your phone number, however. ASG Recovers is likely based out of India and the whole "we're only communicating by text" thing is likely just an elaborate scheme for them to conceal their accents.

Get them to text message you then call them out on the scam. They'll leave you alone after that. Scammers usually abandon ship really quick when you tell them you know it's a scam. It costs them money to run their fake website and constantly spoof numbers with a VOIP program. They don't want the waste.

To get them to text you, go to their website (it's the first result on a Google search) and input your phone number to look up your "account." Don't worry, they already have your phone number so you're not risking anything. Then don't click anything, just leave the website. They'll text you within minutes after that. Then just say something colorful, calling them out. They'll stop.

If you'd rather not do that, just initiate a text conversation with an "agent" using the messaging feature on the website and do the same thing. Getting them to stop is a matter of letting them know you know it's a scam.

Exactly they're doing this same bull[censored] to me as well I've blocked about 6 different numbers now these scammers are annoying little [censored]s

They were contacting me repeatedly. Through text and voicemails. Here's why it's a scam:

1. They spoof numbers. Legitimate debt collectors don't need to do that.
2. Their website is less than 6 months old.
3. A legitimate collections company called ASG Solutions LLC does exist.
4. They only communicate via text. This enables them to send phishing links.
5. Rampant spelling and grammatical errors. English isn't their first language.
6. The image of their CEO on their website is a screenshot of a woman from a random unrelated YouTube video.
Certainly a scam.
Certainly a scam.


WOW! That's hysterical. If they weren't so dang annoying it would be even funnier.

For what it's worth, they also stopped sending me both texts and voicemails after I told them their scam game was weak, lol.

I have received two calls from this company today within an approximate 2 hour span. Each time this call has been received my Spam Blocker on my phone has blocked them, the number that has been blocked shows as a local number multiple times, however, when a message has been left by this company, the number that the message shows coming from has been two totally different numbers with completely different area codes, one are code registered in Oklahoma City and another area code registered in Chicago, IL; beware of this caller/company. They also have stated that they have tried to reach me multiple times with no action taken on my part and that this is not the last call I will receive from them. Today is the first time I have received any call from them, go figure.


The same here! I had what I considered a threatening voice message from a loud, aggressive woman, stating she was going to continue calling until I paid a debt.(I do not have any) She stated she was reporting this to the credit bureaus. I have excellent credit. I am not responding, however found this online. Thank you!


They call from different numbers the one listed above is the second one they have used tonight. After I blocked the number they sent me a text from a different number giving me a link to pay them, and resolve my debt from an unknown agency. The guy who calls uses Carl as an alias, and the individual that texted used Asha as a alias. They have called three times in 24hrs and twice this evening in the past 30 min. Attached below is a voice-mail list and I kept the most recent number used to call me.


Yep, I got that same text message "from Carl" after trying to call the number on the website to speak with someone. [censored]s!

I received a phone call from then the first time today. Came up SPAM LIKELY but listened to the voicemail and decided to call back. They told me I owe 6000 dollars of debt with an account I do not remember ever having, but they said would be willing to take 2000 if I paid today. I hung up and they immediately texted me asking why I hadn’t gone forward with setting up a payment. I started to question myself about this possible account so I went to the website and attempted chat. I told them that I wanted a confirmation/validation letter. I was told that they didn’t need to do this because it has passed the “validation period”. I said it was my right to receive one and the chat disappeared. Tried going off the website and back and still no chat. I then received a text saying they’d be willing to send me an email. I’d be shocked if this wasn’t a scam. Everything seems fishy, and I’m not sure a legit debt collector would accept 2000 rather than the full 6000 that’s supposedly owed. I’ll be waiting for the letter in the mail.


Guys I am employed in this company we are not scam. Let me explain we are buying those debts from other companies so we have only few informations. Why we don't answer on phones... Well we are 5 employed and hundreds thousands debtors.. if I spend 10 min on phone with each of them I will not have any collection per day. We send letters but sometimes this informations are outdated so you don't receive them

Bwahahahahahaha... instead of spending your time scam calling folks, you need to spend the time learning English grammar. It is, "with this company," not, "in this company." It is, "we have limited information," not, "only few informations." Sheesh! If folks put as much effort into knoweldge as they do into criminal activity, the world would be such a better place.

You must have failed your english classes. How's life in India? you are nothing but a low life thief. Why don't you get a real job and leave people alone. Everyone knows you are not a real company. Give it up!

Really? So where are you located? There's debt collectors all over the states with very few employees and they don't do business this way, so please tell another lie.

I don't believe you. I've dealt with debt collection agencies before and they always called from the same number and would allow me to speak to a live person. Considering I've never been able to speak to a real person and the company is trying to collect money from my dead mother, its a scammy scam scam.

They are definitely a scam. Legit collection companies are required to have mailing addresses and make those available. I asked for the address to send on a debt verification letter request and the person in the chat closed the chat down. As another person here noted the chat is not enabled even on closing and reopening the website. I'm filing a report with the FTC. CFPB is for legit companies engaged in sketchy/illegal practices--but this is an outright scam.

That's completely false. Third party debt collection practices act prohibits everything you're saying. There's no way this is a legit company. I will be filing a complaint with a better Business bureau. Oh wait there's already three complaints filed by other people. Stop with the scams.

But you’d still have the full information if you are buying those debts outright.

They are debt collectors. They will be persistent to collect bills. That is part their job like all of the other debt collectors.


Total scam no debt collectors. People with excellent credit are getting those calls. ASG recovers is a scam. There might be a company with a similar name though.

No they are not debt collectors. They don't have a business license in any of the 50 states.

Is their job to constantly harrass people and call the wrong person?

They can’t validate debt or follow regulations for debt collection, buys false debts and has no regard for exploiting people and harass people.

I don’t have anything in collection and they are contacting trying to say I do!

Check fields!

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