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Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Use ScamPulse to file a complaint. Reports & Reviews (139)

On first look it appears to be a Bill "Not" It is a semi well written sales pitch. I really don't like this type of deception as my billing dept. my have paid it. It should be "This is not a Bill" in bold obvious print. Because on its face it does appear to be a bill.
Pretends to be a bill


Sent what looks like a bill to my church for a website domain that we already own

This “company” has been sending me invoices with payment amounts of $289.00. The first communicated I needed to pay to keep my domain active, even though I have never used this company for my domain or website. The second invoice, also for $289.00 communicated I need to submit my payment by July 28, 2022. This company is sending what looks like legitimate invoices to businesses that do not use this “services”. They are preying on people and circumstances in hopes they can get money from people who are not even their customers! So terrible!

Domain Networks sends your company an invoice by standard mail for an annual website domain listing.

I received an invoice for continuing to have my website maintained. The fee was $289/year, with a field for filling out credit card info and mailing it back.

I received a "bill" in the mail from Domain Networks making it look as though I needed to pay them $289 for my website. I contacted my web host and they assured me that these guys were trying to charge me for something I don't need. In small print it says it's for exposure, but even there it was misleading, not saying what they were actually doing. These guys are crooks in my opinion

We received an offer from Domain Networks disguised to look like a bill. It gives our website domain information, and under DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES, says ANNUAL WEBSITE DOMAIN LISTING $289. Deadline: Upon receipt. It looks like a web domain registrar service, a valid and necessary service that's part of having a website.

It is not. In fine, italicized print they state that they "are not a domain registrar and [they] do not Register or Renew Domain Names."

Based on their reviews, many people have been fooled. It does state in fine, italicized print that this is not a bill. But it is very obvious that they are attempting to trick people into signing up for their useless "service."

At least they haven't raised their prices, judging again from the people who fell for this and then reviewed them on BBB.

We received a bill in the US Mail for our Internet domain name that we registered through another company. The bill is for annual renewal of the domain for $289, and is a scam. It lists our company name, domain name, and a code to use for payment.

I received a bill to renew the hosting of my website from Domain Networks. I called the firm that does host my site and they said they did not send this nor are they affiliated with them.

My business received an invoice for $289 for "Annual Website Domain Listing." The fine print says that I was under no obligation to pay the amount of the invoice. Their marketing may be technically legal, but it is very misleading. The statement looks like a bill that needs to be paid by May 21, 2022. Clearly a bad actor, even if their methods are strictly legal. I did not pay the bill, but I was confused by it.

Received what appears to be an invoice in the amount of $289 for my business domain claiming to be for a domain listing. On closer inspection you read that it is a solicitation but it’s designed in a way to scare up a payment from someone who may not be savvy. Un scrupulous marketing.

This business is not the registrar of the domain name for my client. I handle their domain registrations and then bill them. This business is posing as the registrar and billing my client for hundreds of dollars when the registration cost is about $15. This is happening to more than one of my clients. Thank goodness, they did not fall for the scheme and checked with me first.

This company sends out fake invoices saying they do "marketing services" for your business website. The invoice says due on receipt. They masquerade as a domain provider, and they list your business domain, but are in fact scamming companies. I've received one invoice a year for the last couple years; I'm surprised they are still allowed to be in business.

I received a "marketing services" invoice saying "Annual Website Domain Listing: $289

Domain Networks is not a registrar, but in finer print says it "enhances website exposure". Of course this is very deviant as some people may pay this thinking it is to keep their domain name, do not pay.

Received very legitimate looking bill from this company, regarding our business website domain. Had nevwr receivanything like this before, nor heard of this company! Contacted the company that handles our website, and they said it was a scam. DO NOT PAY from this invoice if you receive one!

Domain Networks sends out solicitations which are designed to look like bills, rather than offers (gives an invoice number, says "please remit payment number", gives a due date, provides a return envelope requiring postage). You need to read the smaller print to see that it's really a solicitation.

Fake bill for domain registration sent to individual schools hoping they would just pay it without checking with the IT department. Our state takes care of that for us.

Looks like a bill that needs to be paid at first glance. Asking for $289 for annual website domain listing. (which is usually around 12-20 dollars)

Check fields!


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