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- Minneapolis, MN, USA

Fake Bill

The domain for the restaurant was about to expire and they sent a slip which looks like a domain renewal until you read it. It does clearly state that it is for promotion and advertisement, however it can be easily misconstrued as a domain renewal given the name of the company.

- Lexington, SC, USA

This company continually sends out a bill to look realistic for web site domains and marketing services. It request payment by a certain date. It is fake.

- East Aurora, NY, USA

Domain Networks sent what looks like a bill for $289 for Annual Domain/Business Listing. The entire mailing looks exactly like a bill. After looking closely, in small print it states, "this is not a blill. You are under no obligation to pay the amount stated above." This is a very deceptive mailing with the goal of getting somebody in a hurry or the bill payer of a company to go ahead and pay. Very deceptive.

Misguiding letter received. Seems like it states I owe money for domain registration, very misleading. I imagine they collect lots of money from people who don't know what they are selling. It's an 'offer' but it looks like they are threatening domain closure.....

This is the second letter we have received from this company in the form of an invoice to renew our website domain.

An invoice letter was sent to my business address and looks like an actual invoice, The call out for me was the price as it was more than I paid last year, and I didn't recall the service I use (the real one) sending me a mailed invoice, but usually an email reminder to log into my account.

The letter has DNS details that make it seem real, but my website service advised they can't hide this detail and scammers surf through by gathering this information and making a try to see who makes the bait. Always remember to reach out to your actual service company to inquire, as I did. It was confirmed they did not send this fake.

I needed to renew my domain. It is legitimately expiring this month.

I contacted my web developer who advised that they own the domain and it’s $200 for 2 years plus install a firewall.

Our business received a realistic looking invoice for a Domain Name for our business website. We already own the domain name. The invoice does list that it is a solicitation but the document itself is very misleading and even predatory. Older businesses that are not internet/tech savvy could be susceptible to this solicitation.

Scammer sent bogus bill saying I had to pay them for my annual business website domain. Looks legitimate - if I didn't know who I actually make this payment too, I could've been tricked.

They send a letter that looks like a bill. Make it out that we need to submit a payment for services for our domain, which we use another company for. They have been sending it for years.

I received a bill like notice for my Domain web site and this is not the Company that I have. It looks just like a bill. Stated from March 4 2023 thru March 4 2024 ..... If you are not aware or read it closely people I am sure will send

them money. I think this is terrible business and I am knowing you can stop them

Received multiple mailings asking for money as an "annual" payment for website listing.

Received a letter from them, front and back, so two pages, that was an invoice for my annual domain listing. I don't get my website or domain name through this company, and they also list the wrong expiration of the domain. There is ONE line in the middle of the first page at the end of a paragraph that says "This is not a bill. This is a solicitation." But everything else on the front and back of this piece of paper appears to be a legitimate invoice. Someone not paying close enough attention would go ahead and pay it. And what I'm assuming that would do is take your domain listing from where you currently have it to them, totally messing up everything.

Bill with tear off, impersonating a Domain renewal notice - with fine print that it is a solicitation for "marketing services". All other features, indicates that the document is serving as a bill.

Domain Networks sends a document that in every way looks like an invoice with the exception of one line on a two page document that states it is a solicitation. Technically it may be legal, but from an ethical standpoint is way over the line. I send a note each year strongly requesting they remove us from the distribution list.

I have been receiving bills for marketing services for about 5 years. The first year I paid it, but it wasn't for any services that they provided. They still send me information yearly to collect again.

I received a piece of mail that looked like a bill for annual website listing in the amount of $289.

We receive an invoice in the mail requesting payment of $289 for "listing maintenance" of our website domain name. This invoice is invalid/fraud because we purchase our domain through GoDaddy and it was sent to the wrong location for billing.

- Fort Worth, TX, USA

A document asking for payment for domain renewal from a company at a ridiculously high cost. Very deceptive wording. You must read very carefully that this is a solicitation and not a bill.

This is a very deceptive company…if they are really a domain hosting company.

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