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Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Use ScamPulse to file a complaint. Reports & Reviews (139)

- Montrose, WV, USA

Used my business name and addresss and tried to bill me for $289 for services not delivered or requested.

Seem like we had ordered services from them when we had never contacted them before. We've contacted them requesting them to no longer contact us in those requests have been ignored.

Their fate billing invoice also includes information related to our hosting company as if somehow they're affiliated with that. They include our web site address they include the name of the domain register and they include the name servers that are set up with the domain registry company. Also the service they represent to the billing also appears to be misrepresented as you cannot even search the Internet to find a listing on their website.

It is very sad that they're scamming businesses for millions of dollars on a service that really doesn't exist through if a fake bill that does no ACPt provide any value to those being scammed.

also , on their website they showcase featured listings which are completely different than "standard listings"

My business received a letter in the mail that at first glance looks like a bill to pay in order to keep our domain name registration. It was from Upon further inspection and googling I realized that this was indeed not a bill for domain name registration. It is a solicitation to pay to have our company website listed on their directory website. I went through our QuickBooks activity from last year and we had paid them last year thinking that it was for website hosting. I went on the Domain Networks website and found that my company was indeed listed on their directory with nothing more than the information that can be gained by googling my company. In the small print of the mailer it says "this website listing offer is providing to leading websites throughout the United States to enhance their Website exposure and expose them to new customers through our directory." I emailed them and demanded a refund because; 1. their mailer was deceptive and predatory to people who do not know what website hosting is, 2. it is made to look like a bill bill and 3. they have no proof that their directory increased our company website exposure. I also said that I would report their company to the Better Business Bureau if they did not refund us. They said that they will send us a refund check but I doubt it will actually show up. We shall see.

I looked on and saw that a lot of other local companies are also listed on their website, meaning they also probably fell for this trick. It makes me really sad. It is a solicitation disguised as a bill. They are asking for $289/year to put the information from Google on the Domain Networks website to supposedly boost business exposure. Don't fall for this! Please google these companies when you get these mailers.

- Brooklyn, NY, USA

VERY misleading marketing material sent to look like an invoice

- Union, NJ, USA

We received a letter from which LOOKED like a bill. But it's not. Once you read the fine print, you can see it's a solicitation. But for those who have websites, this looks like a legit bill - which if you own a site, there are always yearly fees and such. So these people should be reprimanded and penalized by some means. This is truly devious and needs to be stopped so others aren't harmed.

We recevied postal mail saying we needed to pay $289 for an annual domain listing. While the fine print does acknowledge they "are not a domain registrar" the mail is designed to appear otherwise and is intentionally misleading. Anyone who is unfamiliar with how domain registration could easily be fooled by whether or not this is a necessary service or whether they need to remit payment to maintain their current registration status.

Scammer sends fake invoice for $289 to pay for internet domain name server that can be purchased directly from for $19.99. This is a deceptive and completely fraudulent scam.

- Santa Clarita, CA, USA

They try to send you a "bill". They don't actually have any service they are providing or a business. They are just collecting checks from people (businesses) who are not paying attention.

Our Pastor approved the check to Domain Networks, he assumed it was a legitimate invoice.

Domain Networks continues to send us an invoice for a domain which we have with another company. This is criminal that they continue to send us an invoice as if we are due to pay the invoice when we are not using them for our domain. This is a trick and a scam to steal money from us to pay this invoice.

was sent an invoice stating we owe $289 for a Annual Website Domain Listing from May 29, 2023 thru May 29, 2024. We have NOT done business with this company.

- Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Repeated case of fake domain renewal that includes an unrequested domain host update.


This company has tried several times to get me to pay for a renewal domain that doesn’t belong to them. They have a smart set up when you call the number. The recording says “thanks for calling” .. then it always goes into “please leave a message”

Each year, they send me a very convincing looking bill for what looks like domain renewals. Only problem: I use The first time I saw one of these, I thought it was my legit renewal bill. I was almost convinced. What saved me is my being a cheapskate: I ain't paying $289 just to register one domain. That's far more than I'm paying per year.

Also, they're NOT registering any domains: "We are not a domain registrar" they say on the back of the bill - instead they claim to encourage traffic to your domain by adding you to their "directory." What nonsense!

Domain Network annually sends out fishing mail made to look like a bill. It is an obvious attempt to fool vulnerable people into paying for their "services." This is a predatory practice from a predatory company.

- Peculiar, MO, USA

I get a letter from this "marketing service" every year making me think we owe for our domain name. We use Go Daddy and the domain name automatically renews every year. I called Go Daddy yesterday and asked them about this letter and they told me that they get numerous calls a day from customers who get this in the mail from Domain Networks. .

The president of our non-profit came to meeting with a bill that she thought was too high. I knew the price was in the 20 dollar range. I researched it and indeed we pay automatically.

The company Domain Networks (Website: ; Physical Address: 530B Harkle Road Ste 100, Santa Fe, NM 87505) is a scam company that just sent us a fake invoice in the mail in attempt to scam us into paying for some sort of "service" that they refuse to even fully describe on the invoice. Googling this company and their website, it is abundantly clear that they are scammers. I am attaching a copy of the invoice that they sent to my business for your review. you can see that this invoice is designed with the intent of deceiving companies into submitting payment for what - at first glance - appears to be a "bill" relating to my company's website. It is deceptive in nature and it appears that many, many companies have actually been scammed by this fake invoice from "". Thanks for your time. Please do whatever is within your power to see that this website is shut down on the basis of scamming and/or fraud.

- Cedar Rapids, IA, USA

We received an invoice that said Marketing Services, Annual Domain / business Listing on We received another invoice for the same amount but for our other company that changed the name over two years ago.

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